Stop worrying about your purpose in life

Stop worrying about your purpose in life and whether you are living it. The church is wrong to focus on whether you are living your life's purpose.

No wonder anyone can't really answer what is their life's purpose truthfully, without resorting to religious, or new age jargon.

It's because we are taught that purpose is what I'm supposed to do. That's old covenant.

Here is wisdom.

The Word instead focuses on God's purpose being met. It is more to do with that, than whether you are in the right career or married the right person.

God's purpose for you is focus on being, on living, more than or even at the expense of doing.

So what is your purpose ? To not get in the way of God's purpose. It's to be an agent and to facilitate God's purpose.

It is simply whatever is found in God must be found in me. By extension, whatever is found in God must be found in my marriage, my family, my life, my government in everywhere, everytime, in everyone.

That I may present everyone perfect in Christ.....

So stop focusing on what you should do. Instead focus on who shall you be. More importantly who are you most like..Christ or yourself.

My life purpose is whatever is found in God - his virtues of love, mercy, diligence, wisdom, purity in heart,  justice, meekness must be found in me wherever life finds me.

Whether poor, rich, in the valley, on the mountain top, in China, Africa, Brazil, America, all that is God must be found in me.

Your purpose is to found by God and not be lost.  No leakage.

More talk about God purpose..less on your purpose.  More emphasis on hearing His Voice and less on your dreams.  More preference on His Call and less on your desires.

Then your purpose, your desires are met.

Seek first baby...


Originally written on Facebook, March 28, 2014 ---- Comment 1:

Wise piece indeed! 'The Word instead focuses on God's purpose being met' - I agree; 'It has nothing to do with whether you are in the right career' - I disagree because God might want me to change my profession; 'or married to the right person' - I agree, because marriage is until death do us part.
'God's purpose for you is focused on being, not doing' - I think it's both. Thought-provoking piece, though."

Completely agree. What I meant was God wants to hear His Voice first, give deference to His preferences...then you would know when to change profession or who to marry because you follow His Voice not some disconnected notion of 'purpose' the way it is taught. Even the notion that there is only one person out there for me is misguided. The way purpose is taught..there is only one career or one person out there and if I'm not in it, I'm not living purpose.
Focus on God's purpose that is His Virtues in your life. Bear fruit from Him follow His Voice and it will fall in place or as Christ puts it, it will be added to you.
Even if you make a wrong decision, God is quite ok when your heart is in the right place desiring above all, Your Will Be Done
Comment 2:
" Even the notion that there is only one person out there for me is misguided. The way purpose is taught..there is only one career or one person out there and if I'm not in it, I'm not living purpose" - If one is already married, then I agree with your statement. However, if one is not married, I think God, in His sovereignty DOES have one specific person for one to marry (or one career choice) and if one does not marry that person, then that person has not fulfilled God's purpose. Of course, however, there is God's perfect will and God's permissive will, where He still is able to come up with a plan B for that one, in His mercy. However, it is my view that the God who said the following words in Ps. 139:16-17 has a specific plan for each of His children:
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
all the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be.
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, God!
How vast is the sum of them! (NIV).

If there is only one specific person for everyone then we are all non compliant with God's will... (Not everyone will have a dream that you are supposed to marry so and so and if someone does, test it left right and center, and don't do anything until the angel appears to you too 🙂 )

Unfortunately if there is Only one perfect one to marry for everyone then His 'perfect' will is never really done then and He always have to resort to plan B.... Having a perfect will is mute. Why bother.
Here is wisdom.

Jake was supposed to marry Lorna

... Since he disobeyed; he married Jane  instead. Therefore Lorna is out of God's will and so too is Jake, Jane and Lorna's spouse. By extension the people who were supposed to marry Jane and Lorna spouse have not fulfilled God's perfect will also.

Soon because of Jake's disobedience, the whole world married the wrong people.

All have come short .... Well technically that is what happened.

That's is not how God's will works. God's will can be very specific but it's not a letter containing every single Is an invisible framework forged with His Character, His preferences, His principles that governs our daily work.

People can have dreams and inform Paul that the Spirit expressively said don't go to Jerusalem but guess what He went. Still. Yet He was in Gods will. Acts 21.

For some, God's specific will is to marry Lorna...I acknowledge that. But for the majority it is this principle:, 'don't marry darkness, use wisdom, establish a covenant with someone, whoever pour me this water etc.'

Finally let's deal with this matter of perfect vs. Permissive will. There are two words for God's will: Boulema- established unchanged God blueprint and purpose and Thelema - his desires.

It's his Thelema, his desires we are to seek: What are God's preferences and principles to govern life.

But we in Christianity have focused only on knowing and trying to know his blueprint for the next major decision, bordering on a horoscope mentality or divination. Why not take it to the nth level and ask what is God's will for which toothpaste to buy. I don't see you doing that.

As with all things balance is needed.

God's will - Thelema- has been made clear in the Scriptures. He has revealed his preference his wishes for the way we should conduct our lives.

When it is unclear or we don't have the strength to follow it, we pray for sight.

When you try to only focus on the blueprint most times He would say, it Is not for you to know the times and seasons...don't treat me as a horoscope or weather forecast .

  • Live me out, and I'll reveal it to you. 
  • Seek first the Kingdom and I'll add... 
  • Ask me where to go, what to do, wait, hear from me, but I can say yes or no. 
  • But always subjugate your preferences for mine. I'm more about showing my glory through you.

Can He reveal the entire blueprint if He wants. At times He does. But the most important thing He wants you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how many mistakes His Will - Boulema will stand.

 The earth Will Be Fill With His Glory even though he wants to kill all Isarel at Jordan who disobey. Num 14.

So seek specificity but major on his preferences. Balance. It is usually revealed in his character, his word or words from other brothers and sisters.

Let your will (Thelma) be Done. It is not always done by Man.  But Your Will (Boulema) will be done in the end.


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