Day 54, February 23 Bible Reading

 Day 54,  February 23

Num. 6:22-27        The priests’ benediction for the Israelites

Num. 7 – 8:4  Offerings at the dedication of the tabernacle

Ex. 27:20-21 / Lev. 24:1-9  The command to place oil and bread before the Lord

Num. 6:22-27        The priests’ benediction for the Israelites

  • The Father’s Blessing: “The Lord Bless you and Keep you”

  • The Word’s Blessing: “The Lord make His Face Shine Upon you and be Gracious to You”

  • The Spirit’s Blessing: “The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace”

  • This is how they invoke God’s name on the people and bless them.

  • The Lord’s Face is Christ, the Face of a Lion, Man, Ox and Eagle, the Faces of the 4 living creatures.

Num. 7 – 8:4  Offerings at the dedication of the tabernacle

  • Num 7:1-3 The leaders of each of the 12 tribes brought an offering: 6 covered carts, one for every 2 leaders, and 12 oxen, one for each.

  • Num 7:4-9 They were distributed to the sons of Levi, he priests to do the work of the tabernacle according to their station: 2 Carts, 4 Oxen to Gershon, 4 carts and 8 Oxen to Merarim and none to Kohath [Moses and Aaron’s family] for they carry the holy things on their shoulders.

  • Num 7:10-11 One leader each day presented offerings

  • Num 7:12-81 Each day, each tribe offer the same offerings, with each main tribe [Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, Dan] going first on 4 separate tranches: 130 shekel silver platter, 70 shekel silver bowl, both full of flour mixed with oil as grain offering; 10 shekel gold pan with incense; 1 bull, ram, 1 male lamb in first year as burnt offering; 1 goat kid as sin offering; 2 oxen, 5 rams, 5 male goats, 5 male lambs in the first year as peace offering.

    • There were four leading tribes of Israel surrounding the tabernacle of Moses in the wilderness. To the east was Judah, the lion (Gen. 49:9; Num. 2:3). To the west was Ephraim, the ox (Deut. 33:17; Num. 2:18); to the south was Reuben, the man (Gen. 49:3; Num. 2:10); and to the north was Dan, the flying eagle carrying away a serpent (Gen. 49:17; Num. 2:25)

    • Eastern Tribes: Day 1 - Judah [Face of Lion]; Day 2 - Issachar; Day 3 - Zebulun; 

    • Southern Tribes: Day 4 - Reuben [Face of Man]; - Day 5 Simon; Day 6 - Gad;

    • Western Tribes: Day 7 - Ephraim [Face of an Ox]; Day 8- Manasseh; Day 9 - Benjamin; 

    • Northern Tribes: Day 10 - Dan[Face of an Eagle]; Day 11-Asher; Day 12 - Naphtali.

  • Num 7:82-88 This was a massive offering in all to dedicate the altar and tabernacle:

    • 12 -130 shekel silver platter, 

    • 12 -70 shekel silver bowl, both full of flour mixed with oil as grain offering; 

    • 12 - 10 shekel gold pan with incense; 

    • 12 bulls,  12 rams, 12 male lambs in first year as burnt offering; 

    • 12 goat kids as sin offering; 

    • 24 oxen, 60 rams, 60 male goats, 60 male lambs in the first year as peace offerings.

  • Num 7:89 Moses went in to speak with YahWeh after all of this and he heard the voice of ONE speaking to him above the mercy seat that was on the ark of the Testimony between the two cherubims.

Ex. 27:20-21 / Lev. 24:1-9  The command to place oil and bread before the Lord

  • Ex 27:20-21 The children of Israel were commanded to bring pure oil made of pressed olives, to keep the lampstand burning, which the sons of Aaron must tend to every morning and evening

  • Lev 24:1-9 12 Bread cakes should be baked also, put in 2 rows, 6 in a row, with pure frankincense, as a ready supply of grain offering by fire also.  Every Sabbath it was replaced. 


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