Christ Was a Trans Also.... Addressing Transgender Issues under the New Covenant

We are all aware of the principle that God made man male and female, in the image of God Himself. So how do we properly address the fact that there are Transgender people, people who feel they are born with a different gender from what they were born with.

This note is also meant to address someone who comes to your church, or Kingdom Community, who says they feel this way, but have not yet acted on it and are conflicted. Or Perhaps you have a friend who also feel this way and don't know what to do. What sort of practical advice can you give him/ her?

What are the practical principles and steps that can be applied to deal with this conflict?

We Need to Be Redemptive, Like Christ.

First let’s be clear. Christians need to more redemptive than full of condemnation. We must not go about condemning everything that is different and all things we do not agree with. Too many believers have an accusatory and condemning spirit, lacking proper judgment.

We should all love as Christ as loved. Man does look at the outer appearance and God looks at the heart. Love is the Absence of Improper Accusation, and Condemnation. True love applies proper judgment, many affirmations, some discipline, no unfounded accusations or condemnation.

So let's apply proper judgment to this issue of being transgender. Being a woman trapped in a man's body, or a man trapped in a woman's body, is not a sin. These people do deserve love without condemnation and improper judgment.

Christ was the ULTIMATE “Trans”

In a sense Christ was "trans" also. In fact he was the ULTIMATE “trans”. I call it “trans-divine” He was God trapped in a human body. Remember there is no infirmity, no human experience, no weakness, that Christ cannot identify with, including transgender people. 

“For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are--yet he did not sin.” Heb. 4:15

In fact we are ALL Trans, since Adam, sinned. We have this sin nature in our human body.    

This is WORSE than having a different Gender trapped in our bodies. So really having a woman trapped in a man's body in a cosmic level is pittance compared to God being made flesh or in man, having sin nature and not the full image of God operating in us.

So anyone who is a transgender, and who says they are a Christian, and the highest thought of disconnect is a different gender trapped in a body, really hasn't gotten the revelation that on the level of your soul, it is not the most important detriment.

Gender is temporary. Christ is permanent. In a sense, at the highest level, who cares if a man is trapped in a woman, or a woman trapped in a man. For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ we can count all these things as dung. Nothing beats sin trapped in us, or God in flesh.

We count how we were born, the circumstances of our birth, what education we got, who our father was, our mother, our traumatic experiences, our successes, our failures, whether we were born gay or transgender as dung, for the excellency of Christ.

The issue is what are you going to do about it.

How Did Christ Handle It? - Hear from Father

If you look at Christ's example, He was first confirmed by the Father "This is my beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased".

Every person who is a transgender has to get this PERSONALLY from the Father.

Who did you the Father called you? Son or Daughter? Did he say "This is my beloved DAUGHTER, in whom I am well pleased?" Did he say "This is my beloved SON, in whom I am well pleased?"

We as believers have to introduce the right image of Father, not one who has to be feared, or always condemning, but the one who affirms His Love that while we were yet sinners, He died for us.

If you are still operating under the notion "I feel I am a woman (in a man's body), or I feel I am a man (in a woman's body)" and you say you are a believer, you have not reached a higher dimension of identity yet, and you would always be internally tortured just like we ALL are sin Adam. 
If you are truly "trans", one of the FEW, who feels God has trapped an opposite gender, you need to hear from God first and HE NEEDS TO IDENTIFY YOU as His Son and Daughter. Your groaning should not have the loudest voice. Secondly, as Christ is the ultimate trans, you need to do like HIM.

How Did Christ Handle It? Drink HIS Cup, not YOURS.

He said "If you can pass this cup away from me, do so, but NOT MY WILL but Yours be Done" As a transgender, DRINK THE CUP. So you are a woman stuck in man's body? DRINK THE CUP. That is not the end of your world. Love yourself as Christ loved you. DO GOD's will not your own. 

Let Him identify you, Please the Father and Drink the CUP, knowing that Gender identity is pittance compared to having a Divine identity in you from the one who takes away the ultimate "mis-trans" identity, our sin nature. Drink the Cup. Don't go and mutilate your body, take a bunch of hormones to change an external appearance.

You tell us not to judge externally, yet you make the external the highest evidence of what is on the inside. No, the external is not the evidence of what is on the inside. Christ on the inside is the Highest reality.

Once again and it bears repeating: We count how we were born, the circumstances of our birth, what education we got, who our father was, our mother, our traumatic experiences, our successes, our failures, whether we were born gay or transgender as dung, for the excellency of Christ.

So I Love all transgender people as Christ Loves you. 

You need to see Christ as one who identified with you, who experienced exactly what you are experiencing, with no need to change your body appearance, for he was more marred than any man for you, identify with him, Drink HIS CUP and follow His Lead.


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