Day 13, January 13 Part 1 Bible Reading


Day 13,  January 13 Part 1

Gen. 35:1-15 Jacob settles in Bethel

Gen. 35:16-29 Rachel’s death / Jacob’s twelve sons / Isaac’s death

1900 BC

Job 1-3       Job is tested twice / Job’s three friends / Job’s complaint

Gen. 35:1-15

  • God finally appeared to Jacob to go back to Bethel where He first met him when he was running from Esau.

  • This was an opportunity to purify their house removing all their idols in anticipation of meeting with God.

  • Notice how often the terebinth tree  is mentioned.  It was under a terebinth tree in Shechem Jacob buried all the false gods.  It was also under a terebinth tree in Bethel, Deborah, his mother’s nurse, was buried.  Recall that God appeared as three men to Abraham when he dwelt by the terebinth trees of Mamre/ Hebron.  It is referred today as a turpentine tree.

  • God once again reminded Jacob his name was Israel, not surplanter,  He reminded Jacob that a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from him, and kings from his body. So not only one nation called Israel will come from Jacob but a number of nations. Which nations came from Israel that are around today?

Gen. 35:16-29

  • Rachel died after experiencing hard labor, and subsequently giving birth to Benjamin on their way to Bethlehem/ Ephrath.

  • Notice she named him Ben-Oni: Son of my Sorrow as she was dying, but one of Israel’s first acts, after being reminded that he was a father of nations, was to rename him as Benjamin: Son of My Right Hand.  An accurate prophetic voice can allow you to both navigate a tragedy and redefine it.

  • We also as mankind will go from Sorrow to Right Hand because of Christ.

  • Interesting this aspect of Rachel weeping for her son, for her children was a prophetic icon in scripture [Jer. 31:15].  Jeremiah applied that to Ephraim. 

  • Multiple applications here. Ephraim was not Rachel’s sin, but Ephraim, which represented the ten tribes were lost after Assyria took them.  In addition this identified Ephraim as Christ in Matt 2:18, as Herod killed all boys 2 years old and under.

  • So Ephraim became the company of nations, God spoke about at Bethel. 

  • The sons of Leah were 

    • Reuben, Jacob’s firstborn,  ← France

    • Simeon, ← Scattered

    • Levi,  ← ?? 

    • Judah, ← Some Israel today; Scattered

    • Issachar,  ← Finland

    • Zebulun ← Holland (the Netherlands)

  • the sons of Rachel were 

    • Joseph: Ephraim ← United Kingdom; Manasseh ← United States

    • Benjamin ← Norway and Iceland

  • the sons of Bilhah, Rachel’s maidservant, were 

    • Dan  ← Republic of Ireland and Denmark that mixed with the northern tribes

    • Naphtali; ← Sweden

  •  and the sons of Zilpah, Leah’s maidservant, were 

    • Gad ← Switzerland and Germany

    • Asher. ← Belgium and Luxembourg// Republic of South Africa

  • The dysfunction continues. Reuben, the oldest, slept with Dan and Naphtali’s mother, Jacob’s concubine, Bilhah.  

  • This one act cost him the birthright. It was instead split: Joseph, with his son Ephraim got the Fruitfulness; Jacob got the Dominion/ the Kingship of the Earth. Guess who brought back the two sticks, the split back to Himself? Christ. 

  • Christ became Judah (King) and established his Kingdom (Ephraim/ Fruitfulness).  So Christ is the Land Israel would return to as was shown in an earlier reading, and Christ was the reunification of the House of Israel with the House of Judah.  It is all in christ and not a physical land or reunification.

  • The chapter ends with the death of Isaac, Jacob’s father.


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