Day 2, January 2 Bible Reading

Day 2,  January 2

Gen. 4-5 Cain kills Abel / Cain’s descendants / Adam’s descendants

Gen. 6 Corruption of humanity / Noah’s ark


Is there a first fruit mentality and approach to all that we are and to all that we offer to God of ourselves and our productivity?

Gen. 4

  • Why was Cain’s sacrifice not accepted? This was supposed to be a firstfruits sacrifice. Abel brought the fat parts from the firstborn of the flock.  Cain just took some of the fruit of the ground, an arbitrary selection for an offering.  He did not bring any first fruits 

  • Abel was the first man of faith [heb 11:4]

  • Abel was murdered by Cain. What was the blood speaking? It was saying “Avenge me God, from the Cain murderous spirit on the earth”. Who did God lay responsibility for the spilling of Abel? Yes it was Cain in one sense, but God laid total responsibility onto Mystery Babylon, that is Old Jerusalem. [Luke 11:50-51].  Jerusalem had the s[irit of murderous Cain and Christ avenged Abel and all the other prophets when Jerusalem was destroyed in AD 70.

  • Yet the Blood of Christ speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. The Blood of Abel Killed the Whore. The Blood of Christ establishes the Bride. [Heb 11:22-24] 

  • Lamech, Cain’s great, great, great grandson inadvertently killed Cain when out huntimg with his son Tubal-Cain. God had said that anyone who kills Cain will suffer seven times over [Gen. 4:15]. Lamech was scared. This was the first time a request was made by God to reverse a curse by dealing with mercy and forgiveness. Lamech called together a family meeting and appealed [Gen 4:24] “ If Cain is avenged seven times, then Lamech seventy-seven times."

  • We all know Christ mentioned seventy times seven as an appropriate appeal to stay ultimate judgment and instead of taking action at the offense, and to forgive to the ultimate. This is the spirit of what Lamech was appealing to.

Gen. 5

  • The only other person where the phrase “walked with God” was used was Noah interestingly. 

  • Enoch represents the icon of those who although they find themselves in the death sentence, refused to submit to its control. The reality of death does not eliminate the press. In fact there is a realization that the press, the constant seeking to synchronize earth and heaven can interrupt the death process. Enoch represents a people who press to access a dimension of life that is called “I walked with God”, therefore demonstrating that it is possible to please Him tremendously. This pleasing results in a quantum leap , a jump to the end game, gaining intimate access to Him and to even resources previously not permitted – the tree of life. For Adam was barred from the tree of life, but Enoch was not.

  • You defeat the Death process through intimacy with God. How are you doing so practically?

Gen. 6

  • Enoch was an example of Oneness with God. Chapter 6 shows us the Perversion of Oneness that really irkes God.

  • Who were the sons of God?  I believe that they were beings directly created by Elohim Himself, that resided in the invisible realm and perhaps managed heavenly affairs with Elohim.    This includes: Cherubim and Seraphim, Elders, angels, arc-angels, messengers, strange creatures seen in the book of Revelation.  

  • "Son of God" is a term used for every being who God had a direct hand in bringing into being as they were made. That goes for angelic beings (watchers, etc), the HUMAN Jesus, believers who acquire the Holy Spirit and become spiritual children, as well as Adam himself.

  • The chapter introduced us to the Titans, the Nephilm, the Giants, illegal offspring of angels and the daughters of men, who roamed the earth like gods. In fact this was a time of great wickedness, punctuated by an obsession with perverting marriages and unions to achieve the illegal mixture of DNA, between angels and man, man and animals, man with man, and mixed breeding between animals. This is why The Lord wanted to wipe out everything, including animals [Gen 6:7] 

  • It was well known that these were angels. As evidence, Eliphaz, friend and detractor of Job, reclass this when he stated -  “If He puts no trust in His servants, If He charges His angels with error,” Job 4:18 

  • When God said his Spirit will not strive with Man, his days will be 120 years, that does not eman, man’s lifespan will be 120 years.  Many men lived after Noad for more than 120 years. It meant 120 years before judgment came.


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