Day 59, February 28 Bible Reading

Day 59,  February 28

Ex. 23:14-19  Requirements for celebrating three festivals annually

Ex. 34:18-26  Regulations regarding celebrations and offerings

Num. 28:1-15        Daily, Sabbath, and monthly offerings

Lev. 23:4-8 / Num. 28:16-25 / Deut. 16:1-8     Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Pesach)

Lev. 23:9-14 / Deut. 26:1-15      Firstfruits and tithes

Lev. 27:30-33 / Deut. 14:22-29  Tithes

Ex. 23:14-19  Requirements for celebrating three festivals annually

  • God appointed 3 times for the community to meet Him. These were Israel’s, appointed times on the calendar to meet with God. To appear before the Lord, is literally to appear before His face as a community.

  • The first was at Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (when Barley was harvested), the second was Feast of Harvest (Pentecost, when wheat was harvested), and the third was Feast of Ingathering (The Harvest, Tabernacles, when grapes were harvested). They were not allowed to eat of the harvest, until the Firstfruits of barley (Passover), wheat (Pentecost) and grapes (Tabernacles) were harvested. [Note that Pentecost is a leaven feast while Passover is unleavened.]. 

  • This also defines the personal three step process when you meet God as you enter into His three levels of Rest – Passover (Justification, Imputed Righteousness), Pentecost (Sanctification) and Tabernacles (Glorification)

  • This also speaks of resurrection.  Three times a year all men must appear before God and None shall appear empty handed. There are three resurrections, first Christ at Passover with firstfruits, then it was said Christ lead captivity captive close to Pentecost when he ascended, and finally at AD 70, the rest of the righteousness who were beheaded, killed during AD 30 and AD 70, and the wicked killed, were resurrected. 

  • Rev 14 speaks about the 3 resurrections or harvesting of the earth.

    • First Harvest: Rev 14:1-7 - the 144,000 Firstfruits, the Barley company

    • Second Harvest: Rev 14:14-16 - Came out of temple, and harvested the earth: Wheat harvest, take the wheat from the tares

    • Third Harvest: Rev 14:17-20 - The winepress. The destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70

Ex. 34:18-26  Regulations regarding celebrations and offerings

  • Ex 34:18 Seven days the Feast of Unleavened Bread was celebrated starting with the day after Passover on the 15th of the first month, Abib through the 22nd. Jesus was the Unleavened Bread.

  • Ex 34:19-20 All firstborns were the Lord’s including humans, livestock.  The donkey was rejected and had to be redeemed by a lamb or neck broken,  Ouch.

  • Ex 34:21 Six days work, 7th day rest

  • Ex 34:22 You should observe the Feast of Weeks/ Pentecost which is the wheat harvest and Feast of Tabernacles/ Ingathering.   Think now of when Christ spoke of wheat vs tares and His coming would be an Ingathering. Can you see the connection? 

  • Ex 34:23-24 Three times a year all must appear before God and None shall appear empty handed. To allow for this the nations before Israel will be cast out, and no army will attack them when all the men leave their homes for these feasts.

  • Ex 34:25 No leaven with blood sacrifice, no sacrifice from Passover left in the morning.

  • Ex 34:26 First of the firstfruits of barley (Passover), wheat (Pentecost) and grapes (Tabernacles) should be brought to the house of the Lord,  

  • What’s up with this boiling young goat in mother’s milk stuff?  I cook them in coconut milk.

Num. 28        Daily, Sabbath, and monthly offerings

These are the Summary of Sacrifices (Notice the escalation and increase in sacrifices as you ramp up and journey during the year to each subsequent Feast day):

  • Daily: Morning and Twilight – 1 Lamb a yr old without defect, 1/10 ephah flour mixed with ¼ hin of oil, ¼ hin of wine as a drink offering

  • Sabbath:  (Double Up) - 2 Lambs a yr old without defect, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil, ¼  hin of wine as a drink offering (in addition to daily)

  • 1st Day of [Lunar] Month  - 2 Bulls, each with 3/10 ephah flour mixed with oil,  ½  hin of wine;  1 Ram, each with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil, 1/3  hin of wine; 7 Lambs, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil,  ¼  hin of wine.  A male goat for sin offering. (in addition to daily)

  • Feast of Unleavened Bread – Offer for seven consecutive days, from 15th to 21st of First Month, 2 Bulls, each with 3/10 ephah flour mixed with oil;  1 Ram, each with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil; 7 Lambs, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil. No extra drink offerings.  A male goat for sin offering. (in addition to daily with its drink offering)

  • Feast of Weeks (Pentecost – firstfruit of wheat grain harvest) – 2 Bulls, each with 3/10 ephah flour mixed with oil;  1 Ram, each with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil; 7 Lambs, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil. No extra drink offerings.  A male goat for sin offering. (in addition to daily with its drink offering)

  • Day of Trumpets (1st of Seventh Month) – 1 Bull (instead of 2 this time), each with 3/10 ephah flour mixed with oil;  1 Ram, each with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil; 7 Lambs, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil. No extra drink offerings.  A male goat for sin offering. (in addition to monthly and daily with their drink offerings)

  • Day of Atonement (10th Day of 7th Month) – Same as Day of Trumpets in addition to the two goats of which one was to be a scapegoat.

  • Feast of Tabernacles (Quadruple Up) – Offer for seven consecutive days, from 15th to 21st of 7th Month, Each Day offer Bulls, each with 3/10 ephah flour mixed with oil;  2 Rams, each with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil; 14 Lambs, each with 1/10 ephah flour mixed with oil. No extra drink offerings.  A male goat for sin offering. (in addition to daily with its drink offering).  There is special twist – 13 bulls offered on day 15, decreasing by 1 until 7 bulls on day 21 (7th day), 70 bulls in all.  14 Rams and 98 Lambs in all.

Lev. 23:4-8 / Deut. 16:1-8     Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Pesach)

  • Lev 23:4-8 The Feast of Passover starting on the 14th of the month on twilight, and the Feast of Unleavened Bread, starting the day after the 15th of the month, for seven days. The first and seventh day is a Sabbath.

  • Deut 16:1-8 Observe the Passover in the first month Abib, sacrifice a lamb in the place the Lord chooses to put his name, which no leaven bread eaten for 7 days.  You cannot sacrifice it within your gates.  Ii has to be done at the Place God chooses to have His name abide.  [Note God never names the Place as His Name can move from Place to Place]

  • It is to be sacrificed at twilight Can you imagine EVERYONE killing the sacrifice in the same place, roasting it, eating it, and returning to their tents the next day.

Lev. 23:9-14 / Deut. 26:1-15      Firstfruits and tithes

  • Lev 23:9-14 At the beginning of the harvests, the first fruit is a wave offering to the Lord

  • 1 Make Lamb, with 2/10 ephah flour mixed with oil, ¼  hin of wine;   Can’t eat any bread nor grain until the offering is made.

  • Deut 26:1-3 The first fruit is placed in a basket and each farmer presents it to the priest declaring that they have come to the country which the Lord swore to our fathers to give us.

  • So any pastor today that God never gave Israel the land that He promised to Abraham is a liar.

  • Deut 26:4-11 Big declaration. Did you notice they said they were Syrians? Yep the Children of Israel descended from Syrians.  Abraham was a Syrian.

  • Deut 26:12-15 At the tithe on the third year, notice the focal point is giving to those who are in need: Levites, stranger, poor, widow.The firstfruit and tithe were evidence that God brought them into the land of milk and honey.  So which church do you know give away their tithes in the third year to immigrants, the poor, fatherless and widows.   

Lev. 27:30-33 / Deut. 14:22-29  Tithes

  • Lev 27:30-33 Tithe is of the land, that is seed of the land or fruit of a tree, NOT money.  It belongs to the Lord but you can redeem it for the customary redemption price of 20% above value. You can also have tithe of flocks, which is every tenth one (not necessarily 1/10), So if there are 22 sheep, 2 are tithe,  Don’t worry if any of the 2 are good or bad.  You should not exchange it, but if you do both the one exchanged and on the one you use in the exchange are holy and are to be given to the Lord. Therefore no exchanges allowed.  All exchanges would be kept by management along with original.


  1. In olden Biblical days, the tithe was not money. Is the tithe money today?

  2. I would like to know if there are tithes today, or are they obsolete?


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