Day 11, January 11 Bible Reading

Day 11,  January 11

1922 – 1885 BC

Gen. 31:1-24 Jacob flees from Laban / Laban pursues Jacob

Gen. 31:25-55 Laban’s complaint / Laban’s covenant with Jacob

Gen. 32 Jacob’s gifts for Esau / Jacob wrestles with God

Gen. 31:1-24

  • Timely word from God to Jacob, to return to the land, as soon as he saw Laban’s vexed face.   In fact I would not need a word from God to leave.

  • Who was the one who helped Jacob when he was deceived by Laban, robbing him of fair wages? It was God.

  • Rachel and Leah are in agreement. They were also victimized by their father and by his greed. They said that Laban sold them.  How about that. We never really think about Laban’s actions and how it affected his daughters.

  • Jacob left in stealth but not before Rachel stole Laban’s idols.  Now why would she do that?

  • I like how God was Jacob’s bouncer :-).  He appeared to Laban and told him “Watch how you talk to Jacob” 

Gen. 31:25-55 

  • “Why did you flee away secretly, and steal away from me, and not tell me; for I might have sent you away with joy and songs, with timbrel and harp? 28 And you did not allow me to kiss my sons and my daughters. Now you have done foolishly in so doing. 29 It is in my power to do you harm, “ - Laban. This is narcissism at its finest. He made everything about him.  

  • Jacob has matured.  His troubles have matured him. He got a taste of his own medicine from Laban.  He outlined, all the ways Laban defrauded him, but how he was honest in all his dealings: none of his goats miscarried, Jacob did not eat the rams, he took all the losses out of his paycheck, whether warranted or not, even during worsen working conditions such as drought, frost by night for over 20 years.  This was Jacob’s trouble and affliction.  This is why God rebuked Laban. DO you also have a track record of integrity for over 20 years even though you may have started on the wrong foot?

  • To resolve this conflict, they made a covenant, with a heap of stone, as a boundary. They decided they will separate and no one will pass that landmark to make trouble. This place was called “Heap of Witness”; in Aramic, Laban called it Jegar Sahadutha, but in Hebrew, Jacob called it Galeed. Laban called it Mizpah to make sure God watches them.

  • What do you think about this way to resolve conflict if there is a disagreement?  Can you in the future, when you have a disagreement, mark the time as a boundary, set up a landmark and say we will not from this point, cross this boundary, or bring up this topic  to emotionally harm each other anymore? Can you be mature enough to do that even when you feel defrauded?

Gen. 32 

  • There is an interesting tidbit about Jacob meeting the angels of God, the phraseology used was as if he met God’s military camp.  He called it Mahanaim or “Double Camp”.  He certainly needed to wrestle with some stuff soon.  Watch out for that name later.

  • Well one disagreement was over, now for the big test: reconciliation with his brother Esau who wanted to kill him 21 years ago.

  • Do you realize how rich Jacob has become? God certainly blessed him.  But the real blessing was his maturity, his new found discipline and his desire for reconciliation and peace.  

  • There was one more element he had to experience before he was ready.  He wrestled with men - Laban and Esau.  Now, he needs to wrestle with God and his concept of who God is. He needed to no longer run away from God and himself.  He needs to face reality and seek His Face.

  • The whole point of wrestling with God was to be of the generation that seeks His face,  and not be afraid of the face of the one (in this Esau) that you deceived.

  • You need to seek God’s Face before you can Dwell in His House

  • What was the blessing Jacob received from the Angel?     The Blessing was a changing of the Name from Jacob to Israel, from supplanter to God Rules

  • Who was this Angel? This was the Angel of His Face/ Presence who accompanied the children of Israel in the pillar of fire by night and cloud by day, Israel’s personal escort, until they rebelled and got the dread Angel of Law who was no joke, and God said don’t provoke him.  [Isa 63:7-11] and [EX 23:20-22]


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