When will Perfection come - Cessationism is Wrong

When will Perfection come - Cessationism is Wrong

What is meant in 1 Cor. 13:10 by "But when that which is perfect is come...?" What does "that which is perfect" refer to?

Have you heard people say when that is perfect is come, knowledge will vanish away, tongues will cease, etc.?

Here is the scripture they like to quote: 

"Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part. 10 But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away." 1 Cor 13:8-10

Here is what the Bible ACTUALLY says.
  1. Love never fails UNLIKE prophecies, tongues, knowledge.
  2. Love never fails as compared to prophecies.. they fail.. Example Trump
  3. Love never fails as compared to tongues.. they can cease.. you can lose your tongue
  4. Love never fails as compared to knowledge.. they vanish. You can forget things..
  5. We live in part now
  6. However when that which is perfect is come, that which is in part will be done away. ONLY the IN PART will be dome away
  7. When that which is in part will be done away... What does that mean? It means ...LOVE never fails, Prophecies will never fail, Knowledge will never vanish away and Tongues will never cease BECAUSE THE IN PART IS GONE.

It never said when the perfect is come knowledge, miracles and tongues would cease.

It says when that which is perfect is come the IN part will be done away, so that in "the perfect " state Love will never fail, as well as knowledge will never vanish away, which it does during the "in part" state, tongues will never cease in "the perfect" state, which it does during the "in part" state, and prophecies will never fail, which it does in the "in part" state.

Basic comprehension people. Basic.

That which is incomplete will be done away.

Prophecy, Knowledge, Tongues by themselves are not incomplete. WHAT WAS incomplete was prophecies keep failing, knowledge kept vanishing and tongues kept ceasing.

What is complete is when prophecies NO LONGER FAIL, Knowledge NO LONGER VANISHES and Tongues NO LONGER CEASES, JUST AS LOVE NEVER FAILS.

So to stop saying, when the complete has come, the partial will be done aawy, so knowledge, tongues, prophecies will vanish.

My response is, "a
nd when in part goes away, we will no longer know in part. You will know IN FULL. Are you saying you want to be an invalid, mentally incapacitated?"

Here is an example of similar usage of scripture.  In the new Covenant we will know longer say "Know the Lord",  for EVERYONE will know Him. That's an example. People  don't understand eastern language

So anyone using this scripture to preach Cessation, needs a course in basic comprehension.

"There are far, far too many documented miracles for that to be the case. We have writings from Early Church Fathers in the 2nd and 3rd Centuries, after all scripture was written, documenting tongues/prophecies/healings as well as modern miracles." Michael Womack

Finally what does the "perfect" refer to here, when it says "that which is perfect has come"?

This is why using and interpreting scripture with interpret scripture is the ONLY method that should be used.

The word is teleios. It means completeness/ maturity

It does not mean Second coming, when the Lord returns etc.

The main usage and context is to be presented complete in Christ and Love makes us complete

So when will perfection come? When will full completeness and maturity come?

Col 1:28 "Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus."

So the perfect comes when we are presented perfect in Christ.

It is INTERNAL perfection. A State of Being, nothing to do with a perfect creation, no mosquitos etc.

“For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.”  1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:12‬ 

The only time "we will know as we have known" is when we are face to face with Christ, seeing Him as He is, when corruption has been swallowed up by incorruption and we are in our resurrected bodies.  For those who are believers, that happens as soon as we die, for in Christ we never die, life is never interrupted and we Live.

So we need to stop with ALL private interpretations saying what we THINK it means and use scripture to interpret scripture.


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