Hearing the Voice of God Part 1

Hearing the voice of God is simply, God speaking through Christ revealing Him. Even voice of God is always about revealing Him. 

It's always about communicating His nature, his preferences, His Ways

How is this done

1. Using the letter, the scriptures and having the Spirit show you the patterns about Christ's message and preferences and who He is. <-- THIS IS KEY.  if you don't search out the patterns of speaking and just isolate on one verse, you miss it.  Most of the prophets knew History, patterns of how the Kings and Israel behaved, economics etc.  Without that you cannot articulate the Voice properly to affect people's lives.

1. Through other human voices that gives voice to what you have to adjust internally to be more like Him. God's voice is always to adjust your insides

3. Through your conscience. His voice will be in your own voice in your head/ spirit that forces you to pause, consider His ways and does not originate from your emotion, state of mind or complex analysis. It comes from a force of thought usually fueled by the reservoir of the scripture bank in you, and your reflection of His nature. It always incorporate a component of who He is first and what maturing is further

It is not usually a separate audible voice.

If you don't read scripture you are not exercised to hear correctly.

If you don't pause your brain or emotions you are not exercise too hear properly.

God's voice is usually not about you. It's about Him and His movements, preferences. Anything about you fall in that framework.


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