Do Miracles Still Occur Today?

Do Miracles Still Occur Today?

This might be controversial...

There was a recent article [in 2020] that stated the belief of this preacher who contracted COVID-19 and died --> "Supernatural acts of healing are central to Christianity, from the Gospel accounts of Jesus restoring the blind and lame to the cures attributed by the Catholic Church to the intercession of saints. Almost all Christian congregations pray for the sick.

What distinguishes many charismatic Christians is their belief that such miracles are not extraordinary but routine, said Bill J. Leonard, a professor emeritus at Wake Forest University School of Divinity and an expert on Southern Protestantism. Those believers see faith healing as a practical measure to combat pain or illness, sometimes carried out by laying hands on the unwell or anointing them with oil.

A deadly contagion like the coronavirus poses special challenges to such convictions, Leonard said.

“By making these claims, you overpromise in God’s name,” Leonard said. “And that can be daunting to the faithful.”"

<-- We need to deal with this sacred cow.

Why don't we see miracles routinely happen today, instantaneously.

Miracles were in the Bible for a purpose.

There was NO SINGLE Miracle of Christ that was not instantaneous or had more than a 10 minute gap.  You knew for SURE that the healing was a DIRECT result from the prayer or command to be healed.

But those miracles were extraordinary and not routine.  They were done for a reason.

Today, what happens is that many pray and usually nothing happens right away and we hope it works.  THEN IF there is some improvement MANY DAYS after, we can only GUESS that it was a result of that prayer.  Only GUESS.

As someone said " Nothing against prayer, but if you broke your arm, you would not go to your Pastor.  You would say, you need to go to the doctor.  We don't just say "Jesus, he will fix it"  "

However here are my conclusions:

  1. Everything goes back to Christ's resurrection.  because HE LIVES, He has not lost His ability to do Miracles.
  2. Yes So MIRACLES do occur today.
  3. However Miracles DO NOT occur the same way as it did during the first century, with the frequency that it did.  That was a UNIQUE Time.  It was to show the Kingdom was AT HAND.  Before the First century only special prophets did miracles, and even then, it was sporadic.  In the Old Testament, most miracles occurred during Moses time and exodus from Egypt, and during Israel's journey to the promise land,  again for a specific purpose.
  4. So in the Bible, instantaneous miracles only occurred mostly for a grander purpose, during Moses exodus and journey, during remnant of Israel's own exodus in the first century from spiritual Egypt and Babylon, Old Jerusalem.
Hence I believe that is why we don't see the MASS occurrence of INSTANTANEOUS miracles n a regular basis. 

But does that mean absolutely NO miracles occur?  No

Christ is alive.  As long as He is alive, miracles do occur.

However there is no more need more MASS instantaneous miracles like those occurred on scripture to have Israel be aware that the Kingdom is coming, or to exit from Egypt or Spiritual Egypt/ Sodom/ Babylon [Old Jerusalem]

Yet tension remains because we don't have a lot of these types of miracles happening today.  Miracles today seem to be pray.. wait... wait... wait... wait... wait... wait... wait... and if something gets better, declare it WAS a miracle.  That does not work logically.

I believe that Christ has secured the ultimate victory.  Even if miracles happen, we all die anyway.  Christ is more concerned about victory over death than doing mass instantaneous miracles to prove anything.

I am satisfied that whether I live or die, we are the Lord's.  The ULTIMATE HEALING MIRACLE is life over death.

<But I am open to be corrected.  And don't say it's because we lack faith.  Faith demonstrated in the Bible for healing was not hard.  It was not hard to get or unattainable.  The man who was let down by the roof did not have t do much.  There was no "laboring" in prayer for hours to demonstrate you had faith>



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