Day 39, February 8 Bible Reading

Day 39,  February 8

Lev. 18        Unlawful sexual relations

Lev. 20:10-21        Punishments for sexual offenses

Deut. 22:13-30      Punishments for offenses against chastity

Ex. 22:16-24  Laws and punishments regarding social responsibilities

Lev. 19:1-4, 11-19 Various commandments and laws

Lev. 19:26-31        Various commandments and laws

Lev. 20:22-24        Keeping God’s commandments

Lev. 22:31-33        Keeping God’s commandments

All these laws were meant to not be a defiled people.  Most people do not live clean lives.  The law gives an indication how to live clean lives.  To not be defiled is the same as saying you are holy, that is, set aside and apart from defilement.

Lev. 18

  • Lev. 18:1-5 You are an original.  Don’t need to try and fit in, and follow the Egyptians and Canaanites with their laws.  What detestable laws were these? Most involving sex.

  • Lev 18:6-23  Notice the phrase uncovering nakedness.  Your nakedness is not just your own body. A man’s nakedness is his wife’s body.  A woman's nakedness is the husband’s body. Your body is NOT your own nakedness. It's someone else’s. 

  • A lot of times, the bible is accused of being against women. But as you read Lev 18, you would notice that these laws concerning improper sexual unions, are all directed at men who may prey on women.   

  • These laws protect the women in the family from sexual abuse by a potential predator. Unfortunately most sexual predators are relatives or known in the family.

  • So the general rule?  Don’t have sex with immediate or close family members.

  • No sex with family members -

    • Not with your father

    • Not with your mother

    • Not with your stepmother (father’s wife)

    • Not with your sister

    • Not with your step sister (your father’s or mother’s daughter)

    • Not with your granddaughter (your son’s or daughter's daughter).  NOTE: These are actually uncovering YOUR OWN NAKEDNESS.

    • Not with your Aunt (Father’s or mother’s side)

    • Not with your Uncle’s (Father Brother’s) nakedness which is, his wife

    • Not with your daughter-in-law

    • Not with your sister-in-law

  • Even if not family, Respect women.  Don’t sleep with both

    • Mother and Daughter

    • Mother and Grand-daughter

    • Woman and Sister *** OOPS, What About Jacob??? Hmm

  • Also don’t have sex

  • The Abominations, Fornications and the Profane

    • Passing your Children through the Fire to Molech -**** YEP This was Fornication also (Incidentally, most Christians think God will send Humans into literal fire also, even after reading God detests this)

    • Sex between a Man with Man; or Woman with Woman. It is an abomination.

    • Sex with Animal

  • Lev. 18:24-30 These are the disgusting stuff the Egyptians and Canaanites did.  Israel cannot do the same. The key is don’t defile yourself, else you would also defile the land.  The Land was already defiled by its previous inhabitants.   Isn’t it interesting that your sin and defilement can also defile the land?  It affects the ENTIRE Community and economy.  These sins are not just between 2 people. It affects families and entire generations.   

Lev. 20:10-21

  • Man sleeping with another man’s wife? Adulterer and adulteress? - both put to death.

  • Man with stepmom? You uncovered your father’s nakedness. Both put to death.

  • Man with daughter in law? Perversion. Noth put to death

  • Man with Man? Abomination. Homosexuality - both put to death

  • Man marries both woman and her mother? Wickedness.  Shall be burned with Fire. ← This is the first burn with fire, I have noticed.

  • Man with animal? Beastiality -  both put to death.

  • Woman with animal? Beastiality -  both put to death.

  • Man with Sister, or Step Sister? Incest - both put to death

  • Man with woman during period?  Cut off from people until cleansed

  • Man with Aunt? Ewwww -  both put to death.

  • Man with Aunt in Law -   both put to death, childless

  • Man with Sister in Law -  Shall be Childless

Deut. 22:13-30

  • Deut. 13-21 If a man suspects a woman was not a virgin, and brings a bad name on her, spreading a bad rumor, (****why can’t the woman also suspect of the man also was not a virgin****), the father and mother brings evidence of virginity, a cloth that they slept on bearing the virgin’s blood, to the elders.  

  • If there is evidence, the man is punished, and fined 100 shekels of silver, given to her father. She becomes his wife and he can never divorce her.  Actually from a woman’s point of view that sounds like a punishment.

  • If there is no evidence or chastity, the woman is stoned for being a harlot, at her father;s door, for I guess spreading her legs open in her fathers house. If you are a woman, aren’t you glad you don’t live under the Old Covenant?

  • Deut. 22:22 Once again, both parties in adultery were put to death by stoning.  Do you remember Christ forgiving the adulteress?  Remember the Pharisees did not bring the man also.

  • Deut. 22:23-27

    •  If a man rapes a woman who is betrothed in the city, they are brought out and both stoned since the woman did not cry out for anyone to hear her, as proof that it was not consensual.

    • But if it happened in the countryside, no one would hear the woman’s cry anyway, then ONLY the man would die.  Nothing happens to the woman  (There you have it ladies)

    • It is strange that this is compared to when a man inadvertently kills a man. Maybe someone has some insight on that

  • Deut. 22:28-29 If a man fornicates with a woman who is not betrothed, he needs to pay a dowry of 50 shekels, and he can never divorce her. [Also Ex. 22:16-17].  If her father refuses to give her to him, he needs to pay whatever the father asks for.

  • Deut. 22:30 Can’t sleep with your father’s wife, no matter how sexy she is.

Ex. 22:16-24

  • Ex. 22:18 No such thing as a living sorceress.  The only good sorceress is a dead one

  • Ex. 22:20 No such thing as sacrificing to any god, except God, else be destroyed.

  • Ex. 22:21 No oppression of or mistreatment of strangers, for they were strangers in Egypt

  • Ex. 22:22-24 No afflicting the widows and fatherless child, else God’s wrath will be kindled and your own wives will be widows and your children fatherless. Now that is Divine gangsta talk.  God is hot when you treat widowed women and fatherless children badly, when there is no man to protect them.

Lev. 19:1-4, 11-19
  • Lev. 19:1-4  Once again an admonishment to be holy, or set apart and be clean, for God is also holy. It is the admonishment to NOT be defiled. Revere father and mother. Keep Sabbaths. Stay away from idols.

  • Lev. 19:11-12 These are all forms of lying and deception: Stealing, dealing with false pretensions, swearing you will fulfill a promise using the Lord’s name

  • Lev 19:12 Don’t cheat your neighbor out of his time, resources nor earrings.  Don’t rob him. Pay wages when due.

  • Lev. 19:13-14 If you think others are blind or you see better than others, don’t put a stumbling block in front of them, to block their progress with your continuous announcement of being the only one who is self-righteous.  Help the blind to see rather than always proclaiming you are the only one who sees.

  • Lev. 19:15 Be all about justice, and equity.  Engage in righteous judgment without giving preferential treatment to the rich or mighty, nor be partial just because someone is poor.

  • Lev. 19:16 Do not be a talebearer or tattle tale.  A tale bearer is one who looks to get people in trouble, who is against the life of his neighbor.  Be a reporter/ preacher instead, that is one who looks to get people OUT OF Trouble, who is FOR the life of his neighbor.  It is important to know the difference between a reporter and a talebearer.

  • Lev 19:17 No hating your brother in your heart.  Yep this was also in the law.  Not hating your brother involves rebuking someone and not bear sin because of them. Love involves rebuke at times.  The difference is a proper rebuke and correction is not a stumbling block.  A lot of people don’t call out people when they are wrong. Furthermore, most people's rebukes are just insults , a focus on themselves and are stumbling blocks.

  • Lev. 19:18 Don’t take vengeance, nor bear a grudge.  Love your neighbor as yourself.  Don’t you see grace even in law?

  • Lev. 19:19 No Mixed Seed, Linen & Wool, mixed Livestock breeding

    • No mixing of Sheep and Goat nature.  You are one or the other

    • No mixed seed, no mixed message or word, or gospel.  The enemy sows a seed also,  No wheat and tares.  You are one or the other.

    • God is really not about mixing seeds nor wool and linen.  “Moses did not write that the Israelites should not intermarry with other nations because he thought God was prejudiced. He also did not tell them to not mix seed in a field nor to mix different fabrics when they wore clothes because God hates cucumbers and tomatoes growing in the same field or He hated them wearing cotton/polyester blends or linen with silk. No, it is because Moses knew that what God did not like was a mixture and this was an Old Testament picture/shadow for us to learn from in the new covenant/substance. When we teach/speak/preach and we mix covenants it brings confusion to the listener and produces double-minded/double covenanted people who are unstable. “ Jamie Englehart

Lev. 19:26-31

  • Lev 19:26 No eating food with blood; No enchanting or observing clouds, 

  • Lev. 19:27-28 No round cornering of head nor destroy the corners or edges of beards. No making blood cuttings in your body, for the dead, nor permanent markings with tattoos 

    • Cuttings and Cornering were pagan practices, that were also an expression of extreme lament associated with a religious practice.

    • It was the disfiguration that the law was after, not simply the cutting of the hair.

  • Lev. 19:29 No prostituting your daughter; the land should not fall into harlotry and be full of wickedness.  Having legal prostitution is causing the land to be wicked.

  • Lev. 19:30 Keep my Sabbaths.  Know the plural as there were many Sabbaths. Sabbath is not just every 7 days. It's every 7th month, 7th year the 7th 7th year.  If you are not keeping that you are not keeping Sabbath. Christ is our Sabbath. We are not under Moses Law. The Sabbath is a Person not a Day.

  • Lev. 19:31 Don’t turn to witches, wizards, familiar spirits; they will defile you. To be defiled is to be the opposite of being Holy.

Lev. 20:22-24

  • IMPORTANT:  Land promises were conditional.  The Land promises WERE NOT FOREVER.  Israel is not owned any permanent Land in the Middle East after Christ.  As we showed earlier, Christ is the land of milk and honey where he makes us always filled

  • "You shall therefore keep all my statutes and all my judgments, and perform them, that the land where I am bringing you to dwell may not vomit you out. " [Lev. 20:22]

Lev. 22:31-33

  • The Key to All of Life is to NOT PROFANE HIS HOLY NAME.  Prophelying as an example,  is profaning His name, bringing defilement and ill repute to it


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