Day 42, February 11 Bible Reading

Day 42,  February 11

Deut. 21:15-17      The right of the firstborn: inheritances

Num. 27:1-11        Zelophehad’s daughters: inheritances

Num. 36:1-12        Zelophehad’s daughters: inheritances and tribes

Num. 30     Laws regarding vows made to the Lord by family members

Ex. 23:1-9 / Deut. 16:18-20        Laws of justice and mercy / Appointing judges

Deut. 19:15-21      Laws regarding witnesses and justice

Deut. 17:6-13        Laws regarding witnesses / Cases too difficult to judge

Deut. 25:1-3  Disputes and punishments

Deut. 21:15-17      The right of the firstborn: inheritances

  • Deut 21:15-17 If a man has two wives? Wait. Can I have two wives according to the law?  It seems that it was allowed. The law did not expressly forbid it.  It acknowledges that it can occur, and have rules to regulate it.

  • Protection of the rights of the first born regardless of whether his mom was loved or not loved.  The father must acknowledge the firstborn son of the unloved wife and to give him a double portion.

Num. 27:1-11        Zelophehad’s daughters: inheritances

Num. 36:1-12        Zelophehad’s daughters: inheritances and tribes

  • Num 27:1-4 This is the case of the daughters of Zelophehad, who is making a case for women to have a right to possess property, and also be carriers of the name of the father.  Each tribe and each family in Israel received an allotment of land.  The daughters of Zelophehad belonged to the tribe of Manasseh.   Their father died in the wilderness without a son.  This shows that women can also inherit just like men.

  • Num 27:5-11  Moses brought the case to God.  God indicated that the daughters had a case and instead of their father’s possession going to his brothers, the women should receive a share and cause the inheritance of their father to pass to them.  Inheritance should pass from father to son, and if no son to his daughter, and if no  daughter then to his brothers.  In Ancient Near Eastern culture women were only treated as property.

  • Num 36:1-4 Some of the men of the tribe of Manasseh wanted a decision from Moses about what will happen if the daughters of Zelophehad married someone from another tribe, and hence took the land inheritance which belonged to the tribe of Manasseh to another, to be lost forever.

  • Num. 36:5-12  God gave instructions for the daughters, all five of them: Mahlah, Tirzah, Hoglah, Milcah and Noah to marry whoever they want, but from within their tribe so that no inheritance may change tribes. 

Num. 30     Laws regarding vows made to the Lord by family members

  • Num 30:1-2 If a man makes a vow to the Lord he cannot break it or back out of it.  Ps 15:4 says, one of the qualities of someone who will abide in His tabernacle, is someone who ”swears to his own hurt and does not change.”  Are you the type of person who keeps his word even if it ends up being inconvenient or brings you harm? 

  • Num 30:3-5  If a woman makes a vow though, her father can bind it or disallow it. Interesting.

  • Num 30:6-8 Similarly if a woman makes a vow, her husband can allow or disallow it.  Verse 6 uses the phrase “rash utterance”, concerning a woman.  Interesting.

  • Num 30:9 A widowed or divorced woman has no such vow firewall or protection. Whatever she vows, she is bound by it.

  • Num 30:10-16 A reiteration that the husband must quickly void the vow as soon as he hears it, if he wants to release his wife.  If he takes too long and decides to make them void after he has heard them he would have to bear her guilt.  So the husband bears responsibility.

  • This is why when Eve ate no one fell.  Mankind only fell into sin when Adam ate.  Eve could not make her vow/ or disavow bound without complicity from Adam.

Ex. 23:1-9 / Deut. 16:18-20        Laws of justice and mercy / Appointing judges

  • Ex 23:1 You shall not engage in fake news about 5G etc. Don’t participate in fake news or a false report

  • Ex 23:1-3 Don’t follow the crowd to do evil; Don’t testify  under peer pressure , to pervert justice;  THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS PEER PRESSURE.  You should teach this to your kids.

  • Don’t show partiality or pervert the judgment because someone is poor.  This was mentioned twice, so it’s very important

  • Ex 23:4-5 Be kind and help even if it is your enemy.  It is no excuse to not help someone whom you do not like. This is a practical example of what Christ said, to love your enemies.

  • Ex 23:6-8 Once again, the admonition to not pervert justice is given; Don’t engage in false matter; don’t participate in killing the innocent and righteous; 

  • Do not take any bribe for it clouds discernment and judgment.  Be ethical. 

  • Ex. 23:9 Don’t oppress the stranger, because you should IDENTIFY with the foreigner.  You can see God repeating to never oppress a stranger, an immigrant, because they were strangers in Egypt.  It is amazing how so many people don’t extend the same empathy, to others, who actually are going through a similar situation they went through.  If it is anyone who understands is someone who has experienced similarly.

  • Deut 16:18 The admonishment to judge with just or righteous judgement, not with outward appearance but the heart of the matter.  Judges were to be chosen from among the tribes, to sit at the gates.

  • Deut 16:19-20  Once again, do not pervert justice, show partiality, take a bribe which is a poison to blind the eyes of wisdom and twist the words of the righteous. 

  • Deut 16:20 Once again the land promise was CONDITIONAL, not forever, based on following what is just.

Deut. 19:15-21      Laws regarding witnesses and justice

  • Deut 19:15 Need 2 witnesses for truth to be established

  • Deut 19:21  If someone is a false witness and after the judge makes an inquiry and he is found out, then that false witness needs to suffer the same judgment as the one whom he testified falsely against,  You eye should not pity.

Deut. 17:6-13        Laws regarding witnesses / Cases too difficult to judge

  • Deut 17:6-7 Need witnesses, plural to adjudicate a matter. The responsibility of the witness is to stone first. 

  • Deut 7-13 The Levites acted as the appellate court or  the higher court.  Their sentencing and judgments should be followed by Israel,  if not the person die

Deut. 25:1-3  Disputes and punishments

  • Licks papa if you are found wicked.  40 blows while lying down and beaten in the presence of the innocent one.


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