Day 34, February 3 Bible Reading

Day 34,  February 3

Ex. 10 The plagues of locusts and darkness

Ex. 11 Moses warns Pharaoh of a plague on the firstborn

Ex. 12:1-28 Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Ex. 12:29-42  The plague on the firstborn / The Israelites leave Egypt

Ex. 10

  • 10:1-2 The Hardening of Pharaoh’s heart continues.  Again how did God harden Pharaoh’s heart again?  It is by the way He orchestrated and conducted the plagues, with increasing escalation,  each being temporary and abated after some time.   This caused an obstinate response by Pharaoh, every time this occurred.

  • Notice it was not JUST the heart of Pharaoh that was hardened by the Lord, but the hearts of his servants were also.  

  • 10:3-15 Eighth Plague: Locusts -  God warns he will bring Locusts this time, to eat all the crops, as Pharaoh refused to humble himself. Pharaoh’s officials are experiencing this feature by now. It’s about time after Blood, Boils, LiveStock, Hail, Flies.  For a brief moment because of peer pressure, Pharaoh called back Moses and Aaron and told them go ahead and worship your God, but tell me who is going. When he found out that the women and children were going, “Oh Ra No”!!.  He kicked them out of the palace.

  • 10:16-20 Fake repentance time.  Again never let anyone use fake repentance and saying they are sorry as license to abuse you.

  • 10:21-29 Night Plague: Supernatural Darkness.  This is a strange plague.  Sun shines only on Israel but God sucked the light over the Egyptians for 3 days.  Pharaoh summoned Moses and told him go, worship your God, even with your women and children; but leave your flocks behind. Moses said “Oh Jah No”.  We need to use them for burnt offerings [How did Moses know about burnt offerings?].  Once Pharaoh heard that, his mind and mood change.  This Pharaoh is a bit schizophrenic.  One moment calm, the other psychotic.  He told them he never wants to see them again.  Moses said, it will be just as you say.

Ex. 11

  • 11:1-10 Final Tenth Plague: This is it, the Plague of all Plagues. For holding God’s firstborn hostage,  God will kill every firstborn in Egypt, from Pharaoh, to the slave to the cattle.  There will be wailing in Egypt but not a dog will bark in Israel.  “Then you will know hat the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel''.  This is the first time I have seen Moses described as hot with anger.

Ex. 12:1-28

  • 12:1-2 God established a new month for them, the month of Adib. This was their New year celebration. God established a whole new calendar for the entire nation.  Your future is no longer held hostage by the dictates of time of your past. Your future is no longer under the toxic time dictates of your hurt, trauma, nor your enemies.  This deliverance will enact a new beginning, and free you from emotional trauma. [Note: Abib The original name of the first month of the Jewish sacred calendar and the seventh month of the secular calendar. It means "Green Ears (of Grain)" and ran from mid-March to mid-April. After the Jews' return from Babylon, it was called Nisan.]

  • 12:3-4 Each family must eat a lamb and eat all of it. Based on corporate dynamics you choose the lamb, on the tenth day.

  • 12:5-7 Tend to the lamb until the 14th day, the Day of passover.  It says you need to get a lamb without defect.  We all know there is really no such thing, but this speaks to an AntiTupe of the future the real Perfect Lamb Christ.  The Lamb is slaughtered on the twilight of the 14th, technically the 15th of the month.

  • 12:8-11 Eaterm with bitter herbs and unleavened bread.  This is the Feast of unleavened Bread which we will read more on later on.  They need to eat it all, in haste ready to leave at a moment’s notice. Even though God wanted to bring them to Sinai to hold a Feast he already started a Feast while at Israel, a Death feast.

  • 12:12-13 The Blood is a sign that He would pass over executing his judgment when he strikes.  God said he wants to bring judgment against even the gods of Egypt.  So why is He concerned about the gods if they are not real? Hmm… Maybe they are.

  • 12:14-20 The Feast of Unleavened Bread is established from the 14th to the 21st, for 7 days. The first and seventh day would be Sabbaths, and hold a sacred assembly.

  • 12:21-28 instructions were given to use hyssop and put blood on the top and both sides of the doorframe and everyone stay inside.  Who is this destroyer working with God? The Angel of Death?

Ex. 12:29-42

  • 12-29-30  At Midnight the Angel of Death or destroyer struck, killing all the first born.  Tell me.  Are all the first born sons, little boy babies from Egypt killed, in heaven and heart?

  • 12:31-36 Pharaoh finally told them to leave, Take flocks and herds and everything.  Then he finally added a nice Pentecostal request “And bless me”.   Even the Egyptians are urging them to hurry and leave lest they all die. They plundered the Egyptians also.

  • 12:36-41 They journeyed from Ramses to Sukkoth, about 600,000 men, which meant about 1.3 million people. Could you imagine that amount of people exiting on foot anywhere?  It was said they were in Egypt for 430 years.  The Septuagint says in Egypt AND Canaan for 430 years. That is Key.  430 years according to Gal 3:16-17 was from the time of Abraham to the exit in Egypt, not 430 years of slavery. They were slaves for about 130 to 144 years.  However they left the very day Abraham was in Canaan receiving the promise.  To the very day.

  • 12:42 Love this verse: “Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.”


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