Are the Ten Commandments for Today?

Objection: The Ten Commandments Still Apply

"Show me a verse where the Savior disavowed the Ten Commandments and said they didn't apply anymore. He fulfilled away the Law of Moses, which was a law of carnal commandments and animal sacrifice, but the Ten Commandments were not part of the Law of Moses. The Ten Commandments are for all time."


No it wasn't. Do you keep the Sabbath? All of it not just the 7th week but the 7th month the 7th year and the 7th 7th year?

The Old Covenant was only for Israel. That includes the ten commandments.

Quoting Matt 5:17-19 in this context shows a lack of understanding of timing.

17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill. 18 For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. 19 Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

At the time this was said, the law of Moses was still in effect before Christ went to the cross when the Old Covenant became obsolete and decayed until it completely vanished away in AD 70 when the temple was destroyed.

Hebrews 8:13
In that He says, “A new covenant,” He has made the first obsolete. Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.

The law which was only for Israel was fulfilled by Christ.

We live by faith. Faith was before the law, during the law and after the law.

We don't obey the ten commandments per se. We live by the law of love and faith. Faith is living by His Voice and deferring your preferences to His, wholly adopting His nature.

Adopting His nature means we don't lie, covet etc. It's not about following the 10 commandments.

There is a big difference between Old Covenant, (the old arrangement by which the law is fulfilled) and the Law of God itself. That's key.

Paul said in Galatians "All these foolish Christians who think they are under law, who has bewitched you?" Where was your sacrifice this morning?

You are living by faith at least you are supposed to.

Why do we love Moses so much over Christ?

Instead of focusing on and advocate for the ten commandments, focus on the beatitudes.

Pastor Kelvin Mohammed said:

Christ fulfilled the law. You cannot keep the Sabbath. Christ is your Sabbath.

Christ, did not dismiss the law. He not only fulfilled the law, but He revealed the higher way the law was to be fulfilled. He saved the law from embarrassment because without Christ the law would have been a failure. Hence faith establishes the law. But how does it establish the law? By a new arrangement called the New Covenant where the law is a response of the heart in relationship to Him, not by the Old Arrangement of an external stimuli to tablets of stones.

Christ dismissed the old thinking and the old arrangement as soon as He pronounced "you have heard that it was said [from Moses]...but I say unto you".

"For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ." [John 1:17] <--- THIS IS KEY.

Finally when something is summed into another, the aggregate sum is the emphasis, the point of the matter, not the individual components. It does not dismiss the components, but it fulfills their purpose.

So when 1 + 3 =4, 1 and 3 fulfills its purpose by having it's resolution be found in the number 4. The Number 4 is the point. If you focus on the 1, or the 3, you will only see in part and will miss it.

So when love fulfills the law, all of it, not just the 10 commandments, love is the real emphasis and the point of the matter. Focus on 10 commandments or even so called moral law out of the 613 laws, misses the point.

It is the same concept when Paul mentioned that Christ is/ will be the sum of all things in the heaven, and earth <-- the GATHERING INTO ONE concept.


Objection: The Ten Commandments Are Kept Still

"The Law of Moses was fulfilled, but The Ten Commandments stand the test of time. Which of them do you choose not to keep? I keep them all."


Then once again, do you keep the Sabbath?

In the New Covenant, the New Arrangement, Christ is the Sabbath. It is a Person.

We live by Faith according to His Preferences. Yes the law is written on our hearts. We have a high priest. He is it. We don;t murder, because He does not. We honor our mother and fathers because of Him, not because of a commandment so to speak.

So yes, we still fulfill the law, and the commandments because it is summed up in one commandment - Love.

The New Covenant is the new arrangement by which the law is fulfilled in Christ, in us.  

The beatitudes is what Christ emphasized.

"For some reason, the most vocal Christians among us never mention the Beatitudes (Matthew 5). But, often with tears in their eyes, they demand that the Ten Commandments be posted in public buildings. And of course, that's Moses, not Jesus. I haven't heard one of them demand that the Sermon on the Mount, the Beatitudes, be posted anywhere. 'Blessed are the merciful' in a courtroom? 'Blessed are the peacemakers' in the Pentagon? Give me a break!" - Kurt Vonnegut"

Instead of posting the ten commandments, post the sermon on the mount.

Law come through Moses, grace and truth through Christ.

The Old Covenant was only for Israel, anyway, not for America, Trinidad, China. That includes the ten commandments.

The law was still in effect before Christ went to the cross when the Old Covenant became obsolete and decayed until it completely vanished away in AD 70 when the temple was destroyed.

The law which was only for Israel was fulfilled.

We live by faith. Faith was before the law, during the law and after the law.

We don't obey the ten commandments per se. We live by the law of love and faith. Faith is living by His Voice and deferring your preferences to His, whole adopting His nature.

Adopting His nature means we don't lie, covet, steal, commit adultery etc.

The Sabbath was particular to ISRAEL only.

Now Jesus is our Sabbath.

It's not about following the 10 commandments per se.

The letter kills. The Spirit gives life.

The Letter says "Do not lie".. but it has no power to make that a reality. That is why the Old Covenant passed awat.

But the law of faith, and the Spirit says instead, not only for example "You shall Not Lie" in the New Covenant is "The truth will make you free. I am the truth. You love the truth, that you have no desire to lie"

The Ten commandments are actual prophetic of how Christ is responsible to transform us to fulfill them..


Objection: Did YAHUSHA (jesus) abolish the Law (TORAH)? No

Did YAHUSHA (jesus) abolish the Law (TORAH)
Not if you take him at his word. He said the law remains until ALL be fulfilled. Is there more still to be fulfilled or has everything in the scriptures be accomplished?


Christ fulfilled it already man.

Paul says only the doers of the law shall be justified.

Romans 2:13
(for not the hearers of the law are just in the sight of God, but the doers of the law will be justified;

Yet he says paradoxically that by the deeds of the law it is impossible to be justified.

Romans 3:20
Therefore by the deeds of the law no flesh will be justified in His sight, for by the law is the knowledge of sin.

This is a paradox. How can one be justified as a doer of the law if he cannot be justified by following the letter of the law? If you try to do the law, all 613 of them, you will not even be considered.

How can you then be a doer of the law without even doing the law?

Answer: the just shall live by faith.

Faith establishes the law and causes you to be a doer, without performing all the deeds of the law.

Romans 3:28
Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith apart from the deeds of the law.

Romans 3:31
Do we then make void the law through faith? Certainly not! On the contrary, we establish the law.

Faith saves the law from embarrassment as alone it cannot justify anyone.

But Christ fulfilled the law. Now we live by faith and also fulfill the law as a doer with out maniacally following the letter of the law.

Please see all Blog readings in the Full Series: Jesus is Greater than the 10 Commandments Series




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