In the Beginning...God; In the End...God With Man

In the Beginning was Christ... In The End there will Only Be Christ

Christ is the Beginning and He will ONLY be the End.

How is this so?

  • The Beginning?: In the Beginning was God #OnlyOne
  • The End? Then Comes the End... God All in All #AllAreNowOne
AD 70 is not THE end (just an end, before another beginning). Heaven is not The end (just an end, before another beginning). Lake of fire is not The end (just an end, before another beginning). The End is a Person - Christ by whom all things consist.

What is the Process?

Paul says, “Out of Him THROUGH HIM, and BACK to HIM Are ALL Things. “

"Out of Him, and through Him, and [Back] to Him are the all things; to Him is the glory -- to the ages. Amen." Paul [Rom 11:36]

Summary: In the Beginning there was the First Man, His Wife, a Garden and a Earth.  In the End there is the Last Man, His Wife, a City Garden and a New Heaven and Earth.  New Jerusalem becomes greater than Eden

These are then the three phases of existence or ALL REALITY

  1. The Beginning: => "All Things Out of Him"
  2. History and the Kingdom (including Sin, Redemption, Lake of Fire and beyond). This includes Revelation where actually most was fulfilled in AD 70 => "All things through Him"
  3. The End: => All things Back to Him.

The purpose of the Kingdom is to drag everything through Him (and the cross was essential to it), and age by age, capture back everything to go back to Him. That involves choosing, judgments, wrath (on Jerusalem in AD 70)mercy, collapses, risings, enemies being destroyed (apollumi/ ruin/ lost), blood, water, fire, (nite there is a river of fire - Daniel saw it as a River, and a River of Water from the Throne in Rev.), until all nations are in the Kingdom, all families of the earth praise Him, every knew bowing and every tongue confessing.

Once the purpose of the Kingdom is completed, then next phase => All things Back to Him; God All in All.

Finally in Hebraic thought, once you conquer, you bring the spoils and you give it to someone above you as a token of respect, acknowledgment. Abraham did so when he gave to Melchizedek (whom some say was Shem) after winning the battle of 4 vs. five kings. It is a sign of submission.

Does not mean that Abraham no longer is the heir or promise.

So too this is a picture of Christ, submitting everything back to the Father.. In this case Christ conquered everything and give everything to the Father so that God can be all in all.


Phase 1: Out of Him

In the Beginning God is All there Is. He is Alpha. He is One.

Out of Him, the Beginning, came the First Man, his wife, a Garden, in a new Earth.

Out of Him, through Man all of Life was to abundantly flourished in this realm.  We all come OUT of Him.


There was an Interruption!!. Instead of complete peace, full light, from that Beginning, came Disappointment, Decay, Shadows, Darkness and Death, because of the First Man threatening massive Deviation away from Him.

But He will never be outdone.


He Became the Last Man, so that all things can go THROUGH Him and then BACK to Him

Phase 2: Through of Him

This is how He did it. He entered the Shadows, the Deviation and Dragged All Death, All Old Things, All Men unto Him.  Through Him, When He Died, all Men Died.

Through Him, He Reconciled all Breaches that Broke the Flow of Life.

Through Him, is a little messy. There is a lot of pain and suffering to sort out.  Illegitimate Dominions and Pretenders who want to reign need to be Destroyed.  Detractors need to be placed Beneath.  Darkness retreat until there are no Shadows.  Enemies put in Subjection.

The Through Him process involves men being judged, killed and made alive. Lots of people were killed also. Millions died. Many killed by the Israelites also. Some just need a winnowing fan. Many need to be threshed. All will come back to Him.  

But at the end of the day, Through Him, all the mess has, is and will be sorted out.  No one will be able to stand BEFORE the Throne, and point a finger at Him, with a successful accusation that something was left undone.  He will tie up ALL loose ends.  All things reconcile in Him, through Him and For Him.

So Through Him, Life regained its flow, Unabated, healing all marshes, refreshing all stagnancy, causing this realm to flourish again, for as many Ages as it will take, from a trickle to a sea.

GOOD NEWS: Interruption Ended.  No More Shadows.  No More Condemnation.  Light Has Come. It is Finished.

Phase 3: Back to Him

Now Back to Him Comes All Things, Each in His Own Order, no matter how many ages, aeons, olams it takes.

Back to Him, A Wife is Found, a Womb to Bring Forth Life.

Now in the End, There is the Last Man, a New Wife, a New City Garden, in a New Heaven and Earth, with Nations eating from the Tree of Life, being Healed.

BUT - Is this the End or is this a New Beginning?

In the End, He is not just All, but All in All.  He is Omega.  As He was only in the Beginning, He will Only also Be in the End.  The Many Are One.

Mission Accomplished. Well Done.


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