Day 27, January 27 Bible Reading


Day 27,  January 27

Gen. 40       The cupbearer and the baker / Joseph interprets two dreams

Gen. 41:1-40  Joseph interprets Pharaoh’s dreams

Gen. 41:41-57       Joseph is put in charge of Egypt / Joseph’s sons

Gen. 40

  • 40:1-7 Joseph at the age of 28 years old is proving to be a master at organizational behavior, psychology and networking.  He noticed that both the butler and baker were sad the morning after their respective dreams.  Honestly, if I was thrown into the pit due to no fault of my own, thrown into jail because of a woman, I would be very distrusting of people.  I would want to have nothing to do with people.  I would be clinical in executing my job.  I’m in charge of this joint, well under the warden, and I really don't have to cater to why you are sad. This actually speaks to the heart of Joseph, always willing to be used by God to help others. 

  • 40:9-22 Joseph correctly interpreted the dreams of the both the butler and the baker and unfortunately for the baker it was his death sentence. For the butler, his restoration.  

  • I guess it sucked to be the baker. I wonder what was his mood and what he was thinking for the next 3 days

  • Unfortunately for Joseph, it seems he was forgotten again.  It seems his life is a disappointment.  He was not very fruitful right now.  How is that Birthright looking on you now Joseph?

  • Once again Joseph has a reason to be disappointed in people.  Have you ever been disappointed in people?  Did it cause you to be sidetracked in life?  Did you miss an opportunity to be restored because you retained that hurt? 

Gen. 41-1:40

  • 41:1-14 Pharaoh's turn to dream: 7 fine looking fat cows vs 7 ugly gaunt cows, with the 7 ugly and gaunt cows devouring the 7 fine looking and fat cows..  Well nothing politically correct about that dream. Who says you cannot be fat and fine looking also?

  • The butler finally and conveniently remembered Joseph, after two whole years, maybe because he did not want to be caught back up again under Pharaoh’s anger, with the possibility of having his head cut because no one could interpret Pharaoh’s dream. Joseph was cleaned up and presented.

  • 41:15-41 I like it when Joseph said “the thing which I have SPOKEN, God has SHOWN” [Gen 41:28] That represents a divine partnership of the highest order.  You should also transform from just having a dream to one who is discerning and wise.    Too many people want to speak what God has shown them, or what they dreamed, but  they are not wise and miss out on an opportunity or crash.  Wisdom is better than any dream you got. Better yet wisdom is the thing that causes your dream to come to pass.

  • Joseph was ready for his moment when the opportunity arises before Pharaoh. This time his sales pitch and close plan was better. “Now therefore, let Pharaoh select a discerning and wise man, and set him over the land of Egypt…”  Joseph perhaps knew fully well that he may be that wise man as he was the only one as used by God to interpret Pharaoh's true.

Gen. 41:41-57

  • Joseph was set over the land, given Pharaoh’s signet ring, got a woman (finally), and named changed to Zaphnath-Paaneah, Egyptian “God Speaks and He Lives”.  What better way for people to know God speaks when you help reveal people’s reason for being, their passion or dreams, or pinpoint exactly their trauma and show them the way out.  By the way, 28 years old is the perfect age to be married.

  • Joseph has two sons.  Remember these names: Manasseh - “God has made me forget” and Ephraim: “God has made me fruitful”

  • Joseph had a brilliant plan. Save 20% of the GDP annually for the next seven years of plenty.  At the end of the seven years, Joseph would have had a year and five months worth of production saved for the famine.

  • Joseph represents a type of “prophet”, God’s spokesperson, who can give Global Insight into economic systems and systems of thought, from an “above” perspective.  We need students, young people who can be well versed in History, economics and social systems, not just "bible".

  • Christians are supposed to display intelligence (and wisdom) with faith... not Paranoia, Doomsday attitudes, and generally irrelevant to the earth.  If you come to God with one brain cell, you are supposed to get at least two brain cells.  Don't be in a place where that one brain cell is killed. That is not God.


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