Why Did God Love Jacob but Hate Esau

And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac
11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.” 13 As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.” [Rom 9:10-12]

So let's get this right. Jacob He loved and Esau was hated, because He elected before the twins were “ were born or had done anything good or bad” [Rom 9:11], that through Jacob the seed came forth. 

  • Most people when they read this, they miss the point and they conclude  “God is not fair at all”  or God is schizophrenic .  Do you really think God hated Esau like a human does, in a literal sense?  Did God really love Esau less than He did Jacob?  

The context of this statement was, whom would He choose to be the agent of salvation.  The real question is therefore, was the election of salvation exclusive  to one group, to Jacob, as Calvinist purport or was it meant to be inclusive?  Was the election of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob exclusive forever?  Is the election of an elect exclusive, that is, are they the only ones who will be saved?  Does the election of Jacob imply the complete rejection [hatred] of Esau? Furthermore, Does the election of Abraham imply the complete rejection of everyone else?  The answer is unequivocally no.  

  • This is how God works as Paul saw it.  God’s election is one so that his purpose will stand and it will not be credited to anyone’s works.  [Rom 9:16] “6 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy”.  
  • The main point is the elect REPRESENTED the others.  A remnant represented the whole.  The firstfruit is separated and they not only represent, but makes holy the entire harvest, the entire batch.  Jacob’s election was vital for Esau’s final inclusion, not final rejection.  
  • The purpose for Jacob's election, for Israel being God's chosen people and for "hating" all others, was so that Israel would become the womb, from which the seed, Christ would come.  Hence the Old Covenant was designed to keep Israel as a special people, with its laws  to hopefully ensure Israel would not be defiled, the land would not be defiled and Israel would have existed, not wiped out (hence there was always a remnant), so that Christ can come forth.  
  • Once Christ fulfilled the law, we ALL, Jews and Gentiles, we who were before NOT A PEOPLE, who believed as Abraham did, are ALL Chosen people, because CHRIST in reality was the ONLY ONE CHOSEN from the foundation of the Earth.  This is the TRUE PREDESTINATION.  CHRIST.

Therefore from an historical perspective, God determined that in life things will go favorably for Jacob (hence loved) and not so well for Esau (hence hate).  Jacob won the struggle for the birthright before they were born. 

God’s hatred is therefore, not an emotional hate. Look at the Greek.  It is establishing the pre-determined fact that Esau was born to lose out, so that the seed will come forth through Jacob as He elected, so that His purpose will stand, so that it will be about Mercy, so that in the end, EVEN Esau will have the ability to be included

Hence God is one who will [Rom 9:15] “have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion."  

This is never about some being sent to eternal punishment before they were born.

  • Now we can understand the point Paul was making as some were vessels of honor and some were vessels of wrath. God was even the one who hardened Pharaoh’s heart and smite Egypt. You cannot argue with God on this.  In fact you want it to be this way, so that His purpose will stand. Can’t you see that the same One who will smite Egypt will also heal it. [Isa 19:22-25].   You can say He loved Israel but hated Egypt, but in the end, Egypt along with Assyria and Israel will be blessed and be known as His people.

  • If you know what is good for you, you would be like Paul and shudder in absolute amazement at the ingenuity of this plan of the God who really made us all vessels of wrath, to be changed into honor,

    by [Rom 11:32-33] “bounding all men over to disobedience so that he may have mercy on them all. 33 Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” 

    It’s goodness and severity now, but it is all about mercy in the end. Even the fact that He judges shows us that He loves.

Mercy always triumphs over judgment.


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