Day 37, February 6 Bible Reading

Day 37,  February 6

Ex. 19:1-15 The Israelites arrive at Sinai / God’s promise to the Israelites

Ex. 19:16-25  God shows himself to the Israelites 1446 BC

Ex. 20:1-21 / (Deut. 5:6-21)       The giving of the Law / Ten Commandments

Ex. 20:22-23 / Lev. 26:1-2  Laws against making idols

Ex. 21:1 / Deut. 12:1-4    Introduction to laws / Destroying places of false worship

Deut. 12:29 – 14:2 Laws against false worship

Deut. 16:21 – 17:5 Laws against false worship

Deut. 18:20-22      Identifying false prophets

Ex. 19:1-15

  • 19:1-2 It is now the 1st of the third month, the 47th day since they left.   They finally come to the mountain where Moses saw the burning bush, about 3 to 4 months ago. 

  • 19:3-6 Whereas before God had to identify Himself to Moses, now God is giving Israel a new identity.  They are no longer slaves.  They are the house of Jacob, the children of Israel, and if hey indeed obey His voice and keep His covenant they would be a special treasure to God above all the people.  They would be a kingdom of priests to represent God before all the families of the earth.  They would be a holy nation.

  • There is no such thing as a Christian Nation. America was never a Christian Nation. The true Terminology is a "Holy Nation"...

  • 12:7-9 This is a marriage ceremony. God is marrying Himself to Israel.  They said we do.

  • 12:10-15 It was God intent all along to have the people hear from Him directly.  To prepare them, they were to consecrate themselves, wash their clothes and be ready for the third day.  No one was to either touch the mountain base or go up, else they will be killed.  Only when the trumpet sounds that are to come near. 

  • Moses made a number of trips up and down the mountain.  I got tired for the poor old man upon just reading how many times he went up and down.

Ex. 19:16-25

  • 19:16-20 On the third day the mountain was on fire, literally.  There were thunderings and lightnings, thick cloud, loud sounding of the trumpet, no wonder everyone was terrified.  The Lord descended in fire. Moses went up after the Lord called from to the top. This third day happen to be the 50th day, the day of Pentecost. 

  • This is where Paul got the imagery of the last trump. The Lord coming down in a cloud. Moses going up to meet the Lord in the mountain,”in the air” The long trumpet sound signaling to the people time to meet the Lord

  • 19:21-25 After Moses went up, The Lord told him to go down again, warn the people.  So he went up to the top just to be told to come back down?  That was a long hike.  No wonder Moses  said, but Lord, the people cannot come up to Mount Sinai.  Remember you told us to block it off and consecrate it.  Well God almost shouted at him. “Away! Get dome and them come up, you and Aaron with you.  But do not let the priestess and the people break through to come up to the Lord , lest He break out against them”.   Who is this talking? Why is he talking in the third person? Why didn't he just tell Moses this the first time?  Moses came back down the mountain to get the people prepared.

Ex. 20:1-21 (Deut 5:6-21)

  • 20:1-2 So we have come to the ten commandments.  Unlike all the stories you heard Moses was NOT on the mountain when God gave them the 10 commandments.   Moses was WITH the people, at the bottom of the mountain, hearing from God WITH the entire nation. (Ex. 19:25) [As I said, Moses must have jogged up and down the mountain at least three times by my count since he arrived]. 

  • EVERYBODY heard the ten commandments together.  The 10 commandments and Old Covenant [OC] were a marriage vow. They were all about all “Thou Shall not”, about behavior, about doing something to get approval, which then defines you.  The New Covenant [NC] does not put the onus on the people. It puts the onus on God to make sure you are transformed to be incapable of doing wrong.   The NC is about being, about identity first, which then drives behavior.  

  • 20:3 OC: You shall have no other gods before me; NC: God will ensure you do not desire other gods. Christ will be your only desire.

  • 20:4-6 OC:  You shall not make a carved image in the likeness of anything object to bow and worship them.  God is a jealous God punishing the sins of the fathers to the children to the 3rd and 4th generations of those who hate Him, but shows mercy to thousands who love Him and keep His commandments; NC: Christ is the image of God, He will image Himself in you; You would love the Lord with all your heart. You would learn to love yourself.

  • 20:7 OC: Don’t take the Lord ‘s name in vain.  This does not mean saying “God damn”.  Remember this is a marriage. It means don’t take the Lord’s name as your married name and not live like it, to call yourself his, and have no relationship with Him. Don’t ever say “Thus says the Lord” or “God told me”, where you are lying for Him;  NC: Christ has made it such that He places His name upon you.

  • 20:8-11 OC: Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy, for in 6 days The Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and rested on the seventh day; NC: Bring your burdens to Christ. He is your Sabbath. You are rested.

  •  20:12 OC: Honor your father and mother, that your days may be long on the land;  (Note it was to live a long life but how long you stay in the land of Israel); NC: Who is my mother and father but those who do the will of God. Christ hated it when the Pharisees pressured people to give money to the church/ religion, instead of giving to their mother and fathers. [Matt 15:4-9]

  • 20:13 OC: You shall not murder; NC: Just hating is murder. Stop being so offended easily. Love enemies. You are not a murderer.

  • 20:14 OC: You shall not commit adultery; NC: Lusting is adultery; I will change you so that you learn to Love.

  • 20:15 OC: You shall not steal; NC: In Christ, you are not a thief. You hear His Voice.

  • 20:16 OC: You will not bear false witness against your neighbour; NC: You are not a lie and do not desire to also. You rather mercy than judgment.

  • 20:17 OC: You will not covet, neighbor’s house, wife, male or female servant, ox, donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s; NC: You are content in Christ.

  • 20:18-21 The people changed their mind.  They don’t want God to speak to them directly, lest they die, or so they say. Moses said, God is testing them, so that they would be afraid of God, so that they may not sin.  Wait, did Moses say “Do NOT fear… so that His fear may be upon you”?  Is that double talk?  No.

  • The Old Covenant is based on fear of retribution to stop sinning,  The New Covenant is where perfect love casts out fear, and love is the motivation to not sin.  The people stood afar off while Moses drew near the darkness where God was.  They would prove to be a fatal mistake by the people. Deut 18:16-18 says this was the people rejecting the Voice of the Lord, so that God would have to have a go between, a proxy, a project between the people to hear His Voice,  God prefers to talk to people directly, not through an intermediary.

Ex. 20:22-23/ Lev 26:1-2

  • Because they have seen God talked from heaven (well He was on earth in the air, on top of the mountain), you do not make any gods of silver nor gold.

Ex. 21:1/ Deut 12:1-4

  • Deut 12:1-4 First statute, destroy all the places where the nations you dispossess go to serve their gods.  Yep He is a jealous God.

Deut. 12:29 – 14:2 Laws against false worship

  • Deut 12:29-32 Once again Israel is admonished that when they dispose the nations do not be ensnared to follow after their gods.  That is a divine entanglement.  They burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods, which God finds as an abomination.

  • Deut 13:1-4 Even if a prophet or a dramer, gives you a sign and that sign comes to pass, but they say “Let us go after their gods”, you shall not listen to them.  Even IF the thing they said comes to pass, don't listen to them. God is testing you to know whether you live the Lord with all your heart and with all your soul.  American gods that people love to go after while professing Christ are : the military, large corporations, money/ mammon, free market, how much you have accomplished with your own bootstraps, law and order, how rich you are; successful business, how many members in your church, Capitalism [except when getting bailouts and checks from government], nationalism.

  • Deut 13:5 Death to that prophet that entices you to walk from the way God commanded.

  • Deut 13:6-10 Hmm.. Dang. Even if your brother, son, daughter, wife, your best friend secretly entices you to go after other gods, you have to stone them.  Dang.

  • Deut 13:12-18 If in one of your cities, corrupt men entice the inhabitants, and you investigate and find out that it was true, you have to utterly destroy that city, all the inhabitants and even all the livestock.  You have to each take the plunder and turn it into ash in a bonfire.  Dang.  

  • Deut 14:1-2 You cannot cut yourselves nor shave the front of your head for the dead.  This was not the nere taking of a razor and cutting your hair. This is as Lev. 19:27 says, you should not disfugure yourself or make a show of grief and pluck your hear in clumps or cut yourself.  

Deut. 16:21 – 17:5 Laws against false worship

  • Deut 16:21 You cannot plant a tree for yourself as an image near an altar to the Lord. 

  • Deut 17:1-1 No defect or blemish bull or sheep given as a sacrifice.  This is an abomination

  • Deut 17:2-5 Again if a man and woman worship other gods, sun, moon, stars, you have to bring them out of the gates and stone them.  Astrology anyway? Sun worship anyone?  

Deut. 18:20-22      Identifying false prophets

  • If a prophet presumes to speak a word in His name, which He has not commanded, that prophet should die.  How do you know they speak something that the Lord has not spoken? Simply if it does not come to pass, then they spoke it presumptuously.


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