After AD70 Then What Part 1

This was written in 1914...

"Without a doubt we are in the fringes of Tribulation Days, and all these catastrophes that are occurring on the earth, such as the destruction of cities by fires and earthquakes... are the beginning of sorrows.

This is an indication that we are in the last days of this Dispensation, at which time the Antichrist, according to the Scripture, will make his appearance. We believe he is already on the earth, and will be manifested to the world in the fullness of time."
-Confidence Magazine, 1914.

Since the beginning of time, every year seems to be the beginning of sorrows. Just look at this list of last days complied on wikipedia.  It is laughable.

Here is the Good news. This was all fulfilled in the first century. The last days of the end of the AGE of Old Covenant, (the bible never talks about the end of the world, nor the end of time, but the time of the end of the age of Moses, or the Old Covenant. It was the end of their world as they knew it. This was the whole reason that the New Testament was written)"

of us who hold to an AD 70 view where we acknowledged the Old Covenant ended, and the New Covenant and the ever increasing Kingdom is here, the inevitable question is now what?

We all know the futility of looking at world events and identifying every crisis as a "sign" that the end is near.

There is NO end time event happening now.

What God is interested in, is all the nations of the world actively becoming and experiencing the Kingdom or our God. And how that takes place is not through whether Syria or North Korea is an end time apocalyptic event.

What God is more interested in, is a world event of people all over the globe who are truly Kingdom, so that when nations ask us "Show us your ways", we have been living it.

We are supposed to be the mountain of the Lord's House where nations ask "show us your ways."

Right now our "Christian" ways are too embarrassing and unintelligent to even show, much less requested by others.

Nations don't want to know about your prophetic line and how people are slain by the spirit.

Nations would be asking to "show us your ways", not "show us your theology or political ideology".

Nations are interested in systems, and a systemic approach to life, for example:

- how are you able to successfully manage life,
- how are you, the church able to bring people together for a common goal, without coercion, taxation,
- how did you manage to heal people,
- eradicate corruption,
- bring peace,
- have marriages that last,
- suffer through crisis but yet be mature,
- bring up children that do not collapse,
- love one another across geographical boundaries,
- submit to one another,
- value the other better than yourself....

That is the world event, God is only interested in.

How can the Body of Christ implement systems and training, to bring up generation after generation of stellar human beings, extremely productive in society, and who live out Kingdom and His righteousness and impact redemptively this society. Now that is Christ.

That is the impact of Christ and His Kingdom.

That's the visible influence, impact, exertion of the Kingdom on these lives of men and systems of this earth.

That is the "world event" we should be interested in, happening every day in people's lives as they become more mature.

That is the "world event" we should be interested in, creating systems as the Body of Christ so that when a school has a potential next shooter on their hands, they can turn to us, to restore such a human, because we have a system that works.

That is what I am interested in, more than whether North Korea begins world war 3

And that is New Covenant life, fueled by the finished work of Christ.

So in Conclusion:
  • No need for a timeline. Christ is our timeline.
  • Resurrection is a Person, not a Day in the New Covenant.
  • Sabbath is a Person, not a Day in the New Covenant.
  • Now is the time for the Kingdom of God to be the main message and focus of the Church, not who is republican or democrat, pr how many earthquakes are taking place.
  • But the ever present reality of the Kingdom of God is not the focus.
  • The true timeline is for the Knowledge of the Glory of God to cover the earth as the water covers the sea. The true timeline is for the Kingdom of God like a stone to grow to a mountain to cover the earth.
  • Christ is always coming, always present. If He chooses to have a reformation or revival to accelerate it, so be it. I will leave it up to Him.


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