Christ on Hell - Series

Christ on Hell Series

A lot people say that there is no one who spoke more on hell than Christ...

They claim, Jesus talked a lot about Hell. No he did not.

"By my count (with the help of some BibleWorks magic), there are 1,944 verses in the four gospels that contain Jesus’ words.

Surprisingly,  only about 60 of those verses–or an unwhopping three percent of them—might be construed as either directly or indirectly referring to hell.

On the other hand, there are more than three times as many verses in the gospels in which Jesus references heaven, eternal life, or his coming kingdom: 192 verses in all, or almost 10%.

So Jesus did not, in fact, speak more about hell than heaven. But many people who should know better still seem hell-bent on insisting that He did."  Did Jesus Speak more about hell than heaven.

He talked a lot about Gehenna

The word "hell" never came out of Jesus' mouth. Jesus spoke Aramaic. He said "Gehenna" which is quite different.

Look it up and read some books on the Jewish history of its meaning.


Why did He talked a lot about Gehenna?

You see, Jesus was an upgraded version of Jeremiah.

Jeremiah warned many years before Christ, that Jerusalem would be burned in Gehenna at the destruction at the hands of Babylon

Jesus said the same. Unfortunately the translators used the word hell. However the 1st century Jews would have known that Jesus was channeling Jeremiah and a worse destruction was to take place. It did in AD 70 at the destruction of Jerusalem.

Gehenna was hell for Jerusalem. Lots of 🔥.

Jeremiah declared that the temple became a den of thieves and that it would be made desolate like Shiloh.

Jesus said the same. In fact in the spirit of Jeremiah he whipped the temple, declared it was a den of thieves and it's own desolation. This time it was at the hands of the Romans and not Babylon.

Jesus did not talk about hell. He talked about Gehenna, the Valley of Tophet, GeHinnom.

He channeled Jeremiah.  And what He prophesied did occur.  Over 1.3 million Jews were burned and buried in Gehenna when fire was set to the temple mount and all of Jerusalem was burn.

This should help to understand what Christ was talking about.

This is something your pastor, your denomination, your apostle did not teach you.

Below you find the link to the rest of the bogs in this series. I will look at every single verse where Christ mentioned "hell"

  1. Christ on Hell - Gehenna Part 1
  2. Christ on Hell - Gehenna Part 2
  3. Christ on Hell - Every Verse Part 3
  4. Christ on Hell - Body and Soul Destroyed Part 4

Other Resources:

Brazen Church on Hell on the Bible


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