Bible Predestination Series - Who is the Elect

Who is the Elect?

An elect is about representation. The elect represents others. I see many focus so much on the Bible written to the elect and about the elect that they forgot the point of the elect was to represent all of mankind. 

It's not the Calvinist notion that God predestined which humans would be saved and which would not.

The elect started with Shem chosen, then Noah then Abraham and from him all nations would be blessed.

The elect was the remnant of Israel of faith, who then like Abraham lived by faith instead of relying on the law.

The elect back then that Paul referred to in the first century were preserved but the rest was of Israel was blinded.

Romans 11:7 "What then? Israel has not obtained what it seeks; but the elect have obtained it, and the rest were blinded."

So the elect was shown to be not just the seed of Abraham but those who lived by faith.

Election was about the chosen generation of the first century who were "elected" or "chosen" to be the bride of Christ.

There is no single elect whom God is only wooing. Christ was the Destined Elect.

Israel was the first one elected to be the agency by which salvation was to come to the entire world.

This was the predestined way for salvation to come to the earth as God chose before the foundation of the earth that it had to be chosen in Christ as Ephesians said. This is the true predestination - in Christ.

Christ as the Branch became the elected one out of Israel.  CHRIST IS THE FINAL ELECT.

I don't hold to replacement theology also, but Christ replaced Adam, Christ replaced Israel.

Christ is the elect and scripture about the elect in Isaiah in a referred to Israel, as the shadow, the type, yet the apostles applied it to Christ, the Anti-type.

Christ is the true vine, not Israel. When that was mentioned that Christ was the vine it would have recalibrated the Jewish hearers who thought Israel was the vine.

That's why the Israel root was cut down and Christ was identified as the root of Jesse, the Branch, the cornerstone.

Yet Christ replaced no one. He was the Anti-Type, the First. Everything else was just a type and shadow.

This is not replacement theology. IT is according TO FAITH of All those who are in Christ, consisting of people of FAITH from Old including Jews, Gentiles, Old Testament saints, New Testament converts, believers today, circumcised, uncircumcised, who believed. They are in Christ and are Israel.

It's Christ fulfilled theology not replacement theology.

It's Christ only. The beginning and the end.


Read the entire series here:

  1. Biblical Predestination Part 1 - Foreknowledge
  2. Biblical Predestination Part 2 - Foreknowledge
  3. Biblical Predestination Part 3 - Did Christ Die Only for the Elect
  4. Biblical Predestination Part 4 - Is Salvation Only for the Elect
  5. Biblical Predestination Part 5 - Rom 9 History of the Elect
  6. Biblical Predestination Part 6 - What About the Restoration of Israel
  7. Biblical Predestination Part 7 - Election is Not About Heaven or Hell by Chris Kauffman


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