From Shadow to Fulfilled; Types and Anti-Types between the Old vs. New Covenant

From Shadow to Fulfilled; Types and Anti-Types between the Old vs. New Covenant

"Moses did not write that the Israelites should not intermarry with other nations because he thought God was prejudice. He also did not tell them to not mix seed in a field nor to mix different fabrics when they wore clothes because God hates cucumbers and tomatoes growing in the same field or He hated them wearing cotton/polyester blends or linen with silk.

No, it is because Moses knew that what God did not like was mixture and this was an Old Testament picture/shadow for us to learn from in the new covenant/substance. When we teach/speak/preach and we mix covenants it brings confusion to the listener and produces double-minded/double covenanted people who are unstable. James 1:8 the word double-minded = two souled, double-minded, a person split in half vacillating like a spiritual schizophrenic (Strongs & R. Lenski).

That is some powerful language and yet many believers as well as leaders do think that the new covenant is just an addendum to the old and that Jesus came to just bring Judaism 2.0. When we vacillate back and forth between covenants it produces Luke-warmness which is a mixture of hot and cold water and produces a vomit in the mouth of the hearers.

There is a reason that when Peter, James, and John saw Moses, Elijah, and Jesus on the Mt. of Transfiguration their response was let us build 3 synagogues. In other words let's just add Jesus to Judaism and what we believe and keep Him in our religious buildings and boxes. Instead Moses and Elijah disappear and Jesus is left standing all by Himself and The Father thunders from Heaven," this is My Son, hear HIM". In other words, don't hear them, their only purpose was to point to Him for the law and the prophets spoke of Him. So when you go back into Moses and the prophets look for Him and not for you, because your  righteousness and identity is NOT found in them but in HIM. That is why these are NOT the days of Moses or Elijah, but Jesus, period." - Jaime Englehart

#Jesusisbetter    #Newisbetterthentheold  #theoldisobsolete  #embracegrace



  • Shadow: Passover Lamb eaten upon exiting Egypt -> Fulfilled: Jesus the Lamb on the cross signal exiting of Old Covenant, sin and death.  We eat and died in Him.
  • Shadow: Feast of Unleavened Bread -> Fulfilled: Sanctification; Separation
  • Shadow: Israel crossing red sea -> Fulfilled: Baptism after Deliverance
  • Shadow: Israel receiving manna-> Fulfilled: Man living by Every Word
  • Shadow: Israel at Mt. Sinai receiving law at Feast of Weeks (Pentecost) -> Fulfilled: Disciples receiving Holy Sprit (word written on heart) at Pentecost
  • Shadow: Sheaf Wave Offering and Firstfruits -> Fulfilled: Christ's resurrection.  Presented before the Father as Firstfruit of New Creation (Mary couldn't touch Him, before He presented Himself to the Father).  Firstfruit declared Holy, so lump and rest of Harvest Holy.



  • Shadow: Two Bread of Leaven in Feast of Pentecost; Must be Baked by Fire -> Fulfilled: Wheat and Tares growing together in 1st Century Church; Fire halted mixture (Temple burned for 3 Days in AD 70); Tares -Unbelieving Jews cast out; Fire of Holy Spirit halts mixture in us.
  • Shadow: 3000 killed for worshipping Golden Calf -> Fulfilled: 3000 saved after Peter's message during Pentecost
  • Shadow: Israel given a chance to enter into the rest, the Promised Land -> Fulfilled: Jews in first century given a chance to accept Christ. They responded by stoning Stephen.
  • Shadow: Israel judged for 40 years in wilderness, after Unbelief -> Fulfilled: 40 years transition to repent before Wrath on Jerusalem.
  • Shadow: Old Gen. Israel died in wilderness. Next Gen Israel entered Promised Land after 40 years -> Fulfilled: 1 Million Jews died in AD 70, 40 years after Christ died. Next Gen Israel (believing Jews and Gentiles) entered the New Covenant Age. No one died. Old Covenant faded away.
  • Shadow: Old Heaven and Earth, the Jewish temple passed away in AD 70 -> Fulfilled: New Heaven and Earth, the New temple, Us in Christ, fully established.



  • Shadow: Feast of Trumpets (Seventh Month Day 1) Trumpet blown on first of every month -> Fulfilled: This is the Seventh Trump. 
  • Shadow: Two Trumpets Blown.  One Blow for Elders; Two for Assembly-> Fulfilled: Seventh Trump. Last trump. Resurrection Day. One for First Resurrection (First Resurrection); Second for General Assembly
  • Shadow: Day of Atonement (Seventh Month Day 10): Memorial for the sin of disobedience for not entering Canaan -> Fulfilled: Christ's Death work of Obedience; Reconciling all men; Death Blow to Sin. The full and complete atonement was made for the entire Human race by Jesus Christ .
  • Shadow: Jubilee Means Trumpet.  There was supposed to be a celebration for entering Promised Land, instead it turned into a  Day of Mourning/ Atonement -> Fulfilled: Cancellation of All Debts; Jesus turned Mourning into Dancing; Creation Jubilee pronouced.
  • Shadow: The Ingathering/ Tabernacles (Seven Days 15-22) -> Fulfilled: God Tabernacling with man.  All the earth filled with His Glory; All nations worshipping Him.
  • Shadow: The Eight Day -> Fulfilled: Seventh Day; God Rest.  Eight Day; All Creation Rests


Temple/ Tabernacle:

  • Shadow: Location - Wherever His Name is Recorded (Ex. 20:24): Shiloh, Jerusalem -> Fulfilled:  His Name is on a People, us, New Jerusalem (Rev. 3:12)
  • Shadow: Priesthood - Sons of Levi -> Fulfilled: Sons of Zadok; Melchizedek
  • Shadow: Outer Court (Old Earth) -> Fulfilled: Outer Darkness; Body of Flesh; Gentiles; Nations
  • Shadow: Bronze Altar with four Horns on corners -> Fulfilled: Sacrifice of Christ impacted all four corners of earth.  Four horns and craftsmen scattered Israel (Zech 1:18).  The bronze altar was overlaid with brass. Brass speaks of judgment on sin. This is why He leaves his Inner Realm – to judge sin, so that we can have life. He does not judge sin so that we can be consumed; His intent as the consuming fire is to consume the dross and sin in us.  
  • Shadow: Inner Court (Old Heaven/ Universe/ Stars and Sun) -> Fulfilled: New Earth; Soul; Israel
  • Shadow: Table of Shrewbread -> Fulfilled: Literally the Bread of His Face.  We see Him Face to Face.  We See Him, We See the Father.
  • Shadow: Lampstand with seven buds, flowers and almond bowl -> Fulfilled:  The [Seven] Spirit of God (Rev 4:5; Isa 11:2) lighting and filling a corporate body, the church.  We need the Spirit's Light to See God's Face.  Menorah is the Tree of Life (almond). The Church.
  • Shadow: Bowls of Wine for Drink Offering ->  Fulfilled: Poured out in Judgment against nations and Jerusalem (Mystery Babylon); New Wine in us from the Holy Spirit
  • Shadow: The Sea of Brass or Bronze Laver: Made of brass and glass of ladies mirrors (Ex. 38:8) -> Fulfilled:  The Word of God is a mirror, Washing to Cleanse from all uncleanness.  It is a sea of glass mingled with fire (Rev 4:6; Rev 15:1-2).  The Lake of Fire to purify before entering any further.
  • Shadow: Altar of Incense -> Fulfilled: Divine Antiperspirant :-)  Active Governmental Corporate Prayer to activate divine purpose.
  • Shadow: Holy of Holies -> Fulfilled: Throne of God; Heaven and Earth are One
  • Shadow: Ark of Covenant: Made with acaia wood, overlaid with gold inside and out -> Fulfilled: Christ the gold, becoming man, the wood.  New Creation, God and Man becoming one.
  • Shadow: Mercy Seat with Two Cherubims, wings outstetched -> Fulfilled: The Throne of Judgment becomes the Thone of Grace through His Blood.. Christ is the Mercy Seat.
  • Shadow: Aaron's Staff -> Fulfilled: Kingdom of God ruling on the inside; Internal Government; Tree of Life for the Healing of Nations
  • Shadow: Manna -> Fulfilled:  The Ever Present truth and speaking of God;  Hearing His Voice; Fruit from the Tree of Life to sustain nations
  • Shadow: Law on Stones -> Fulfilled: Law written on Hearts


Feasts Compared with Temple/ Tabernacle:

  • Passover --> Bronze Altar
  • Feast of Unleavened Brad --> The Sea of Brass, Brazen Laver 
  • Sheaf Wave Offering and Firstfruits  --> Shrew Bread of His Presence
  • Pentecost --> Lampstand  
  • Feast of Trumpets/ Resurrection --> Saints under the Altar of Incense 
  • Day of Atonement --> Mercy Seat
  • Tabernacles --> Ark of the Covenant [God and man becoming one]

Feasts Fulfilled in New Covenant
  • Shadow: Three Harvests of Earth, 
    • Barley(Passover), 
    • Wheat (Pentecost) and 
    • Grapes (Tabernacles) 
  • Fulfilled:
    • Firstfruit of Creation; OT Saints Resurrection at AD 30 and Ascension (Barley); 
    • At Parousia, Wheat Harvest with Tares burning, Resurrection and Harvesting of Saints Killed during 40 years at AD 70; 
    • Grapes of Wrath crushed with Destruction of Jerusalem. We are the New Grapes, New Wine.

Old Covenant vs New Covenant Meal

  • Shadow: Old Passover Meal: Lamb with Bitter Herbs and Unleavened Bread <-- 
  • Fulfilled: New Covenant Meal - Bread (from Passover); and Wine (from Tabernacles), Joins all the feasts together. Jesus' Death and Resurrection is the New Covenant Meal.

Christ Fulfilling Spring and Fall Feasts

Be it Resolved That Christ has fulfilled the Spring Feasts:

  • Christ fulfilled the Feast of Passover, on the 14th day of the first month, as the scarified Lamb, to the Day exactly in AD 30.  FACT: He was crucified on the Feast of Passover.
  • Christ fulfilled the Feast of Unleavened Bread, being buried on the 15th day of the first month, exactly to the day.  FACT: He was in the burial tomb on the Feast of Unleavened Bread.
  • Christ fulfilled the Feast of Firstfruits, exactly on the 16th of the month, the second day of the Feast of the Unleavened Bread, when he resurrected. FACT: He was resurrected from the dead on the Feast of Firstfruits, and Wave Offering, the day after the Sabbath.
  • Christ fulfilled the Feast of Weeks (that is Pentecost), exactly 50 days later, with the arrival of the His Spirit, the Holy Spirit. FACT: Exactly 50 days Later, The Holy Spirit came on the Feast of Weeks, also know as Pentecost.

In addition Christ sat down on the right hand of God at His Ascension, exactly as prophesied, waiting to make His enemies His footstool.

"So then, after the Lord had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven, and sat down at the right hand of God." Mark 16:19

He sat down after His Ascension.

So Christ fulfilled the first four Spring feast days, exactly on time, in the manner that it was prophesied:

These events occurred as appointed by God, prophesied in the Old Testament Law.


So there are three fall feasts that remain.

THEREFORE It must follow that Christ must fulfill exactly to the DAY the Feast of Tabernacles which involves in the Seventh month as follows:

Be it Resolved That Christ has fulfilled the Fall Feasts, which are:

  • The Feast of Trumpets (1st Day of Seventh Month). One Trumpet Sound means the Elders gather. Two Trumpets mean all the People gather. This speaks of resurrection of the dead.  The idiom "day and hour" referred to Feast of Trumpets, because no one knew when the Trumpet would be blown.
    • Challenge: Did the Parousia or at least, the Resurrection of the Dead occur on the 1st Day of the Seventh Month in AD 70?
  • The Day of Atonement (10th day) [Note , that every 50 years, this day becomes  the Day of Jubilee every 50 years] > This is the Day of Judgment, and Redemption of Believers. Did this occur the 10th of the Seventh Month, exactly to the Day in AD 70?
  • The Feasts of Booths/ Tabernacles (15th -22nd Day) (Feast of Gathering/ Nations/ Christ is our Dwelling) > This is Christ with us, The Heaven on Earth, The Kingdom Come. The Harvest is Complete. Did this have an actual earth time fulfillment?
  • Finally, the 8th Day, the Second Sabbath after the 22nd, the Permanent Sabbath, the New Day.



Did the Parousia actually occur when the temple was destroyed or on the actual Feast of Trumpets that year?

Did the Parousia occur when the temple was destroyed and the Resurrection of the Dead at the Feast of Trumpets that year?

Or is the Feast of Tabernacles still future (gasp)?

Was the arrival of the New Jerusalem on Earth a one time event when the temple was destroyed, or was it over a period of time starting with the Feast of Trumpets and ending with the Feast of Tabernacles? Could this be possible?



  1. So the Temple was destroyed August 5th, or 10th in AD 70. The Day of the Wrath of Lord was August 5, AD 70, Temple Destroyed - Matthew 24, Luke 21, Mark 13
  2. The Feast of Trumpets that year was about 50 days later, September 24th, AD 70.  Fulfillment: Resurrection of the rest of the dead ones out of the Hadean realm and to heaven
  3. Day of Atonement = Oct 4, AD 70, - Day of Judgment, Atonement - Revelation 7, Revelation 20 4. Fulfillment: <-- THIS WAS THE DAY OF JUDGMENT.  (multifaceted -- Heb. 9:28 and 1 Peter 4:17)
  4. Feast of Tabernacles (Feast of Gathering/ Nations) = Oct 9, AD 70, God's Tabernacle Coming to Earth - Revelation 11:15.  
  5. Finally, the 8th Day, the Second Sabbath after the 22nd, the Permanent Sabbath, the New Day.  Fulfillment: Heaven opened - People can now ascend directly to Heaven when they die and receive a spiritual body without waiting...(John 3:13; 13:33, 36; 14:1-3; 1 Cor. 15: 25, 26; Rev. 21:3) and God "all in all" (1 Cor. 15:28; Eph. 4:6).

Calendar in AD 70


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