Day 51, February 20 Bible Reading

Day 51,  February 20

Lev. 4 – 5:13 / 6:24-30    Sin offerings

Lev. 5:14 – 6:7 / 7:1-10   Guilt (trespass) offerings

Lev. 7:37-38  Summary of offerings

Ex. 20:24-26  Sacrificial altars

Lev. 17:1-9 The command to offer sacrifices at the Tent of Meeting only

Lev. 4 – 5:13 / 6:24-30    Sin offerings

  • Lev 4:1-2 Details on sin offerings dependent on the one who sins unintentionally 

  • Lev 4:3-12 If it is the priest, and notice because he is the priest he will bring guilt on the people, he essentially does a modified burnt offering witn elements of the peace offering. It was a mashup.

    • Take a young bull

    • Lay his hand on its head and kill it

    • Take the blood and sprinkle it 7 times in front of the veil 

    • Put some blood in the Holy place on the horns of the altar of sweet incense

    • Pur the rest of the blood at the base of the altar of burnt offering [That base of the altar would get dirty and icky really fast]

    • Take all the far from the insides, the two kidneys, fatty lob by the lover, and burn it all.

    • Unlike the burnt offering the hide, flesh, head, legs, intestines, stomach carry outside to a clean place and buried outside of the camp with fire.  Now you know why Christ was killed outside the camp, like the red heifer. 

  • Lev 4:13-21 Now if the whole congregation sins unintentionally (don’t ask me how is that possible)  same as above

  • Lev 4:22-26 If it is a ruler, which sinned unintentionally, he needs to offer a young goat, a male without blemish,and follow the procedure above, except the priest can eat the flesh (see Lev 6 below)

  • Lev 4:27-35 If it is a common person, bring a female young goat or lamb.  Interesting. So a King is associated with male and the assembly/community is associated with a female, just as Christ is identified as male and the Church female. 

  • Lev 5:1-4 Some other trespasses include

    • Witnessing something [an oath] and keeping your mouth shut

    • Touching an unclean thing whether unclean beast or human

    • Making a stupid vow, speaking thoughtlessly, knowing you cannot keep it, bragging 

  • Lev 5:5-13 The person can bring as a trespass offering a female from the flock, a land or a goat, or two turtledoves or pigeons (one for sin offering and one for burnt offering), the sin offering’s blood is always drained, and the burnt one, burned whole. If you cannot bring an animal, then bring a 1/10 of an ephah of fine flour but this time no oil nro frankincense as in the rain offering. The priest will take a handful, burn it.  The rest is the priest’s grain offering.  So a sin offering for the people becomes a grain offering for the priest. Christ’s as the grain who dies, is sin offering for the people but becomes a bread of life food offering for God to make people live.

  • Lev 6:24-30 Some of the sin offerings, the ruler and common people can be eaten by the priests. The one by the priest and whole congregation must be burned outside the camp for it represents a corporate infraction, just as Adam the priest was take outside the camp, Eden, and a fiery sword was placed there.  If you boiled the meat in an earthen vessel it must be broken.  Guess who is in the earthen vessel manufacturing business now.  That would be a nice industry. The bronze pot can be washed. 

Lev. 5:14 – 6:7 / 7:1-10   Guilt (trespass) offerings

  • Lev 5:14-19 Is someone sins unintentionally with respect to the holy things, like the things consecrated to God, he shall offer a big ram without blemish and money, shekels of silver that is the value of the trespass, plus 20% tax.  That 20% is always the value of redemption to be redeemed from the sin.  It should be given to the priest.   

  • Lev 6:1-7 This same restitution and 20% fine also applied to intentional sins of deception, stealing, oppression, or lying, mostly having to do with the exchange of goods, services, and money.  Notice all these sins are debt and have a monetary value and the victim is PAID DIRECTLY.  There is no such thing as crime against a state like the nonsensical justice system we have today.  A ram is used for the trespass offering.

  • Lev 7:1-10 The trespass is like the sin offering.  The trespass is for trespassing against a human, involving human relations. Sin offering is concerning  the ceremonial commandments, and holy things. 

  • Anyone who offers a burnt offering can have the option to keep the skin.  Bullock rug anyone?

Lev. 7:37-38  Summary of offerings

Ex. 20:24-26  Sacrificial altars

  • This altar of earth and stone to sacrifice the burnt and peace offerings  seemed to be the mobile version where you sacrifice in a mobile location, apart from the altar of burnt offering with acacia wood and bronze in Moses' tabernacle.   It has to be in the place where God will Record His Name. You would see why this option to have separate altars was given next.  Also you were not allowed to use tools to build these altars.  

Lev. 17:1-9 The command to offer sacrifices at the Tent of Meeting only

  • Lev 17:1-7 So it seems you cannot kill a single ox, or lamb, or goat in or outside the camp, without bringing it to the tabernacle of the Lord to offer it to God.  Killing an animal without offering to God is considered as bloodshed.  You must bring them and offer them as peace offerings.  Remember as peace offerings you can barbecue and eat them.  So it seems if you want lamb, or beef as food, you have to bring it to the tabernacle to have it centrally barbecued. Join the line.  Well this is why you can have several altars at the central location where God record His Name, of either earth or stone. Multiple barbecue locations with the priests.  The main bronze altar is for the main sacrifices.

    So you just cannot willy nilly kill animals.  Isn’t it interesting God considered this as blood shed if you don’t and you are in danger of being cut off from the land?  I want to think this was done to prevent diseases etc, food poisoning, and to ensure no one is offering to demons, literally satyrs, or goat aberrations, which even though it was a golden calf, God said it was a goat demon, they played the harlot to.

  • Lev 17:8-9 All men of Israel even strangers must do this or be cut off.


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