Day 28, January 28 Bible Reading

Day 28,  January 28

Gen. 42:1-24  Joseph’s brothers go to Egypt / Joseph tests his brothers

Gen. 42:25-43       Joseph’s brothers return to Canaan / The second journey

Gen. 44       Joseph’s silver cup / Judah intercedes for Benjamin

Gen. 42:1-24

  •  42:1-3 When Judah said to his sons “Why do you look at one another” all I can hear in Trini is “Wha happen? Why allyuh sitting here scratching yourself? Look get up and get us some food eh”

  • 42:4-14 10 of his sons went to Egypt to secure food, while Benjamin stayed behind, because rightfully, Jacon doesn’t want any harm to come to him.

  • Joseph recognized them, but they did not recognize him.  He accused them of being spies.  Why do you think Joseph did this? Do you think Joseph had anxiety, experience post trauma upon seeing his brothers?

  • 42:15-24  Joseph kept them in prison for three days.  The brothers were in their own pit and they began to surmise that the blood of Joseph was upon them. Joseph understood what they were saying and wept. These brothers were the ones who bullied him and betrayed him, who tried to kill him first and decided to sell him instead, and pretend that he was dead. Have you ever been betrayed, at a very deep level, by your own brothers and sisters? If you have,  the intense mix of emotions is overwhelming. 

  • Simeon was kept in prison while the 9 brothers were sent back to bring back Benjamin and prove they were not spies

Gen. 42:25-Gen 43

  • 42:25- 35 They were tested again. Joseph sent them back with all their money in their sacks, which they found out much to their disconsternation on the way back.

  • 42: 36-38 This was too much for the old man Jacob “You have bereaved me: Joseph is no more, Simeon is no more, and you want to take Benjamin. All these things are against me.””.  Reuben the eldest, finally is acting as the firstborn, telling his father to kill his two sons if anything happens to Benjamin.  Jacob would not hear any of it. 

  • 43:1-15 They delayed in returning. Why did they do this? They left Simeon on prison for so long and only wanted until things got desperate when they ran out of food.  Jacob had to relent letting Benjamin go after Judah pleaded with him.  They returned with some gifts, the best fruit they had and doubled their money.

  • 43:16-25  Could you imagine what was going on in these brothers’ minds when they heard they were to be brought into Joseph, the proctor of Egypt’s house? They thought they were goners for sure. No wonder they wanted to “set the record” straight with Joseph’s steward. Simeon was returned to them.  They washed their feed, readied the present to meet Joseph at noon.

  • 43:26-32 Could you imagine the emotions going through Joseph’s mind? He could not reveal himself to them yet, but he needed to know how his father was. The first of Joseph’s dreams came true.  They all bowed down to him in vs 28.

  • Funny it was an abomination for the Egyptians to not eat with the Hebrews and Joseph was one.  That tells you how nonsensical any segregation rules are, whether you are separating women from men, African from Indians or whites, the Indian caste system, it is all foolishness.  They should have known something was up when they all sat in order of their birth, and Benjamin got five times the amount of food.

Gen. 44

  • 44:1-13 One last test.  Joseph fill up their sacks with food, their money and placed his special silver cup in Benjamin’s bag, sent them off and had his steward pursue them. Could imagine how shocked and distraught they were when they found the cup in Benjamin’s bag and he was the one to be thrown in prison?

  • Here is wisdom. Forgiveness does not automatically mean full restoration of a relationship. It means you have released others of the obligation of making you whole and you release yourself from ever requiring from anyone the responsibility to make you feel better or to restore you. You restore yourself.  Sometimes to restore a relationship you have to give tests, or tasks, especially if it was a toxic relationship. If they do not change, it is time to part ways. 

  • 44:14-34 Judah steps up to the plate. He asked “how can they clear their names?” “God has found out the iniquity of your servants; here we are, my lord’s slaves, both we and he also with whom the cup was found.”  Even when Joseph indicated that Benjamin be his slave for them to be gone, Judah took a chance and begged for Benjamin’s life, offering his life instead, to spare the pain this will bring to their father.  This is why even though the birthright was rightfully Rueben’s, it was split in two where the Kingship was given to Judah.  Stay tune to where the other half of the birthright, The Fruitfulness went to.


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