Harpazo vs Rapture - Part 1

Harpazo is different from rapture.

Rapture is based on the notion that Christ comes with dead ones, picks up believers and makes a u turn and flies back up to heaven with unbelievers left behind. 

It's helpful to consider Paul's word for "meeting" in this passage. It is the Greek word apantesis, which typically described the formal welcoming of a dignitary into a city. In other Greek literature, it was a term that described a great delegation that would travel to the outskirts of the city gates and beyond to receive the conquering king as he returned to the land."

The Rapture counts for absurd eschatology....
And if you believe in the rapture guess who is taken? Not the righteous as you were taught but the wicked.

Notice the disciples are asking "Where they were taken"... notice Christ's answer "wherever the dead bodies are for the vultures to consume"

Luk 17:34 — Luk 17:37
I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. Two women shall be grinding together; the one shall be taken, and the other left. Two men shall be in the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And they answered and said unto him, Where, Lord? And he said unto them, Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles (vultures) be gathered together.

Also who were taken during the Days of Noah? Who was left behind?
The wicked were taken and the righteous saved in the ark.
The apostles and disciples were no fools. They were well aware that THEY not US were in the Last Days, the Last Days of Moses and the Old Covenant.

Matt 24 upon which the left behind notion was conceived we see clearly that it was the righteous left behind and the wicked taken. The disciples asked 'where were the wicked taken'? Jesus answered where the eagles or vultures gather over corpses.

That was fulfilled, when the Roman armies caused the believers to flee to the mountains as Jesus suggested, and the wicked were taken and killed with their bodies dumped into Gehenna (Valley of the Son of Hinnom) and burned.

Harpazo or catching means a seizing, a forceful seizing of a human from one dimension into another.

So in summary....
  1. There is no rapture or a sensation of flying away, with the wind in your ear, with Christ doing a u turn, at least what is traditionally taught in church today.
  2. Remember those taken in Matt 24, were the wicked. Those left were the righteous.  This is exactly what happened during the days of Noah when the wicked were taken and the righteous were left.  
  3. 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1Cor 15 scriptures describe the resurrection, not a traditional rapture flying away.
  4. What happens is a Harpazo or a catching. A catching has no passing of time hence no sensation of flying away or movement. No flying away movement from earth upwards.
  5. The change is the catching or being seized by the other realm, and complete change occurring where mortality is swallowed up by immortality.
  6. Paul did expect that to occur.  Examples of Biblical Harpazo are what happened when Enoch was seized or Phillip transported to another location, in the atmosphere..in the air. A harpazo happened to Paul when he was caught up (same word) to the third heaven.
  7. Christ brings the dead ones with Him.
  8. The ones alive meet them, that is like a delegation to meet the dignitary coming to the city. Jesus IS the dignitary coming to the earth. Those dead Christ will bring to meet the alive ones on earth, in the  breathable air. That is what the word 'meet' means.
  9. Air is the atmosphere all around us.  Meeting in the air also Is indicative of the spirit realm right here all around us. We harpazo into it with new bodies. The cloud is the set of witnesses and also it is like a portal to the other realm like Jesus stepping through clouds to transfigure or ascend.
  10. Ezekiel 44 discusses what can be done with these new bodies, as part of the Melchizedek priesthood. When you appear before God's throne you are to wear 'linen' or your body changed to spiritual composition. When you appear before sheep, you wear 'wool', where you can have your body appear in this realm as a human. You can easily traverse both dimensions.

Again:  Harpazo is different from rapture (as traditionally taught)


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