Suicide Part 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ

Suicide Part 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ


Assumption 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ, it's unpardonable and reverses his acceptance of Christ, hence lost forever.


The notion that if someone killed themselves they automatically goes to hell, I think has no merit and has strongly been influenced by Catholic doctrine

Let's see how silly this is.

Adam committed the ultimate suicide, the death of the soul, and the ultimate genocide, since in Adam, all men die.

If Christ can save Adam he can save anyone who committed suicide.

Adam's death is the first death. He committed suicide, the ultimate suicide which is not the death of the body but the death of the soul. The death of body is NOTHING. I don't know why we are so fascinated with the death of the Body.

First Death: When Adam died all men died.

Do you agree?

Well since then all men before Christ, when they die, their soul perish, was lost in Sheol/ Hades.

The grave/ tomb is not Sheol. Sheol does not mean grave or tomb. Sheol is the place of the Unseen.

Upon Death (Before Christ and His Resurrection):

- spirit (God's breath) goes to God (Heaven)

- Soul descends to Hades and Sheol (Aidos - Unseen)

- Body goes to dust/ Tombs (mnēmeiois (Greek);and Graves ( queber (Hebrew))

So whether you commit suicide like Saul or Abimelech etc, you all went to the same place, Hades.

Before the resurrection all men went to the same place.... Sheol, Hades, commonly referred to as the pit. Christ went to Sheol when he died also. Where was Sheol? It was in the Heart of the Earth (Matt 12:40) Sheol/ Hades the unseen place in the heart of the earth commonly mistranslated as 'hell'.


Paul declare something so fantastic, that he said he may sound crazy for saying so. He said in 2 Cor 5:13-14, that if he sounds crazy blame God, but if he does not sound crazy, it was for there benefit. The CRAZY conclusion was the LOVE OF CHRIST COMPELLED HIM TO CONCLUDED that "When Christ died, ALL MEN DIED [Again]"

Please note that. It was the Love of Christ that compelled him to conclude that "When Christ died, ALL, not just believers, but ALL men died."

Question for you. If you recoiled at Paul's conclusion, is it the Love of Christ that motivates you, or some theology or man's tradition that you have heard? If you are defending that upon suicide man goes to hell, are you motivated by the love of Christ or something else?

Once again, when Christ died all men died [again] - He killed what was killing man and prevented man from attaining to life.

In Adam's death, the first death, it is - The death of the soul in Hades that occurs when your body goes to dust is the first death.

Now, since Christ is the last Adam... all men died when He died, but not all men do not yet live.. You have to live by faith.

But Paul declare "out of Him, through Him, and back to Him" as all things.

We agree that everything is out of Him, but we don't want to agree that everything will go back to him.

Since the Cross, everyone is making their journey back to Him, through Christ.

Some farther along than others.

That's why aborted babies etc, go to "heaven" because of the cross. They died at the cross when Christ died.

The growth of their inner man continues on the other side.

Those who accepted Christ, and do live, their growth of the inner man starts here, with the sanctification process, baptism by fire, for as Christ stated ALL MEN must be seasoned by fire. That is how they experience the second death now.

However, upon physical death of the ones who begun their sanctification process by fire of the Holy Ghost here in this life, you don't experience a second death when your body does to dust. You experience life uninterrupted.. Your reward is to reign with Him. But obviously you would be reigning over someone...

Those who Christ died for, and who died when He died as the Second Adam, but refuse to live, and let's say for arguments sake folks who commit suicide, *does that reverse the decision that when Christ died all men died?* No.

Upon physical death of the Un-sanctified in Christ - their second death experience, that started with Christ dying on the cross, is death the soul in the Lake of Fire that occurs when your body goes to dust is the second death. This begins their sanctification process as all men must be seasoned by fire . This is sanctification and seasoning at maximum wattage. It would be terrible. Their souls will suffer loss, ruin [appolumi] .

The Lake of Fire is the sea of molten glass which is the Brazen laver in the heavenly temple. It was called the sea of molten glass because the women melted their bronze mirrors to create the Brazen sea. It was used by the priests to wash themselves and was their robes before entering the Holy Place.

That is why there will be "sinners" in the new heavens and earth, and we see even though many were cast into the Lake of Fire [which is not HADES/ Hell nor Gehenna/ Hell nor Tartaroo/ Hell] , the wicked were found ON THE NEW EARTH, but outside the gate.

"For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth;

And the former shall not be remembered or [f]come to mind" ....

No more shall an infant from there live but a few days,

Nor an old man who has not fulfilled his days;

For the child shall die one hundred years old,

But the sinner being one hundred years old shall be accursed" [Isa 65:17,20]

Now tell me. Why would God have wicked people on the NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH again. Isn't that risky business? Why not just wipe them out.

So let's say you commit suicide and you conclude that they deserve to be in the Lake of Fire. What happens is that they are found on the New Earth outside the gates as Rev 22 states the dogs and wicked are found.

But guess what. The Spirit and Bride is telling them, those outside the gates to come, drink of living water, wash their robes, and eat of the tree of life.

Now tell me. Does Christ need to come and eat of the tree of life for the healing of the nations? No. I thought the Bride of Christ was already healed? Yes. So who needs to be healed? There you have your answer.

Everyone who comes out of Him, goes through Him and will go back to Him as Paul stated.


So in conclusion, it is not a matter of if when you commit suicide if it reverses the decision they made for Christ instantaneously upon death. It can.

The real question is - Those who Christ died for, and who died when He died as the Second Adam, but refuse to live, and let's say for arguments sake folks who commit suicide, *does that reverse the decision that when Christ died all men died?* No.

So is the Cross stronger or is the individual decision/ choice stronger? That is the real question. Why is there is tree of life for healing of nations after the new heaven and earth? Why is the Spirit and Bride telling the dogs on the outside to come? Something tells me Christ is really someone who seeks all lost [apollumi/ ruin/ perish - same word], even if the lost have to experience ruin,death, loss, shame.

Whose decision will win out?


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