Day 50, February 19 Bible Reading

Day 50,  February 19

Lev. 1 / 6:8-13      Burnt offerings

Lev. 2 / 6:14-23    Grain offerings

Lev. 3 / 7:11-21    Fellowship offerings

Lev. 7:28-36          Fellowship offerings: the priests’ share

As you engage in today's reading, remember, God said He did stuff He did not desire. He really did not want sacrifices, the law, all those stuff.

"Sacrifices and offerings, burnt offerings and sin offerings you did not desire, nor were you pleased with them"--though they were offered in accordance with the law." [Heb 10:8]


Yep God did things He was not pleased with. You did not think so right?

He did not want Moses Law nor the Old Covenant...

What He really wanted was Christ and the New Covenant.

Lev. 1 / 6:8-13      Burnt offerings

  • Lev 1:1-2 Burnt Offering of the Livestock will be detailed, either of herd or flock [sheep or goats]. The ox is the ultimate servant. These offerings represent Christ the servant.

  • Lev 1:3-9 So if it is the burnt offering of cattle it should be a male without blemish.  The participant has to put his hand on its head to identify with it, to make atonement and kill it himself before the Lord and priests. It is your offering.then the priests will sprinkle the altar with blood, skin it, cut it into pieces, and burn it, with head, fat and all parts.  However the guts, intestines, stomach and legs must be washed with water.

  • We must be cut in pieces and our head (renewed minds) must be burnt up, with our internal parts (desires, feelings, emotions) and our daily walk washed.

  • Lev 1:10-13 if the Same with an offering from the flocks.  God is flexible in what can be offered.  If you do not have a big bull to offer, too big for your wallet, you can bring a sheep or goat

  • Lev 1:14-17 If recession hit ya, you can bring a bird, a turtledove or young pigeon.  Forget about those televangelists that say you must bring in $2020 in the offering.  This time the head is wrung out, blood drained at the side of the altar, feathers removed, split at its wings and burned completely.

  • Lev 6:8-13 Burnt offering should be burnt all night until morning. The priest should put on only his linen garments/ underwear and take up the ashes and dump them beside the altar.  Then change his clothes and carry the asses to a clean place outside the camp.  Never put the fire out.   Always add wood to it

Lev. 2 / 6:14-23    Grain offerings

  • Lev 2:1-3 Meal/ Food or grain offering.  It is a bloodless offering. Take flour, oil and frankincense, and the priest takes a handful and burn it, producing a sweet aroma.  The rest taken by the priests.  It is the MOST holy of the offerings made by fire, holier than all the blood offerings. This actually should tell you something.  I will show later God really did not want the blood offerings.

  • Lev 2:4-6 You can actually bake in an oven (yep there were ovens back then, Maytag).  Bake cakes without yeast, with oil.  If it is baked in a pan, same flour and mixed with oil. It is like fried flour, or doubles in Trinidad, or sada roti. God is indeed a Trini.

  • Lev 2:7-10 If the grain offering is baked in a covered pan, again flour with oil.  This is like fry bake.  Priests burn some on the altar and take the rest.  Fry bake is most holy.

  • Lev. 2:11-13 No yeast or sugar/ honey in grain offering.  Offering of fruit/ firstfruit is not to be blurb.  Every grain offering shall be seasoned with salt. God likes oil and salt, not sugar and leaven.  Baking tips from God

  • Note contrary to what people say, it was only the grain offering that was salted and this was the most holy to the Lord.  Christ is the bread of Life. Christ also said, in Mark 9:49-50, if a hand, or foot or eye causes you to sin, it is better to cut them off, or pluck them, enter into life maimed, than enter into Gehenna where the fire is not quenched. Question: When Christ said to enter life maimed, do you think there will be dis-limbed people in heaven? Is that what He was talking about? No.  He was referring to life here on earth.  He was telling the people of Jerusalem it was better to be hurt and live, than sin and die when Jerusalem was destroyed by fire. Notice it was the fire that was never quenched, similar to the fire on the burnt altar that was never quenched.  Also Christ said every human will be seasoned with, just as every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt.  With this lesson which sacrifice was seasoned with salt? Grain offering.  So you cannot season a human with sugar or yeast, that activates the corruption process. Sugar, your own preconceived notions, emotions, extra attitude, combined with leaven, bitterness, etc can corrupt you.  It does not give you character. Salt, though, prevents corruption, helps you from becoming bitter corrupted when you go through fire. It brings out your inner flavor, what is already inside of you.

  •  Lev 2:14-16 You can offer as firstfruits, green heads of wheat/ grain roasted in fire, or full heads, with oil and frankincense.

  • Lev 6:14-23 if the priests offer a grain offering, beginning on the day he was anointed, 1/10 of an ephah pf floor, halfin morning and half in evening, baked with oil

Lev. 3 / 7:11-21    Fellowship offerings

  • Lev 3:1-5 For a peace offering, you can offer male and female from the herd without blemish. Notice females are available in an offering to make peace and towards reconciliation. Similar to the burnt offering, lay hand on head, killed, sprinkled with blood.  However this time, the fat on the insides, kidneys, liver, shall be removed and then all fat burned. The meat will be barbecued as food eaten by the participant and or priest. This is God’s dinner table. 

  • What we gorge ourselves on the inside cannot be allowed to stay if we have to make peace with our fellow man. We have to be a lean muscle.

  • Lev 3:6-17 Similar offering from flock or goat

  • Lev 7:11-21  Peace offering can be offered with thanksgiving.  Interestingly both  unleavened cakes, or wafers with oil and leavened bread can be offered. It is heaved before the Lord, not burned like the grain offering.  It belongs to the priest.

  • Any peace offering with animals must be eaten the same day, not left in morning.  If it is a vow or voluntary offering, you can leave the remainder the next day but by the third day it must be burned with fire. Cannot eat it on the third day, especially since there were no refrigerators back then.   You cannot be unclean and eat it also.  Notice God allows you to eat the peace offering.  You are having barbeque dinner with God. It is His.  You are eating flesh that belongs to Him.

Lev. 7:28-36          Fellowship offerings: the priests’ share

Lev 7: 28-36  The priests get the breast portion of the peace offering. The breast is waved before the Lord.  The priest also gets the nice big right thigh as a heave offering.  Barbecue time.


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