Why Does God Allow Evil and Suffering? Part 2 - A Conversation With God

<Too long to read? Here is the Tldr>
  • God: I have established that I can do good and evil, form light and create darkness, injure and heal, bring about calamity and restoration, but having all crisis resolve itself in me (and I know I have not yet told you how).  Why do you have still this confused look on your face?

  • Man: I just want to know why don't You just stop evil when it happens, why don't You stop rapes, killings in it's tracks.  It seems that you never do that.  Look at happened at Aurora, Colorado, several years ago, for example  I am sure you could have stopped James Holmes in his tracks before he killed all those people in the movie theatre.  Have you ever stopped a crime from happening, before hand? 

  • God: Yes I have.  Haven't you read about Abimelech, whom you would consider a heather, where I stopped him from sleeping with Abraham's wife? I took credit for that [Gen 20:6].  I appeared to Him in a dream and told him I will kill him if He touches Sarah. I told him  “You are as good as dead because of the woman you have taken; she is a married woman.”"   If I can force someone not to do wrong, I, God can do anything.

  • Man: So you went against his free will?

  • God:  Ha. There is no such thing as absolute free will, at the ultimate macro level. You can freely choose but you are not free from the consequences of your choices. Abimelech  was free to choose, but I made sure the parameters of his choice was very limited.

    Only God is truly free and exercise total free will because He determines the consequences of all choices.

    I put a gun to Abimelech's head.  As a potential consequence I ensured that his wife and all his female slaves could no have children until he gave up Sarah.  But I knew Abimelech, while a heathen had integrity in his heart and would respond accordingly. 

    But I had a reason for doing this.  My plan was in choosing Abraham, in choosing an elect,  I wanted to preserve Abraham's marriage, as the entire human race was dependant on this. My true Ultimate Elect, my true chosen One, Christ, was to be a descendant through this marriage.
    This was part of a much bigger cosmic plan, that what you see unfolding.

    At the end of the day, Abraham can be used to save Abimilech.  I love Jacob and "hated" Esau, so that Jacob can be used to save Edom, and the elect to be a vessel to to be the instrument to save all mankind.

  • Man:  So you see, you can stop evil after all before it happens.  Why don't you do that today? Why didn't you do that at Aurora?

  • God: Why didn’t I?  Let’s broaden the question and turn the tables onto you, Man for once.  Pretend you are me. What options are available to stop even the hint of evil?

  • Man:  That’s easy.  Stop It.  Fight against it.  Destroy it.  And with your power, snap your fingers at it.

  • God: You must mistake me for Thanos.

    Been There. Done That.  The way I see it, there are three options. 

    Option 1: Destroy all evil at once. Do you remember Noah?  The earth was truly debased at that time, with events and acts occurring more shocking than what happened at Aurora, Colorado.  So I exercised the option to do exactly as you said.  I sent a flood into the earth, destroyed all living creatures and only rescued Noah, his family and all those with him, because he was determined to be righteous.  Did it work?  For a few short years.  Then man because just as fallen again.  The flood was not even a deterrent.  The big bang approach works for a minute but is not a long term solution to cure man’s contamination with death and by death I don’t mean just the ability to physically die, but the human nature where man is incapable to transcend above the resident evil within.   I will only conclude him uncontaminated if he can possible free himself from death and can truly give life.  But you protest at even the hint of this option don’t you?  I see that you don’t approve of the big bang approach.

  • Man: Ok What is Option 2?

  • God: I am glad you asked. 

    Option 2: The Surgical Approach.  Snap my fingers and selectively stop evil before it happens.  Maybe I am Thanos.   Well the Anti-Thanos, where I just should just snap his fingers and intervene at every occurrence of wrong doing.

    It sounds like you would prefer a God who would just snap his fingers and intervene at every occurrence of wrong doing.

    So in James Holmes’ case, I make sure that he does not get out of bed.  Or maybe I snap my finger and short circuit his brain from every thinking any evil thoughts about the shooting. 

    But why stop there?  Maybe instead, I snap my fingers and deal with the companies in  who perhaps inadvertently sold him 6000 rounds of magazines or the AR-15 rifle used in the shooting.  Perhaps like the big bang approach I will just dealing with the surface and instead I should snap deeper. I should deal with the folks who may have pushed him over the edge, insulted him when he was young, disparage him in any way, right before the seed of violence forms in his heart and he rationalize an excuse for evil. 

    Why stop there?  Why not deal with every person, system, organization who has anything to do with the monster and have contributed in even a small way to this?  After all, the goal is to stop evil, right?.  And this is just one event. 

    At what point do I end snapping my fingers?  Can you give me a minority report so that you can tell me when to act, have permission to be intrusive and when not to? 

    I see that on the one hand you want me to intervene, but on the other hand you demand that I respect freedom of choice, individualism, the right for anyone to determine what is true for him/ her, or the right to determine what is good on his or her own without my input.

    Don’t you think I care about the effects and all the victims of every murder, injustice, insult, lust, unkindness, abuse, sexual slavery, manipulation, financial fraud, and the like?  I not only care, I am actually there experiencing it also, all AT ONCE, in every place, in every time, across all ages.

    I care about what happens in Dafur Sudan, Syria, Iran, Libya, Afghanistan and yes even close to your home in the United States of America. 

    Contrary what people think, Israel is not always right.  They are capable of and have done a lot of wrong.  They are not “more” my people than Egypt and what remains of Assyria – Iraq, Turkey and Syria, whom I all consider as my people.[1]

    Here is that you have not considered:  in the goal to stop all evil, everyone is a person of interest.

    I can snap my fingers and make it go away for whomever you can report to me will be good and whom you know will potentially have nothing to do with causing evil or death ever.  Does anyone qualify?  Tell me.

    Let’s say we have accomplished that.  In a few years, it starts all over again.  That does not mean I haven’t snapped my fingers recently and occasionally.  Even in Aurora, you will soon hear stories of the victims’ lives, of the near misses that occurred, of a bullet slightly missing this one, or that, missing a major artery, or of the one bullet that lodged in a jawbone, missing the neck or skull.  Yet that does not change that 12 people have died and 58 hurt.  In a wider setting, even globally many people are also suffering, at the hands of oppressive economic, political and other systems.  I hear them all.  I am concern about it all.

  • Man: Ok. I hear you.  I am sorry for questioning you, you motives.  Is there an Option 3?

  • God: Yes there is.  Option 3 is my preferred option.  It’s the option that initially appears as if I am detached, invisible and not involved, but paradoxically it is the option I have invested all of myself. 

    It is the option where I have allowed man to choose and to take responsibility for mercy and judging the evil like what occurred in Aurora under his system of justice, under his rule of law, yet I retain the right to intervene.  However, as God, and Creator of All, and by Whom all things came from me, I claim Eminent Domain privileges.   

    This is the option where all things are resolved in me and through me even if I allow good and evil to continue for a time seemingly as if it will never been stopped.

    It is the option where I find the right seed that will give me the mature tree and then the fruit I desire without it ever being contaminated. 

    It is the option that returns to full life. 

    It was the option prepared before the foundation of the world, the ultimate once and for all full stop gap measure. 

    You see Man, your problem is that you are contaminated with death.  You are all persons of interest.

    You are all on the minority report.  None of you is qualified as the seed to produce after my own kind and set creation free. 

    You protest, but it was I God who in the first place judged man to die, not only the first man, but all those who came from his loins[2].  How unfair is that!?!  Why must you all pay for Adam’s disobedience you ask?  Why must all be made to suffer and die?  Yet the same “unfair” method of appropriating death to all by the disobedience of one man, is your ticket to restoration.  You see I did find a seed that will bear me the proper fruit. 

    Instead of wiping everyone out as in the previous options, I prepared myself a body to die before the foundation of the earth.  Just like a seed that goes down to the earth and dies, so that it evolves, regenerates, spring up from death, sprouts new life, grows to a mature tree and produces many seeds[3], I came down as man, in the form of Christ, and suffered like you are suffering now. 

    I allowed evil to be done to me instead on behalf of you all.  I allowed evil to remain so that it would be done to me as you, because I love you and love all mankind. I as a human died, but unlike humans I am my own life source.  I can take the beating, take the evil, take the contamination, sin, corruption, death, consume it and produce life.  That is my secret. 

    I am pretty good at producing life from death, light from darkness, good from evil.  That is why you want all things to go through me in order to come back to me.  I eat death for breakfast.  I eat pain for lunch. I rose from the dead on my own accord, offering life to all once again.  You can say that I am the tree of life version 2.0.

    The same unfair principle at work when I had all men die when Adam collapsed is the same principle at work where I judged that all men to die in me when I died[4] (and this time this is a proper death). 

    I made myself the New Adam and from me I will produce sons, a new breed of humans, who will no longer be tainted by death.  All men died when I died, so that when I became alive from the dead, all men can receive my life.

    Death was turned from a judgment into a tool to kill the contaminants in man.  I call it the old man.  The old man is dead.  My gift of life is not like the death of Adam. 

    For if the many (that is everyone minus Adam) died by the trespass of one man, how much more the gift of life that came from Christ’s graciousness will overflow to the [same] many who was affected by Adam.[5]  My gift is not like the result of one man’s sin in this way.  My judgment of death followed one man’s sin under condemnation but my gift grabbed hold of everybody’s trespasses and contamination, consumed it, and brought massive acquittal[6]

    You are no longer persons of interests to be condemned to never ending contamination.  Just as one trespass was condemnation for all men, my one act was acquittal to bring life for all men.

    It all had to start with a seed.  I am the Seed.  If you graft into me, the trunk, you will live.  Yes I know, for now there is still evil, people still die physically, atrocities still are bring done, but instead of blowing everything up, or treating everyone as a permanent person of interest, I treated Myself as the Ultimate Person of interest, so that my death is your death resulting in my life as your life. 

    The remarkable thing about trees is that its roots know how to consume the death in the soil and convert it to food and life in the light of the sun.  Those who are grafted in me know that though it seems that evil and death still exists, once I became their new Adam, I have demonstrated my guarantee that evil and death will one day be no more.  The way out for man is to accept my life by dying to himself in me, and out from death like a caterpillar, bury the old man, undergo metamorphosis to a new life like a butterfly.  

    It is not possible through economic advancement, the market , democracy or religion.  I swore by myself that if I did this and I Myself die, I will draw even drag like a fisherman with a net full of fish, all men unto me.[7] 

    Some, a few are the first to believe this and experience it now.  Some delude themselves that they are experiencing it now.  I will have to tell them that I never knew them and depart from me at the moment.[8] They may have professed me and even did miracles in my name, but I will name them as evil doers who have misrepresented me and turned many against me. True religion is to look after orphans and widows in distress and keep oneself unspotted in the world.[9]  If you have taken care of folks in prisons, seen to someone hungry, thirsty, a stranger needing clothes or sustenance, you have done well and closer to my nature than you think.  You would be looked upon more favorable than many who profess religion.  Yet you still need me to be your life.

    I have been misrepresented.  My goal is not to get to heaven.  My goal is to dwell with man on earth.  My goal is a bodily resurrection where man comes back to me with a resurrected body I gave him because he has believed in what I am doing and matured through me.  My goal is not disembodied spirits in some faraway place. My goal is not in a nebulous nirvana, becoming one with the universe, playing on harps, or dispensing divine virgins.  I do not subscribe to the notion that matter is bad and only sprit is good. 

    My resolve to have all things come back to me through me, is attainable when all things contaminated, die again, are given my life, transform and undergo metamorphosis.

    How do all things contaminated die a second time?  By identifying with my own death. 

    I am the resurrection and the life.  If you believe in me and my process, though you are dead, though you may suffer, yet you will live.[10]  Anyone who lives and believes in me will never die?  Do you believe this? You will only do once you challenge your notion of death.

    I have resolved that as in Adam all died, so in me, Christ, all will be made alive but each in his own order, in his own rank and regime like an army.[11] This will start small, if fact it started with one qualified man, me, God as man, the Christ.  Then it will progress and include men as they believe and are judged until God is all in all. 

    But during the course of time, many will resist.  Some have made me their enemy.  Therefore I still reserve the right to judge evil during time, for your own good.  I still reserve the right to use good and even evil to accomplish my plan.  The hard part was done, the debt has been paid.   

    Know this, there will be a day when what I have introduced here will be plain for all to see and no one can point a finger at me in blame for life’s suffering or judge me as not doing anything about it.  Some may still need to go to human prisons.  Worse yet, some would need to come to my prison, the lake of fire until they pay the last farthing as it were.[12]  Some of you who refuse my way, my life, may find yourself like dogs on the outside, refusing to submit and acknowledge where you were wrong. That does not change that all men died in me.  Even then in that state of being cast out, the invitation from my Spirit and Bride (the first ones to truly get it) is available, to come.  Anyone who is thirsty to come and drink from the water of life I have provided.  I don’t need the water; it is you who need life.[13]  Be assured that I do not judged to punish for punishment sake.  Man does that. I judge to prune, bring correction, and facilitate righteousness.

    Some would say, but God, I don’t need you, I am a good person, I would never think of doing what James Holmes did.  True, but if you lust after a man or woman, you are contaminated.  It might as well have been adultery. Wished ill against anyone? Contaminated.  It might as well have been murder or shooting someone in a theater. What makes a man contaminated?  Nothing outside a man makes him contaminated and full of death.  Whatever he intakes, goes to the stomach, is consumed and passed out of him.  So then what comes out of him makes him contaminated.

    So too from within, from the heart of man produces evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, hatred, greed, malice, cursing, lewdness, envy, arrogance, folly.  All these evils come from inside a man and make him unclean.[14]  You might still consider yourself a good person, but you are still like a beautiful, but dead piece of wood unable to generate your one life.  Some dead pieces of wood look better than others.  Some are high end to make fabulous furniture.  Some are dried twigs. Still all are dead. 

    I am the only one to kill it in my death. I am Death's plague.  I am Hades and Hell's Destruction [Hosea 1:13].

    Then, the only way to become alive is to be grafted into me the tree, for I am the Tree of Life. All dead wood that insist on being separate must be thrown into the fire.  Yet I am that consuming fire[15]

    I need to purge the dross and the contamination left in the system and in you.[16]  This was my method on the children of Israel of old.

    Just like you don’t want to go though the justice system and go to prison, only a fool would want to go through my prison, my furnace. 

    Accept my ways, my methods now. Don’t make it difficult for yourself.  Don’t miss out on my life for you know.  Respond to my Love ad my Mercy. My way is easy and fool proof.  I am determined to have men regenerated out of death and evil, into a new form, having a new body like I now have, that can never die.  I have even permanently changed and retained a body. 

    I am the Example and the Guarantee.  I intend that when you come back to me, after having gone through me, no matter what life throws at you, you have been transformed like a butterfly from the caterpillar you were when you first came out from me.

    Even though it starts with me as the promised seed, as Christ, there now exist firstfruits who receive me in my presence while they are still in the midst of death, evil and suffering.  They know that this is what all creation is hoping and groaning for and will be completely relieved from the decay at the first sight of this.  All of creation includes mankind and systems. 

    I will also deal with the rest of mankind who has ever lived, righting the wrongs of injustice that were never addressed, dealing with my enemies and detractors until I correct them, discipline, subject them, transform them until they learn righteousness even when my judgments are on the earth, until the work is done and all is restored and I, God will be All in All.  That my friend is the plan.  That my friend is good news.

  • Man: I have nothing else to say.  Like the clay in the potters hand, I rest in your plan and methods.  I believe in you and in your process.

    Good and evil continues in time and is even allowed by you, but you have already implemented the guaranteed stop gap measure. 

    Every suffering also pains you. Evil, calamity and suffering was also your experience upon the earth.  Instead of responding in a way that will not bring a permanent solution to the problem, you bore the full brunt of it and you died as a human, as an incorruptible seed. 

    Instead of having to intervene over and over and over again You really only needed to intervene ONCE. That was in the form of Christ.

    Your death was accounted as our death to reverse the consequences of the contamination found in us, so that the process of regeneration can begin from the inside out until you interrupt life as we know it, end all evil as we know it, redeem all systems, and set creation free. You guarantee to complete the regeneration process in me consuming all my corruption with your incorruption, all my mortality with your immortality. 

    I prefer the God who allowed Himself to be killed as man, like a Lamb before the foundation of the world, knowing that He made Himself ultimately responsible anyway as the CEO of the universe before anyone can point a finger His way and blame Him.

    You were the first One to be murdered and suffered. Yes this life has pain and suffering and intervening over and over and over is not the solution while man can freely choose.

    Intervening Once and guaranteeing life overcoming death, guaranteeing the ability to wipe away all tears, guaranteeing the healing of broken hearts, and taking the most vile person and performing true justice that is not punitive but corrective, where the vile person is changed to no longer desiring to be vile by the fires of His Love is a better long term solution.

    I would not change a thing.

    I will therefore prefer to live for you because you died as me.

  • God: This is my comfort to Aurora, to the world, to all creation.  I have done it all.  The ball is rolling.  The tree is maturing.  The mountain is growing.  The work though is complete.  I am indeed in the midst of the pain and suffering, but I specialize in bringing life from death.  Allow me to do it my way.  Allow me to work, not only  in you but to will and do of my good pleasure.  It is working and will work.  Any more questions?

  • Man: Yep.  What is the meaning of life?

  • God:  I like you.  You don’t even give God a break.  But that my friend, is for another conversation.

[1] Isa. 19:23-25
[2] Roms. 5:12
[3] John 12:24
[4] 2 Cor. 5:13-15

[5] Roms. 5:15
[6] Roms. 5:16-18
[7] John 12:32
[8] Matt 7:21-23
[9] James 1:27
[10] John 11:25
[11] 1 Cor. 15:22-28
[12] Matthew 5:26
[13] Rev. 22:15-17
[14] Mark 7:14-23
[15] Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29; Dan. 7:9-10


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