Day 57, February 26 Bible Reading

Day 57,  February 26

Lev. 15        Bodily discharges causing uncleanness

Lev. 12        Purification of women after childbirth

Lev. 13:47-59        Regulations concerning mildew (leprosy)

Lev. 14:33-57        Cleansing from mildew

Num. 5:1-4 / Deut. 23:9-14 Uncleanness in the camp

Deut. 23:1-2  Exclusion from assembly of the Lord for uncleanness

Lev. 15        Bodily discharges causing uncleanness

  • Lev 15:1-12 So what type of discharge from a man’s body is this that makes him unclean? This is a discharge from a  venereal disease.  This entire chapter is about discharges from sexual organs.  You are automatically unclean. The bed, anywhere he sits, his clothes, people he spit on ate all unclean.  Any earthen vessel he touches must be broken and any wooden vessels must be washed. Anyone who touches his bed, or his body has to wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

  • Lev 15:13-15 To be cleanse from discharges from a venereal disease, when the discharge has stopped, you wait seven days, wash your clothes and bathe in running water to be clean.  Then on the 8th day he talkies two turtledoves or two young pigeons, one for a sin offering and one for a birth offering.

  • Lev 15:16-18 if a man has a nocturnal emission, of emission of semen from sex or otherwise, he should take a bathe and be unclean until evening. All his clothes should be washed.  The woman he had sex with should also take a bath and be unclean until evening.

  • Lev 15:19-24 If a woman has a period, she is to be set apart for seven day, and whoever touches her shall be unclean until evening. The bed, anything she sits on, is unclean. The man who has sex with her during her period shall be unclean for seven days.

  • Lev 15:25-27 Same with any discharge of blood other than at the time of the month.  The woman is unclean.

  • Lev 15:28-30 Same with a man with a discharge, a woman must wait 7 days, then on the eighth day take two turtledoves or two young pigeons for a sin and burnt offering. 

  • Lev 15:31-33 Can’t you tell somehow that God was super focused on cleanliness and bathing? People who don’t bathe during winter, can’t be forgiven.  You should also urinate and wash yourself after sexual activity to prevent urinary tract infections.  God was preventing diseases with these laws from ravishing the people.

Lev. 12        Purification of women after childbirth

  • Lev 12:1-4 If a woman has a son, she shall be unclean for seven days. On the eighth day the son would be circumcised.  For another 33 days she should wait to be purified.  Her days of her purification were 40 days.

  • Lev 12:5 But if she has a girl she is unclean for 14 days not seven and is unclean for 80 days

  • Lev 12:6-8 After the days of her purification,  she is to present a lamb for a burnt offering, and a young pigeon or turtledove as a sin offering. If you can't bring a lamb, bring a turtledove or young pigeon for the burnt offering. instead.

Lev. 13:47-59        Regulations concerning mildew (leprosy)

  • Lev 13:47-52 If a piece of clothing has leprous plague on it, if it is greenish, reddish whether on woo, leather, etc, it has to be quarantined for seven days. After 7days, it should be examined to see if it spread. If it did spread it would burn in fire.

  • Lev 13:53-59 If it has not spread, the priest has to examine the piece of clothing carefully. First wash it, check it out another 7 days, if it has not changed color, burn it. If it faded, tear it out and see if it appears again in the clothing.  If it does burn it.  If it has disappeared, wash it a second time.

Lev. 14:33-57        Cleansing from mildew

  • Lev 14:33-34 Wait what? God sends leprous plagues in someone’s house? This is mildew or mold

  • Lev 14:35-42 First the priest would command them to empty the house and then he would look at the walls for marks, green or red.  If after 7 days of the house being shut up, it spread, they were to take away the infected stones, scrape the dust off the walls and cast them outside the city in an unclean place.  They were to replace the stones and replaster. 

  • Lev 14:43-47 If the mildew spread, the house is to be torn down and debris carried outside the city.

  • Lev 14:48-57 If it has not spread it is pronounced clean.  Notice the trifecta again: cedar wood, hyssop, scarlet used to cleanse.  The two birds show up again. These are the same sacrifices used for the day of atonement.  It is surprising that an important sacrifice to atone for a whole nation once a year is used to make atonement for the house. It tells me that there is no nation without individual houses.  Families make a nation.

Num. 5:1-4 / Deut. 23:9-14 Uncleanness in the camp

  • Num 5:1-4 All unclean persons are out outside the camp, whether lepers, everyone a discharge defiled by a corpse. 

  • Deut 23:9-11 If you are in the army, and you are unclean by a nocturnal emission in the night, you said go outside the camp until evening when the sun sets and after washing. 

  • Deut 23:12-14 When you need to take a dump, you should go outside the camp, and bury it, because when God walks in the midst of your camp, he does not want to step on any crap.  The camp must be holy.

Deut. 23:1-2  Exclusion from assembly of the Lord for uncleanness

  • Deut 23:1-2  So we end with a note that if your balls are crushed, or you are mutilated, too bad, you cannot be an Israelite.  No one of illegitimate birth shall not enter also to the 10th generation.


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