Day 58, February 27 Bible Reading

Day 58,  February 27

Lev. 11 / (Deut. 14:6-20) Clean and unclean animals

Lev. 20:25-26 / Deut. 14:3-5, 21 Clean and unclean animals

Deut. 12:15-25      Regulations regarding blood and meat

Lev. 7:22-27  Regulations against eating fat and blood

Lev. 17:10-16        Regulations against eating blood

Lev. 19:23-25        Forbidden fruit

Lev. 11 / (Deut. 14:6-20) Clean and unclean animals

  • Lev 11:1-3 All animals who divides the hoof, having cloven hooves and chew the cud who can eat

  • Deut 14:6-8 You can eat

    • Ox, sheep, goat, deer, gazelle, antelope, mountain sheo

  • Lev 11:4-8 

    • Camels, Rock Badgar, the Hare - chew the cud, but no cloven hooves ← can’t eat

    • Swine - Have cloven hooves but does not chew the cud ← can’t eat

  • Lev 11:9/ Deut 14:9-10 All that in the water with fins and scales in the seas and rivers you can eat

  • Lev 11:10-12  Creatures in the water that do not have fins and scales are an abomination.  So this includes shrimp, lobster, crab [there goes my curry crab]

  • Lev 11:13-19/ Deut 14:11-18 Cannot eat these birds: eagle, vulture, buzzard, kite, falcom, raven, ostrich, owl, sea gull, hawk, stork, heron, bat

  • Lev 11:20-23 Insects? Can each locust, crickets, grasshoppers because they have jointed legs which leap on the earth.  No cockroaches or insects that creep on all fours.

  • Lev 11:24-28 If you touch a dead animal you are unclean until evening. You need to wash your clothes also.

  • Lev 11:29-38 Anything that creeps on the earth is unclean - mole, mouse, liard, iguana [there goes my curry iguana] When they are dead and it touches anything, wood, clothing shall be unclean until evening. 
    Side Note: Did not know they had ovens back then.

  • Lev 11:39-40 If you touch, eat or carry a dead animal that you can eat, you are unclean until evening. Need to wash your clothes also.

  • Lev 11:41-47/ Duet 14:19-20 Once again cannot eat creepy crawly things or creeping thing that flies

Lev. 20:25-26 / Deut. 14:3-5, 21 Clean and unclean animals

  • Lev 20:25-26 You cannot make yourselves abominable by dealing with unclean animals or birds. Anything that creeps on the ground is uncle. Why are these laws here? Because God wanted a hoy people, separated from every other nation to belong to God.  That is what holiness meant.

  • Deut 14:3-5, 21 Funny, Israel could not eat anything that dies of itself but aliens and foreigners can.
    You cannot boil a young goat in its mother’s milk 

Deut. 12:15-25      Regulations regarding blood and meat

  • Deut 12:15-19  This is a change in the Law.  While in the wilderness they could not just kill an animal and eat it without presenting t at the Tabernacle. Now in the promised land, you can kill and eat the meat within your gates, but you cannot eat the blood.  However you cannot eat the tithe of grain new wine or oil or any of the offerings. The must be presented to and eaten before the Lord in the place which God choses. ← Notice tithe is only for produce and agricultural items, not money.

  • Deut 12:20-25 Once again, when God enlarges their borders and they want to eat meat, they can eat as much as they want.  Since “the place where God has put His name” [pay attention to that phrase] is far, you can slaughter your herd and eat it within your gates.  Who says God does not take your context into consideration and cannot change the law?

  • The blood is life, life is in the blood

Lev. 7:22-27  Regulations against eating fat and blood

  • Lev 7:22-27 Can’t eat fat; Can’t eat blood.  No Blood pudding for yuh. Anyone who east blood should be cut off

Lev. 17:10-16        Regulations against eating blood

  • Once again, the life or soul of any living creature is in the blood.  Can’t eat it  You should not eat any meat that dies of itself or torn from other beasts, else you are unclean.  You need to wash your clothes and bathe and be unclean until evening. This contradicts a little Deut 14:21 which says “Ye shall not eat of anything that dieth of itself:”

Lev. 19:23-25        Forbidden fruit

  • Fruit trees in their first 3 years are counted as uncircumcised and cannot be eaten.  The fourth year it is holy to praise the Lord with.  In the first year you can eat.


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