The Meaning of Life Part 1

The Meaning of Life Part 1 - Musing from Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes may be the greatest philosophy book of all time. It answers the great question? Does my life have any meaning at all? It cuts straight to the point with the premise and reality of the meaninglessness of human life under the sun.

Everyone assumes life has a meaning. Only Ecclesiastes dare ask the question: Suppose it has none at all?.

The preacher starts [Eccl 1:2-3] “2 "Meaningless! Meaningless!"says the Teacher."Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless." 3 What does man gain from all his labor at which he toils under the sun?

The King James says vanity of vanities. What does vanity mean? It means that there is no purpose (no end - telios) just a finish (an end) which is death. So we are just chasing win d, on a treadmill, on the hamster wheel with no point to it at all. Paul calls it “dung.” You can imagine for yourself the more commonly used euphemistic word starting with “s” How can he ever arrive at this conclusion? Before we address this, think about it a little.

We are told after we are born to be good little boys and girls, eat our food, play nice and go to school. Why? So that we can grow up and find a good job? Why so that we can make money, pay the bills and when we find a good wife/ husband we would be able to take care of ourselves? Why? So that we have kids and retire well? Why? Because that is how life is. Then the circle begins again. Solomon’s question? What is the long lasting point. Yes we can have short term meaning, short term hope, short term pleasures while going through life, but that does not translate necessary into long term meaning or purpose.

But you protest? Surely Life has meaning. Is that so? Then let’s open the envelope and find out the nominations for the category – I am the meaning of and the point to life.

Let’s list the nominations: The meaning of life is to

  1. Get Wisdom, 

  2. To Be Happy, Have Pleasure, The Pursuit of Happiness 

  3. To Have Wealth, Money and Power, 

  4. To Serve Others and Your Fellow Man, and 

  5. To Be a Good Person, Religious, Spiritual, Pious. 

In other words the meaning of life is one or more of the following:

  1. Philosophy - To Fill the Mind,
  2. Hedonism – To Fill the Body,
  3. Materialism – To Fill the Pocket,
  4. Ethics – To Fill the Conscience or
  5. Religion – To Fill the Spirit.
Which one of these is the real meaning of life, if any? Stay Tuned.

(ref also "Three Philosophies of Life" by Peter Kreft)


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