Day 48, February 17 Bible Reading

Day 48,  February 17

Ex. 36:8-Ex. 38 The Israelites make the tabernacle and its furnishings

Ex. 36:8-Ex. 38 The Israelites make the tabernacle and its furnishings

  • Ex 36:8-13 First the 10 curtains of woven linen, with blue, scarlet, artistic designs of cherubim were made

  • Ex 36:14-18 Then the 11 curtains of goats’ hair to cover the beautiful blue tapestry. Why would something like goats’ hair be used to cover all that beauty on the outside?

  • Ex 36:19 Then a room of ram skins dyed red and a covering of badger skins above that.  This was link a rubber roof

  • Ex 36:20-34 All the acacia wood boards and bars acting as the outer walls with the sockets of silver.  Acacia wood was also used in the construction of Noah’s ark.  It represents atonement, literally a covering. The wood and bars were all covered with gold.

  • Ex 36:35-36 The veil of purple, blue, scarlet with cherubim created to partition between the holy place and the holy of holies.

  • Ex 36:37-38 Screen door created with woven linen.

  • Ex 37:1-9 Bezalel make the ark out of acacia wood exactly as per specifications, with cherubim and mercy seat 

  • Ex 37:10-16 The Table of Showbread with gold overlay, rings, pills, utensils were made next

  • Ex 37:17-24 The Lampstand of pure gold, with six branches and one middle stalk with bowls made like almond flowers in each branch. There were seven lamps.

  • Ex 37:25-28 Next an incense of altar was made, also of acacia wood, overlaid with pure gold. 

  • Ex 37:29 Finally the holy anointing oil and the sweet smelling incense.

  • Ex 38:1-7 Altar of Burnt Offering was made next, overlaid with bronze.  It seems anything in the outer courts were bronze.  All the utensils, pans, shovels, basins forks, firepans etc. 

  • Ex 38:8 A laver of bronze and its base of bronze made from bronze mirrors of the serving women were made.  The Lake of fire was called the Lake of molten brass.  The Lake of fire is the laver of bronze.

  • Ex 38:9-20 The outer court was then made.  Lots of hangings , bronze sockets, solver hooks, on the south north, west, east.

  • Ex 38:21-23 An inventory of all the materials were made, counted by Ithamar son of Aaron. Bezalel, son of uri, of the tribe of Judah madde all that the Lord c=had commanded Moses. Aholiab the son of Ahisamach of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and designer was with Bezalel.

  • Ex 38:24-31 - About 8 tons of Gold, Silver and Bronze were used

    • Gold - 29 talents, 730 shekels

    • Silver - 100 talents, 1775 shekels

    • Bejah or half of shekel, for each man from 20 years old for 603,550 men

    • Bronze - 70 talents, 2400 shekels


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