Why Doesn't God Intervene and Stop suffering? [Including Coronavirus]


Question: "Why Doesn't God Intervene and Stop suffering?" [Including Coronavirus]

A worldwide virus is unleashed upon nations and kills many, even the elderly, men, women, fathers, mothers and some children.


Answer 1:

A. God did it because he is sovereign and He wants to judge the world.

B. Satan did it because he hates people, and he kills and destroys.

C. It was either man made or just a result of mutation of an organism, where no one person is responsible.

Which is true?

The answer is C. People have the wrong impression of "God is in Control"

My Question is: Does the Sovereignty of God, or God is In Control means that he is sitting around pulling our strings or allowing us to do what we do? Is God pulling the strings and directing the events that happened in the world, good or bad?

Answer: Neither

  • “God intercedes wherever he wishes..................but he does not pull every string”

  • He does not sit around and pull the strings, direct every action that we make, purposely sending the lightening to strike people, or just allow us to do what we want without reserving the right to interrupt or affect the outcome.

  • It is like eminent domain. He reserves the right to interrupt. He also reserves the right to take all that was intended for bad, and make them good in the end.

  • He allows man to freely choice, yet reserves the right to orchestrate circumstances so that man can freely agree with His take on life...

  • He allows man to suffer also the consequences of his own decisions...

  • He reserves the right to interrupt what may seem like an olam, aion, an age, an eternity, a forever event, and say ok... it ends here.

  • This is the correct perspective of God's Sovereignty. His Sovereignty is eating death and decay for Breakfast, and giving life, even if he sometimes allows or initiates bad consequences to your own choices.

Answer2 : Some may think God should just snap his fingers like anti-Thanos, and intervene at every occurrence of wrong doing. Some may ask "Why doesn't God stop evil before it happens?".

It seems that people prefer a God who would just snap his fingers and intervene at every occurrence of wrong doing.

I think he needed to really intervene ONCE. That was in the form of Christ.

Here is my logical thinking....

Be careful what you ask for. Let's see what that means, because people always have this Question: How do you explain to people who say where was God when my son or daughter was raped and murdered why didn't he stop it, why didn't he intervene?

Philosophical Answer (Not to Be used when comforting people :-) ):
Let's look at what you mean by intervention:

  • Stop the immediate rape and Murder By Stopping the Raper and Murderer
  • Great. God intervened. He is stopped in this one instance of raping and murdering your son or daughter but..
  • He may rape or murder another
  • So the only way to truly stop him is to not have him born
  • Then his parents should not have met or consummated... So God has to stop the sperm or egg
  • Or perhaps someone was the cause to give him a bad idea to rape and murder, so you need to eliminate that other person also...
  • And to truly stop, you need to eliminate all people had a negative influence in that person's live... EVERYONE... who somehow, even a tiny bit, caused him to be bent this way.
  • In fact why stop at this one rape...
  • You need to stop all rapes, all murders
  • Why stop at rape and murders... You need to eliminate all offenses and bad people in the world
  • That means eliminating everyone with the potential of harm. You can't wait for the act. Just the thought will do. Just the predisposition will do.
  • Wait all of us have that potential
  • So To get rid of all possibility of rape and murder... human race needs to be eliminated
  • Been There... Done That (remember Noah??)

He would have to do that over and over again.

Perhaps He did interrupt and did something about it, without killing everyone...

I prefer the God who allowed Himself to be killed as man, like a Lamb before the foundation of the world, knowing that He made Himself ultimately responsible anyway as the CEO of the universe before anyone can point a finger His way and blame Him.

He was the first One to be murdered and suffered. Yes this life has pain and suffering and intervening over and over and over is not the solution while man can freely choose.

Intervening Once and guaranteeing life overcoming death, guaranteeing the ability to wipe away all tears, guaranteeing the healing of broken hearts, and taking the most vile person and performing true justice that is not punitive but corrective, where the vile person is changed to no longer desiring to be vile by the fires of His Love is a better long term solution.


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