The Ten Commandments: How Do You Like that Veil when you Read the Bible? I Rather a Mirror

Are you so Focused on the Ten Commandments that you have a Veil over your understanding?

2 Cor 3:12-18 Therefore, since we have such hope, we use great boldness of speech— 13 unlike Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what was passing away. 14 But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. 15 But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart.16 Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. 18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Many people who read the bible do so with a huge veil over their understanding, especially concerning the writings of the Old Testament (OT).

We certainly can and should read the OT and its commentary but we must absolutely recognize that without proper understanding that All the Old Covenant was fulfilled with Christ  we would be reading it with a veil, that remains unlifted.

How many times have you heard- "But you should not eat pork, or you should not shave, because the bible says so" ?  Or that "God condone slavery, or degradation of women, or war etc"?  I will deal with these in subsequent posts.

Old Covenant is Dead

The Old Covenant is no more.  I repeat, the Old Covenant is no more.  It expired in AD 70 with the destruction of Jerusalem. That is why we do not keep it. 

This means we have nothing to with the Shemitahs, Sabbaths, feasts etc, as per the letter.  The Spirit of the Lord is Here, I repeat, the Spirit of the Lord is here.  He is the Shemitah, Sabbath and all the Feasts.

Any principles we find therein must be viewed in the proper lens of the liberty in Christ that does the true transformation work, not the Old Covenant which cannot transform the heart.

The Ten commandments are actual prophetic of how Christ is responsible to transform us to fulfill them..

For example "You shall Not Lie" in the New Covenant is "The truth will make you free. I am the truth. You love the truth, that you have no desire to lie"

We instead need a Mirror not a Veil. 

Divine Technology Upgraded

Do you know why Moses covered his face with a veil?  It was NOT because the Glory was too much for Israel to see as is commonly taught.  It was because the Glory on his face was fading much to the his shock.  Moses did not want Israel to witness the Glory fading away from his face .  "Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what [The Glory which] was passing away"

So from this we can see that:

The Veil hides God face, hides our face, creates masks, puts makeup on, and hides the fact that any change that occurs is not permanent and keeps passing away.  Whatever morsel of glory obtained in the old wine, in the old order always faded away, which leads to frustration.

The Mirror reveals God's face, reveals our face, and reveals the image we are permanently being transformed to, with increasing lasting impact.


So  when Moses was read, a veil covered the heart.

When we turn to Christ He instead presents a mirror to show our faces transformed into His Image.

The veil is our perception of God in reading the Old System blocking access to who truly God is.

The Mirror shows exactly who God is like, His exact Image (Christ); He is the One who has forgiven every sin, and one who is not full of condemnation. This should be our image also.

The Veil = Outwards Actions, no internal change.
The Mirror = Internal Transactions of the Heart.

Here are some examples.  Notice the emphasis on the heart vs. outward actions.

Ten Commandments:

Commandment 1:

  • Veil: You shall have no other gods before Me.
  • Mirror: Love the Lord Your God with all your heart, soul, mind.  You have seen my love.  It takes away the desire to go whoring, after anyone else who says he or she should be your god.

Commandment 2:

  • Veil: You shall not make idols.
  • Mirror: You have seen me [Christ]. You have seen the Father. I'm the image you seek. Idols of the Heart are dangerous

Commandment 3:

  • Veil: You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
  • Mirror: I have placed my Name on you.  You are now carriers of my Name.  This takes away even the desire to disparage My Name for doing so you would disparage yourself.

Commandment 4:

  • Veil: Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
  • Mirror: The Sabbath is a Person; Christ.  Bring your heavy burdens and rest in Him.  He carried the load of the whole world.  If your heart is burdened, there is no Sabbath in you.

Commandment 5:

  • Veil: Honor your father and your mother.
  • Mirror: Yes, and honor those who do the will of God. Love others as Christ has Love you. That is the only commandment.
    Finally I, Christ will change you, so that you will be a father to orphans, a help to disenfranchised and to women. That is only true religion.

Commandment 6:

  • Veil: You shall not murder.
  • Mirror: Stop being offended so easily.  Refuse to be offended. Don't get angry without a cause. Look at your heart. Always reconcile first.  Love others as Christ has Love you.  Finally I, Christ will change you so thoroughly, that you will be incapable of murder.  That was my true intention.

Commandment 7:

  • Veil: You shall not commit adultery.
  • Mirror: Adultery stars with lusts of the heart. Appreciate beauty, but deny lust. Lusting indicates that you are hungry.  Hunger and thirst after me and you would be filled.  Look at your heart. Love others as Christ has Love you.  Finally I, Christ will change you so thoroughly, that you will be incapable of adultery. That was my true intention.

Commandment 8:

  • Veil: You shall not steal.
  • Mirror: You are not a thief.  I have made you a restorer. Love others as Christ has Love you.  Finally I, Christ will change you so thoroughly, that you will be incapable of stealing. That was my true intention.

Commandment 9:

  • Veil: You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • Mirror: The truth will make you free.  I am the truth.  You love the truth now don't you.  You will love the truth that you have no desire to lie. You rather mercy over judgment now. Love others as Christ has Love you.  Finally I, Christ will change you so thoroughly, that you will not be incapable of being a false witness. That was my true intention.

Commandment 10:

  • Veil: You shall not covet. 
  • Mirror: Your heart has learned to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice.  Love others as Christ has Love you.  Finally I, Christ will change you so thoroughly, that you will be incapable of coveting. That was my true intention.



Do you know why Moses covered his face with a veil? It was NOT because the Glory was too much for Israel to see as is commonly taught. It was because the Glory on his face was fading [I am sure much to his shock].

Moses did not want Israel to witness the Glory fading away from his face. "Moses, who put a veil over his face so that the children of Israel could not look steadily at the end of what [The Glory which] was passing away"

So from this we can see that:
  • The Veil hides God face, hides our face, creates masks, puts makeup on, and hides the fact that any change that occurs is not permanent and keeps passing away. Whatever morsel of glory obtained in the old wine, in the old order always faded away, which leads to frustration.
  • The Mirror reveals God's face, reveals our face, and reveals the image we are permanently being transformed to with increasing lasting impact.
The Veil = Outwards Actions, no internal change.
The Mirror = Internal Transactions of the Heart.

"For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ. ...But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord"

Please see all Blog readings in the Full Series: Jesus is Greater than the 10 Commandments Series



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