Biblical Predestination Part 1 - Foreknowledge

Biblical Predestination Part 1 - Foreknowledge

God has foreknowledge, He does foreordain, and He does predetermine some things. He does not predetermine everything that occurs, that is, every single choice of man, whether there be rapes, brutalities etc. Man is responsible for his choices.

  1. God is Sovereign. At a macro level, He retains Ultimate and Eminent Domain. He predetermines the outcome of all reality no matter how many detours occur.

  2. He predetermined a Seed, Christ, a Lamb Slain.

  3. He predetermined an elect through Whom this Lamb would come... Seth --> Noah --> Abraham --> Jacob --> Israel --> Judah and Joseph --> Christ. He almost decided to wipe out Israel to do it through Moses

  4. He predetermined, that all the earth would be saved, even though many would be put to shame [Isa 45]

  5. He predetermined that every knee will bow and every tongue will confess "In HIM I have Righteousness and Strength" which Paul shortened to "Jesus is Lord".

  6. He predetermined that to become a son of God has to be by adoption through One man Jesus Christ.

  7. He predetermined that Creation would be set free from bondage and corruption. In fact it may have been necessary to submit all of creation to vanity to allow the prime objective to occur.... Recreation of the God Kind through regeneration.

  8. At a micro level, He allows man's to make individual choices. He does not predetermine all of every man's individual choices. Each man is accountable to Him for all their own choices.

  9. At a macro level, He determines though the consequences and ultimate outcome. Man can choose but CANNOT determine the consequences.

  10. At a macro level, God predetermined that out of Him, through Him, and back to Him are all things. He predetermined that Christ would be the all that is in the Beginning and all that would be in the End. He predetermined that time would be divided and managed so that all of reality would culminate and be summed up in Christ, whether in Heaven or Earth ....

"having made known to us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which He purposed in Himself, 10 that in the dispensation of the fullness of the times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, [c]both which are in heaven and which are on earth—in Him." [ Eph 1:9-10]


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