Day 1, January 1 Bible Reading

Day 1, January 1

Beginning of Civilization – 2066 BC

Gen. 1-2      Six days of creation / The seventh day / Adam and Eve

Gen. 3         The temptation and the fall / The consequence of sin


lf Adam & Eve were Chinese we would have been in paradise because they would have ignored the apple and eaten the snake. -Mugabe  [AND.. it would have tasted like chicken, said the Trini]


Genesis 1

  • All of existence, all of reality is about God creating after His own Kind.  The Bible is a story of this.

  • The word for Beginning is FirstFruit… This is the First fruit of the God Kind Harvest. If the Beginning is a Firstfruit of Divine productivity, we can easily see how Christ is the Beginning Personified, the First.

  • God wanted to reproduce Himself, after His own Kind, and the way to do so was to make Man in the Beginning, Male and Female, in the Image of Him [Matt 19:4].  However with Christ, God made Himself the Firstfruit, in the form of Man.

  • What is the End? Simply put, the end is “God All in All”.  So Christ is the Beginning and Christ is the End. 

  • The 7 days of creation is not describing a material creation.  It did not outline exactly how He created atoms, protons, the actual dirt you walk in etc.  That was not the intent. In the eastern culture something is not created until it is functional.  In fact function is the most important.

  • God created the ingredients of the earth and He created the earth. Genesis 1 was not concerned with material creation. It was concerned with ontology, functional creation, having the earth formed and without void to have God and man dwell, the first temple arrangement.

  • The first three “Days” were Kairos Days, that is Days determined by God’s Calendar in the Heavens, by the calibration of Light and Darkness.  The Sun, moon and stars were not yet created, yet it was still Day and Night. The last three Days are Chronos Days, literal Days of the Earth as determined by our Sun. 

  • The first three days was the divine work of separation.  The second three days was the divine work for filling the void. 

  • The First Man was created and had Eternal Life, but was not yet Immortal. He failed to complete his journey and process to be a fully realized God kind. The Second Adam was birthed from above into this dust, and also had Eternal Life and was not Immortal. He completed His journey and should us the first fruits, the beginning of a new creation.

  • While God may very well have been involved in physically creating these creatures, the Genesis 1 narrative is not concerned with this. Its purpose is to show Yahweh’s cosmic order in this giant cosmic temple of heaven and earth.

Genesis 2

  • Man needs to leave parents to be join to a woman to become one flesh.  There is no place for a mama’s boy in marriage or in the Kingdom.

  • To the woman, apart from greatly multiplying her sorrow, in childbirth, the curse included husbands to rule over her “Your desire shall be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.”. It seems man is in charge, with the woman always seeming to catch up. If the curse is no more then there will be either no more man nor woman, or no one need to rule over anyone.  Therefore in a real marriage without a curse, both man and woman should be equal partners.

Genesis 3

  • Fallen Sin Nature is not in the Bible. It is referred to as Corruption. Let's see how God described the effects of the Fall shall we?... He described it as corruption [Ps 14:3] and [Gen 6:2]

  • Adam's Death = Corruption of Soul and Body leading to permanence of mortality and loss of life/soul.. Christ's answer? corruption swallowed up by incorruption; mortality swallowed up by immortality.

  • What was the First Knowledge of Good and Evil that Adam and Eve experienced? Answer: They knew that they were naked.  How do we get clothed again? Christ clothes us again with righteousness.

  • The Soul is NOT Immortal.  Only God is inherently immortal. The soul was never declared to be immortal. It dies

  •  The question Satan gave Adam and Eve "Did God say you will surely die?... The real question is if God is in me, would I stay dead or never live again…

  • Death is the death of soul that perishes when the body perishes. Before Christ, souls when to Hades, lost as it were, and could never live again. Since Christ we shall never die, meaning, not that our body will never see death but that our souls will never be lost in Hades and be lost there. Death of the soul is the real death, not [just] the death of this fleshly body.

  • God putting Adam and Eve out of the garden was an act of Love not a punishment. What an awesome father he is full of love for his children. In Jesus Christ he made provision and he became our tree of life. This is the God I have recently come to know and appreciate with all my heart. This new understanding draws me near to him instead of pushing away. He took them out of the garden but not out of his presence. He looked after them and protected them. He knew Adam would disconnect from Eve so he put desire in her towards him. Great is our God.

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