Is Everything According to Gods Plan? Sovereign Will Part 1


  1. Why do we pray for God's will to be done if it is always done? What am I missing? Did he not know about it after all since the beginning?

  2. So if we deliberately don't do God's will, do we say, well he knew from the beginning that this will happen anyway? Why not? It's part of His Plan!

  3. There are many times God's will is not done. God's will, is and will always be done. Both statements are true? Do you agree or not?


  • "Sovereign Will vs Permissive Will. God will permit us to do whatever we like, but eventually His Sovereign Will will be completed. Perfectly. No matter how well we play the game of Cosmic Chess against the Master of the Universe, He will win." - Andre van der Sandt

  • "God's will is not done because man is flawed. Man makes wrong decisions sometimes when he uses his gift of free will. In which there is a lesson he will learn that will ultimately become God's will." - Ricky Diggs

  • "His sovereign plan happens, yet His will is not always done on earth. 

    The thing about this is: God's purposes (His ultimate will and designs) are sovereign and will ultimately come to pass. Nevertheless, on the earth, we have to wrestle to see His will accomplished. The bible says, let Your will be accomplished on the earth as it's done in heaven.
    So, because we DO actually wrestle against principalities, powers, dominions, and such that are not flesh and blood, we have to pray, believe, warfare, and stand in order to see His sovereign will." - E. Keith Ealy

Yes. You are free to choose, but you are not free from the consequences of your choice.

Only one sapient Being can both choose and determine the consequence and outcome of all choices. - Christ

You are free to choose [so that Christ's will and preferences are not done] but since you are not free from the consequences of your choice, at the end of the day, only His purpose and Will, will be done.


This is something most believers struggle with. However it is good to first understand that there are two words for will/ plan, used in scripture.

God’s Will is Thelema & God’s Plan is Boulema.

God's Will [Thelema] is subjected to His Plan [Boulema]. His Plan [Boulema] Always Prevails.

God's Plan [Boulema] will always be accomplished.

However in time God's will can be resisted and humans can do things not accordance to His will. However even if things occur (like the fall of man), that was NOT according to His Will, His Plan will be accomplished in spite of any setbacks in time.

If someone chooses not do according to His Will he can always choose someone else.

Remember when He told Moses to set aside, so that He can destroy Israel, and He will make out of Moses a great people instead? They did not do according to His Will, even according to His Plan (Thelema) in time, but His Plan (Boulema) will always prevail, as He would still have His promise to Abraham fulfilled regardless.

As another example Pharaoh resisted God's thelema-will, but he could not resist the boulema-plan.
This is a key distinction. Many believers and others don't realize that NOT everything that happens is all according to God's Will/ Plan [Thelema].

Sickness is not according to God’s Will/ Plan but it can be used for His Glory (His ultimate Plan) [John 9:1-3]

Atrocities and tragedies like the one in San Bernadino, or Paris are not part of God's Will. Never say this was part of God's Will. It isn't. This is a poor attempt to explain why tragedies occur on the first place.

However God's Ultimate Plan [Boulema] is IN SPITE OF the tragedies. In other words God's Plan (Boulema) does not include these tragedies and most importantly the true Gospel or the Good News is that these tragedies WILL NOT DERAIL God's Plan. 

 The Biblically Accurate perspective is that no matter what happens, nothing that happens, whether it has a reason or not will derail God's Plan [Boulema].

His Plan [Boulema] will prevail inspite of any setbacks, perceived darkness, no matter how many things go wrong, no matter how many offenses there were in this world.


So What Exactly is God's Plan that WILL PREVAIL

Here is God’s Plan: That out of Him through Him and Back to Him are All things. That the Whole Earth would be fully restored. All accomplished in and through Christ.

The Life of Christ showed that Death and Tragedy is not a match for Him. He eats Death and Tragedy for breakfast.

Here is a key principle: One tragedy, One offense, one bad thing that happens can result in sadness, judgment, disappointment. That one offense was not according to God’s Will. However God’s Plan is such, that even with all offenses compounded, from all humans who have ever lived, over all ages, it can still result in everything being resolvedm being justified, being set right. That is the Gift of God.

This is precisely what was articulated by Paul in the following

And the gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned. For the judgment which came from one offense resulted in condemnation, but the free gift which came from many offenses resulted in justification. - Paul [Roms. 5:16]

So we should stop saying when tragedies occur, they are part of His Plan. Tragedies are part of a deranged man's plan due to darkness in man.

We should say that: His Plan is IN Spite of the darkness, light and love will win in the end. Darkness is and will be no more.

"Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, goodwill to all men"



Let's apply this to a real world example.  See below.

So in Summary:

  • There are two words in scripture for God's will/ plan: Thelema: God's Will/ Desire in Time and Boulema: God's Ultimate Objectibve

  • It is NOT part of God's Plan/ will [Thelema] for Nick to get Childhood Trauma

  • Yet His Plan [Boulema - Ultimate Desire/ Objective] will be accomplished.

  • So giving Nick sickness, childhood trauma is not God's plan, and no He did not do it.

  • However the good news is, Nick being sick, having childhood trauma will not DERAIL his ultimate Plan/ Objective for Nick to be given life in Christ.

  • Things can go against God's will [Thelema] but nothing can derail or go against God's Plan [Boulema]

Further more:
  • The scriptures show a difference between God's will or intention [Thelema] and God's will or Plan [Boulema]

  • Man can circumvent God's will [Thelema] but that does not make man God, because God's Will/ Plan [Boulema] will still be accomplished.

  • Man's free will or collective choice can never derail or override God's Will/ Plan [Boulema].

  • Free will can go against God's will [Thelema] in time, but never derails God's Ultimate Will or Plan predetermined [Boulema]

  • Can man choose to reject God and his will [Thelema] during time? Yes.

  • But his Plan [Boulema] will still be fulfilled and come to past. Man has no capacity or power to derail it.

Final biblical example showing the two words together:

Rom 9:18 — Rom 9:19
Therefore He has mercy on whom He wills [Thelema], and whom He wills [Thelema] He hardens.
You will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault? For who has resisted His will [Boulema]?

Pharaoh went against God's will or wishes [Thelema] but he could not go against God's will or ultimate plan [Boulema] Get it?

People keep mixing up these two concepts.

He has made room for free will and choices to allow temporary disruption to His will and intentions at times (not without accountability of course). But His Plan [Boulema] will prevail.


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