Day 44, February 13 Bible Reading

Day 44,  February 13

Ex. 25:1-22 Offerings for the sanctuary / Instructions for making the Ark

Ex. 25:23-26  … for making the table, lampstand, tabernacle, and curtain

Ex. 27:1-19 … for making the altar of burnt offering and the courtyard

Ex. 25:1-22 Offerings for the sanctuary / Instructions for making the Ark

  • Ex 25:1-2 So how did Israel have offerings to give? Recall that Gen 155:3-14, God told Abraham 400 years ago, that his offspring would come out of their oppression with great possessions.  Israel gave offerings from all the wealth they dispossessed of Egypt.

  • Ex 25:3-7  These are the offerings, which all point to Christ:

    • Gold → Represent divinity

    • Silver → Redemption

    • Bronze → Judgment

    • Blue → Heaven, Christ came from above

    • Scarlet → Purple, Royalty, King, Royal Blood

    • Fine Linen → Righteousness. No Sweat. Christ is our righteousness

    • Goat’s Hair → Humanity. Christ became human. Also cursed sin offering; Jesus became a curse

    • Ram skins dyed red → Substitutionary blood sacrifice

    • Badger [or dolphin] skins → No outer beauty; Christ had no form nor comeliness 

    • Acaia Wood → Noah’s ark, atonement

    • Oil for light → Spirit anointing

    • Spices for anointing oil and sweet incense → Sweet smelling fragrance to God

    • Onyx Stones for Ephod and breastplate → To blanche, make white, Divine intelligence, the Word, the Decision

  • Ex 25:8-9 Moses Tabernacle was the first place God Dwell among humans, in a human constructed apparatus;  However it was made in the pattern of heavenly things. It was just a shadow

  • Ex. 25:10-16 First the ark was made. It was 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubit wide and high A. cubit is the distance between the elbow and the tip of the middle finger, about 20 inches. So it was about 4 feet 2 inches long; and 2.5 feet wide and high.

    • Overlaid with God both inside and out 

    • Four gold rings on corners, two on each side

    • Poles to carry through rings laid with gold. You cannot take the poles off the rings.

  • Ex. 25:17  Now the mercy seat has NO wood, just pure gold, same length and width of the ark.

  • Ex. 25:18-20 The mercy seat was to be made with two cherubims in one piece of gold, wings touching each other, and facing each other.  That was the mercy seat, which represents the throne of God. Can you imagine the craftsmanship?

  • Ex 25:21-22 The mercy seat goes on top of the ark. God would appear as light or glory hovering above the mercy seat, between the two cherubim, and the Testimony was placed in the ark. The Testimony was not defined. It was said to be the commandments written on stone.

Ex. 25:23-Ex 26  … for making the table, lampstand, tabernacle, and curtain

  • Ex 25:23-28 A small table was created, smaller than the ark, also overlaid with gold, with a handbreath bevel frame and gold molding for the frame.  Rings of Gold were also placed on the four corners of its legs, with acacia wood poles overlaid with gold. 

  • Ex 25:29-30 More pure gold work: dishes, pans, pitchers, bowls for pouring.  Comes in handy for Day of Tabernacles.

  • Ex 25:31-34 Remember this lampstand.  We will see it in the book of revelation, representing Christ with the churches in the first century. It was made of gold in one piece, with a shaft, 3 branches on each side, six in all, each with a bowl made like an almond flower with an ornamental knob.

  • Ex 25:35 A knob under every two branches also, three in all

  • Ex 25:36-38 Lamps were made for each bowl, and stem, seven in all to give light. All wick trimmers and trays of our gold. It was to be made according to the pattern God showed Moses on Mt. Sinai.  Now we know what he was doing there for 40 days and nights.

  • Ex 26:1 The roof of the tabernacle was made from 10 curtains, of woven linen, vlue, purple scarlet thread and artistic designs of cherubim in them. Can you tell that God likes Cherubim?

  • Ex 26:2-3 So each was about 46 feet long, and 6 ⅔ feet wide. You could the 10 curtains together, it would stretch to 96 feet and 33 feet wide. 

  • Ex 26: 4 Blue yard for the edges.  So this would be very colorful in the sun, with purple, scarlet and blue.  This is the sky, or heavens with cherubim flying all in it.

  • Ex 26:5-6 Join the curtains with 50 loops on each end and joined together with 50 golden clasps

  • Ex 26:7-9 Now you make 11 curtains of goat’s hair to actually go on top of the heavenly curtain of 10 before. They are longer, each 50 feet, so when joined they are 100 feet. The width is the same 6 ⅔ feet. You couple 5 curtains together and then 6 together to cover the heavenly curtain, with the 6th covering the front of the tent.  

  • This is a beautiful picture of humanity covering divinity. Under our goat’s hair, our flesh, there is a whole world of divinity, the heavens.

  • Ex 26:10-13 Once again they are looped and clasped by 50 with the extra piece from the 11th goat hair curtain half covering the back of the tabernacle.

  • Ex. 26:14 Above the goatskin tent you have the ram skins dyed red, and above that the covering of badger’s sin.  This picture of Christ.  If you peel Christ back, you have a unhandsome form, blood to sacrifice, Flesh to bear sin,  the heavens and divinity underneath, God’s face [shewbread] and his Throne inside.

  • Ex 26:15-18.  Make 20 boards of acacia wood each 10 cubits in length to form the walls.

  • Ex 26:19-21 So the south and north side each had 20 boards with 40 sockets of silver to hold them fast to ground.

  • Ex 26: 22-25 The westside had 6 boards, with two boards extra as an angled corner.

  • Ex 26:26-30 Bars of acacia wood five bars on each side.  Bars, boards, ring holders all in gold.

  • Ex 26:31-35 The veil separating the holy place with the table of shewbread and lampstand, from the holy of holies, with the ark of Testimony.  It was made of woven blue, purple scarlet thread, just as the first layer of the roof.  Once again the artistic design of the cherubim was there.

  • Ex 26:36-37 The screen door of the tabernacle was made of the same material as the view, with five pillars of acacia wood overlaid with gold, but the sockets are bronze now.

Ex. 27:1-19 … for making the altar of burnt offering and the courtyard

  • Ex 27:1-8 Altar of burnt offering built, as a square, with horns and cornes and with bronze, for judgment. In fact all the pans for ashes, shovels, basins, forks, firepans, all the utensils were bronze.  Poles were created with bronze to carry the altar.

  • Ex 27:9-19 The outer court and gate was built, which also contains the altar of burnt offering. So the perimeter was fine woven linen with pillars and cokets of bronze. The hooks and bands were silver. Redemption was introduced in the midst of massive judgment and accountability.

  • Ex 27”20-21 Olive oil pure, not he comes from Costco, were used to burn the lights in the tabernacle and Aaron and his sons needed to tend to them from evening to morning.  

  • The Bible said it shall be a statute forever but we all know that forever is not forever in the Bible as per our western thinking that it means unlimited duration and will never be stopped nor interrupted; Forever [olam] in the Bible means time of unknown duration. It does not mean it will never go out of existence.  Today Aaron’s sons do not tend to the lampstand, so it is not forever.


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