There is no such thing as a soul mate logically

Correct. No such thing as a soul mate. Logically who says if there is such a thing as a soul mate that that person lived in the same timeline that you did. If there was such a thing as only one soul mate ever, who is to say he or she did not live in the 9th century and you happened to be born in the wrong timeframe.

There is a myth that there is only one will of God for you, one soul mate. That's inaccurate. As an example suppose I were to marry Jane but I married Janet instead. Then I'm out of the will of God, and Janet also is. Then whoever married Jane is out of God's will, so too is Jane. In fact, the person who was supposed to marry my wife Janet is out of God's will and so too is the wife he married. By domino effect the whole world is out of God's will because I married Janet not Jane.

There is no one person for you.

The wrong person is only the one who is not your best friend, who is not mature, who does not allow you to be yourself, and who agrees that they cannot imagine living life without you.

There are a lot of people out there that God would be OK putting the two of you together. A big factor is both are of the light and pursuing Him.

There are a lot of people qualified. There isn't just one person for you.

Just choose wisely

As someone said... The one YOU want and love to be with, is God's will for you


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