The Unpardonable Sin

*The Unpardonable Sin*

What about those  who blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?  Would they never be saved?

The "unforgiveable sin" is not rejection of Christ atonement

Matthew 12:24

Now when the Pharisees heard it they said, “This fellow does not cast out demons except by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons.”

27  And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them  out? Therefore they shall be your judges. 28 But if I cast out demons by  the Spirit of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.

31  “Therefore I say to you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men,  but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven men. 32 Anyone  who speaks a word against the Son of Man, it will be forgiven him; but  whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him,  either in this age or in the age to come.


  1. Pharisees were accusing Christ of casting out devils with the help of the head demon.
  2. Christ then asks how do your sons cast them out?  The sons shall be  your judges since you are also accusing them inadvertently of using  demons also to cast them out
  3. Christ then expresses,  if instead he is casting out by the Spirit of God then the Kingdom has  come and the Spirit is the Stronger Man
  4. If after being made aware, that it is by the Spirit of God the demons are cast out, and you  still insist that it is accomplished by Beelzebub the head of demons, then you are  equating the Spirit with Beelzebub which is blasphemy.
  5. There was NO Record that the Pharisees, after he identified that it was  by the Spirit of God, declared that the Spirit was Beelzebub.
  6. If they had done so, this sin was not forgiven in THAT age (the Age  they were in, that is Moses's Age) or in the Age to Come, which is the  age we are in.
  7. But again, there was no record anyone insisting that he did it by Beelzebub or a devil after he indicated it was by the Spirit.
  8. It implies that one could have said that the Son of Man was a devil and be forgiven but  since the Spirit was given especially for this Age, the New covenant  Age which we are in know, obviously saying that the Spirit was a devil,  would not put you in right standing right now.

*IN Conclusion*

  1. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit was in the context of demon possession, and stating that it was not the Spirit who was the strong man, taking out the demons, but the Spirit was a Demon itself, and the only way the Spirit exercises power was through fear.
  2. It is literally calling the Holy Spirit a Demon.....The Pharisees were accusing Christ of casting out devils with the help of the head demon, when it was the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God is not a devil.
  3. It is a VERY SPECIFIC SIN.  Blasphemy against the Spirit means that you deliberately conclude that  the Spirit of God works as or with a devil, or after it was pointed out to you, to actually call the Holy Spirit a devil or think the Holy Spirit is working in cohorts with Satan.
  4. More importantly it is thinking that the Holy Spirit uses fear as His main weapon to bring people in line.
  5. Unbelievers do not do that.  RELIGIOUS FOLKS CAN DO THAT.  It is Religious Folks who know about devils and would be the ones to intentionally mislabel the Holy Spirit if it comes down to that.
  6. In this case, Only the Pharisees were uniquely qualified to do that.  No average unbeliever would even have  clue about Holy Spirit, must less deliberately misidentify the Holy Spirit with a devil or the tactics of devil's.
  7. But true, anyone who explicitly said that the Holy Spirit is actually working in cohorts with Satan is in danger
  8. Christ said, they were not forgiven in that age they were in (Moses Age) or in the Age to Come (our age, New Covenant Age).
  9. They were in danger of age-during judgment...Anyone Pharisee, who committed this were all destroyed in AD 70.
  10. It never said that they will never be forgiven beyond this age we are in now.  He never said it was to remain unforgivable after this age.
  11. What happens after this age? Who knows?  After they paid for their crime, who knows what may occur?  There are laws of restitution that God upholds where each wicked must give an account of their sin, and blasphemy is one of the worse it seems.  Yet all the wicked who were thrown into the Lake of Fire were still found outside the gates of the city on the New Earth.

Therefore even in “Hell” or Judgment, there is the notion of the punishment must fits the crime, which goes counter to the “eternal” concept, where everyone receives the same “fire” judgment with the same “intensity” or degree.  Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit seems to have a greater degree of punishment.

This is consistent with Luke  12, where the evil servant who did not prepare himself was not let off  the hook.  He was appointed his portion with unbelievers.  Yet he was  beaten with many stripes.  Others would be beaten with few stripes.  Here was a servant who also sinned, and was met with judgment, age-during judgment, and was beaten with a few stripes.

Christ  knows how to render punishment befitting the deed.  Some would get  their portion with unbelievers and given some flogging also.

There  are differences in punishment even in "hell" or after death or in the  judgment.  Even Sodom and Gomorrah had a case compared to how Jerusalem  treated Christ. Christ said Jerusalem would be punished worse than Sodom and Gomorrah and Ezekiel said Sodom would be restored.

If it was committed then Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit seem to have a higher degree of punishment in that age-during judgment.

That age during judgment took place when Jerusalem was destroyed.  That was the wrath of God poured on the unbelieving Jews and the Pharisees who would have been guilty of blasphemy suffered the most.


Christ never said it was NOT forgivable AFTER this age.  If you know anything about Lev. 25, and the Laws of Restitution and Jubilee,  you would know that there is no sin, or debt (for sin is a debt) that can outlast all "ages" or time designated.  It meets its match in the Year of Jubilee.  So even if you are not redeemed or refuse redemption before the 50th year, once the 50th year is reached, all debts are resolved... but it takes a long time... age-during, aionos, and "eternality" to resolve, in the many ages to come.  The law is a shadow of these things...



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