Day 24, January 24 Bible Reading

Day 24,  January 24

Job 38-39   God questions Job

Have you ever seen God's resume? Well His curriculum vitae in Chapters 38 and 39 amasses the evidence of God’s whole counsel at work in all its glory and clarity

It is God’s turn to speak. You would see in essence, that instead of everyone pontificating on why they think Job was not righteous, and how God does not tolerate evil,  God preferred that they spent the time seeking His counsel on the matter, realizing that this was a moment not to put Him in a box, but really seek out what is God trying to reveal of Himself in this situation.

That is why the first thing God asks is “Who Dares Darken My Counsel?”

Job 38 

  • Job had wanted his day in court with God to address Him about his case.  I guess He got his wish.

  • 38:3 God said, “I will question you...Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me.” [Job 38:3] 

    • When God questions your manhood…. Well :-)

  • 38:4 God only has one question, one challenge “Where were you when I…”  

    • God’s single question to Job both at once, challenges Job to present his qualifications, his own high counsel and clarify why he thought that he was qualified to challenge God.  At the same time this allows God to present his own counsel for all to see and gain knowledge from. 

  • But what was the point in God speaking like this? Was this a boast? 

    • This point as we read through his accomplishments is to get a thorough sense how God is accustomed to all types of scenarios, can do grand things, yet is ok getting “his hands dirty” to restore and renew. All of this according to His WHOLE counsel.

  • He is involved in ALL Stages of the Komos: 1.) Grand Creation, 2.) Ruin 3.) Restoration, with emphasis on Ruin and Restoration.

  • Grand Creative Example:  By His counsel, He laid the earth’s foundation, marked off its dimensions, and set its boundaries much to the approval of the morning stars and angels.  [vs. 8 -11]. You can read the rest in Chapter 38, and  in the book to be released.

  • God involved in Ruin Example;  He Is Ok when Things look Messy, Or where there exists Trouble or Deprivation, or Ruin: “ I have reserved for the time of trouble, For the day of battle and war?” (38:23)  You can read the rest in Chapter 38, and  in the book to be released.

  • God involved in Restoration Example;  He loves to Restore especially from Ruin: “Who set the wild donkey free?” (39:5-6) You can read the rest in Chapter 38 and 39, and  in the book to be released.

Job 39

  • As you read through Chapter 39, try to isolate when God Saves, Ruins and Restores

  • So there is only one question that remains:  What qualifies you to discredit God?  

We will see tomorrow.

I will end with this:

  1. To all unbelievers, agnostics, atheists – God does not have to prove Himself, or submit to your questioning or discrediting.    In fact it is the other way around.  Satan must be questioned by God. His counsel stands. 

  2. To all believers we are called to be witnesses and to testify of Him, not be consumed with providing proof.  He will prove all things in due time

  3. To all believers, all overcomers - we are not called to prove that there is a God.  We are called to testify and be witnesses of Him.   In the high court, we are the witnesses.  He provides the proof.  At the end of the day, we are His proof, the proof of His Counsel.

  4. To all unbelievers, agnostics, atheists, unless you can unleash your own fury, alter the fate of others, kill and make life so that even God Himself have to admit that you have the power to save yourself, then be quiet, and stop making yourself a fool by discrediting God.

    [Job 40:8-14] “Would you discredit my justice? Would you condemn me to justify yourself?  9 Do you have an arm like God's, and can your voice thunder like his? 10 Then adorn yourself with glory and splendor, and clothe yourself in honor and majesty. 11 Unleash the fury of your wrath, look at every proud man and bring him low, 12 look at every proud man and humble him, crush the wicked where they stand. 13 Bury them all in the dust together; shroud their faces in the grave. 14 Then I myself will admit to you that your own right hand can save you.”


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