Day 49, February 18 Bible Reading

Day 49,  February 18

Ex. 39:1-32 The Israelites make the priests’ garments

Ex. 39:33 – 40:33 The inspection, set-up, and consecration of the tabernacle

Ex. 40:34-38  The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle

As I read these passages I couldn’t help but wonder why Moses didn't save himself four chapters of documentation and just simply wrote, “..and Bezalel and Aholiab completed all that God commanded and the tabernacle was built. Amen ☺ “

As you read this passage, let us be reminded that the Melchizedek, the King of Kings was supposed to be BOTH King and Priest. Christ is Both King and High Priest. Later on as we read through the story of the Bible, we would see where that split occurred. After Ephraim and Judah, the Birthright of Kingship and Fruitfulness were transferred to the entire nation. The Levis were separated as representative of the fruitfulness, as they were taken and consecrated unto God instead of all the firstborn of Israel, as God redeemed the firstborn of Egypt.  So Levi was the remnant hat represented the entire fruitful vine, Israel, and God was the King.  Together they were one, the birthright.  Later you would see when the people rejected God as King and split the birthright again, until Christ joined the two sticks, Ephraim and Judah and joined the birthright components of King and kingdom once again.

Ex. 39:1-32 The Israelites make the priests’ garments

  • Ex 39:1 Time to make that one size fit all High Priest, three piece suit out of blue, purple, scarlet

  • Ex 39:2-7  The Ephod that will contain the breastplate, onyx stones, Urim and Thummin is not being made. Notice all the work involved, including weaving, beating gold into thin sheets, and having to sew in blue, purple, scarlet threads and find linen. 

  • Ex 39:8-21 Since we described in great detail the breastplate before, we won’t repeat it here.  As you read it, get immersed in all of the details, the workmanship required, the precision with the rows of stones, engravings, chains, braided cords of pure gold, settings etc as the breastplate was made.

  • Ex 39:22-26 The blue robe wish goes under the ephod with the hem of pomegranates and golden bells are made next

  • Ex 39:27-29 Now for the fine linen underwear.  Incidentally, Mormons were white linen undergarments just because they see that the priests wore linen. I prefer cotton

  • Ex 39:30-31 The crown or turban of pure gold was made.

  • Ex 39:32 After 80 days of two round trips to Mt. Sinai and how many more days later to the work of the tabernacle was completed.

Ex. 39:33 – 40:33 The inspection, set-up, and consecration of the tabernacle

  • Ex 39:33-41 they brought the tabernacle with all of its accoutrements, to Moses including the priest garments

  • Ex 39:42-43 Moses inspected the work, and saw that they had indeed done it as the Lord had commanded to His specifications.  This is one of the few times recorded in scripture that Israel did exactly as God wanted.

  • Ex 40:1-8 Exactly on the day that was designated as the first day of the first month when they left Egypt (they officially left on the Passover, the 14th), they erected the tabernacle.

  • Remember also that around the 49th day, just in time for Pentecost, they arrived at Mt. Sinai.  So they have spent some nine months at this location (including Moses’ sojourn on the mountain for at least 80 days and nights).  God now has added another significant birth period for them.  This was their second birth as a spiritual nation, as a representative of His upon the earth.  This was significant.

  • Ex 40:9-11 Moses took the anointing oil and anointed the tabernacle, utensils, altar fir burnt offering, the bronze laver and its base and consecrated them all.

  • Ex 40:12-16 Aaron and his sons had to wash with water at the door of the tabernacle and outfitted with their hold garments.

  • Ex 40:17-33 Now it is Moses’ turn to finish the work. The artisans did they work. Moses as God’s representative finished setting up the tabernacle: the ark, the table of shewbread, lampstand, had it lit, the golden altar of incense and burned the sweet incense on it, the screen door, the burnt offering altar, the laver for washing , everything.


Ex. 40:34-38  The glory of the Lord fills the tabernacle

  • Now for the final finish touch - God filling it with His Glory, so much so that Moses could not even enter. This was much more concentrated than at Mt. Sinai. There was also a pillar of cloud above it.  Think of the phrase “Christ coming in the clouds”.  Hold that thought. We will address this as we continue to read the scripture but it is good to get a mental picture of this first. When the cloud was taken up, Israel would move.  At night it turned into Fire.

  • In the Bible it is also interested to track the journey of God’s Glory.  It started here at Moses Tabernacle, then moved with the people until Shiloh in the promised land. At Shiloh because of Eli the high priest and the wickedness of Israel, it departed, Ichabod, the Glory has departed. It left for a long time while the ark was with the Philistines.  It never really returned until Solomon built the temple, and dedicated it.  Then it returned. It stayed until Babylon destroyed the temple.  Ezekiel 10 and 11, showed the Glory leaving from the Mercy Seat, from the ark, walking out of the temple and settling on the Mount of Olives waiting for something.  Well guess who it was waiting for on the Mount? Christ, the very Glory of God embodied received back the Glory (remember HIS prayer? And ascended with it.  Then He disbursed a downpayment of His Glory in the form of His Spirit in the Church, His new Temple.  That is why the Glory is to be revealed in A PEOPLE. That is the History of God moving House, of the journey of the Glory of God.


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