Scent of Water: God Has a Cloud Backup to Restore all Souls

This was written after a trip to multiple countries in Asia, Summer, 2018.

Soon there will be 8 billion on planet earth. All God's marvelous creations. Our lives here are truly a vapor. I marvel that while I live on an infinitesimal speck, there are people unbeknownst to me, in another world, right at this moment, in all 195 nations, trying to live, survive, thrive, breath.

Everytime I am in one of their worlds, I look into their eyes and wonder, who is this human, an image bearer. What was the sum of this human's life who just brushed my shoulder at a train station, while I'm several thousand miles away from where I live, whom I'm only aware of because of a passing brush, a shared breath, a shared space, at this moment.

But when I'm back home in my infinitesimal speck, that life continues. Should I only feel connected because of that one brush? No. For it is a brush today, but tomorrow it is a shared space in the same train, shared city, shared country, shared planet, shared breath, shared life, shared dust, but shared image. Shared decay, but shared glory.

We are all connected. Not just in this vapor of a moment, but to the many billions of humans that lived since time began, whose dust we all walk on.

But the vapor must relinquish its moment. The tree must one day wither. Who will remember the soul who walks? Who will? There is One whose Eyes does not require a brush. His Eyes roam and pierce all the souls, my own eyes cannot contact, with Love beyond compare.

His cloud backups all souls, devising means for complete restoration of all files of dust, knowing that while the tree may whither, here in this life, at the scent of water, of living water, in a new heaven, in a new shared space, it will live.

“For there is hope for a tree,

If it is cut down, that it will sprout again,

And that its tender shoots will not cease.

Though its root may grow old in the earth,

And its stump may die in the ground,

Yet at the scent of water it will bud

And bring forth branches like a plant.

But man dies and is laid away;

Indeed he breathes his last

And where is he?

As water disappears from the sea,

And a river becomes parched and dries up,

So man lies down and does not rise.

Till the heavens are no more,

They will not awake

Nor be roused from their sleep."

The old heavens are no more. Christ brought the new heavens with Him. Today we can awake because of Christ.

We all share mortality and corruption, in this dust, but in Christ, we can all share in immortality and incorruption. He can make it so.

So I will continue to look into the souls of many I share not only dust but breath with, and continue to marvel, wonder, knowing that there is One who watches also and marvels.

What is man that you are mindful of Him oh God?


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