Day 23, January 23 Bible Reading

Day 23,  January 23

Job 35-37   Elihu speaks to Job

Elihu’s Inadvertently Advocating for an Impersonal and Calculating God

Elihu had some great points.  In fact chapters 36 and 37 have some excellent descriptions on the might of God as revealed through His works.  It is worth a read.

However the problem is, that Elihu has already concluded that since no one can Find God, since no one Can See God, no one can Know God. That was not correct. 

Job 35 

  • 35:6-8 Elihu continues his discourse by asking Job if he thinks he is just to say that he will be cleared by God and that there is no advantage to gain by not sinning.  Elihu’s reply is to indicate that God is so high above the heavens that He is unaffected by someone sinning or by a person’s stand for righteousness [Job 35:6-8]   

    • Is this true?  I have certainly heard people give the same argument. Our sins in a sense does not affect God, but in a truer sense it does affect our relationship with Him.  God is not an impersonal, distant God.  God wants a relationship.  

    • Elihu, having good intentions, but misaligned understanding, is once again mischaracterizing God’s character. 

  • Elihu, has now adopted the “I am God’s spokesperson” posture. “I will speak on behalf of God”. This will get interesting. This is what He says of God

  • 35:9-12 Why is God Silent at Times?:  When people cry out because of oppressions, He does not answer, because of the pride of evil men, because no one says “Where is God my Maker”, even if they are oppressed. (35:9-12) It is man’s fault that He does not answer.

  • 35:14-16 God Waits for the Right Time to Punish:  Just because He has not punished yet out of His anger or He does not pay attention to man’s folly, people like you Job, feel confident to talk big and open your mouth in vain. (35:14-16)

Job 36

  • God is Mighty but Does Not Act without Reason (He Despises No One): 

    • He Does not preserve the life of the wicked and gives justice to the oppressed. If the “righteous” finds themselves in chains or afflicted, it is not because he “despises” them like you say Job. (36:5-12)

  • God Delivers the Poor, Opens their ears in Oppression, but Hypocrites in HEART stores up Wrath. (36:13-15)

    • A Hypocrite in Heart is someone like you Job who do not cry out for help when He binds them.

  • Job You Prefer wickedness, and Iniquity; God Judges You Accordingly [Job 36:16-1]

    • [Job 36:17-19] Because of God’ Wrath, be careful He does not take you out with one stiff blow, and no amount of ransoms, riches or any of your army will prevent it.

  • God is Great and We Do Not Know Him.  Therefore remember to Magnify His Work (36:26-33) for that Can Be Seen. He cannot be Seen.

    • Look at the way he manages conventional rainfall and condensation; rain from mist, clouds; who can understand how clouds spread;    (36:27-29a)

    • What about His  Thunder from the canopy of the sky, the way He scatters light, covers the depths of the sea - this is How He Rules as King, judges people and gives food. (36:30-33)

Job 37

  •  Listen to the Thunder of His Voice. Listen to the Roar of God.  It Produces Lightning and Thunder

    • It’s as if Elihu is indicating you better Listen to God because He thunders, He talks loudly, He has a big Voice.  How many of you have pastors, bosses, fathers, who think just because they have a booming voice you have to listen, or they always talk gruff, or shout to command respect?

  • Everything Listens to God; You should also Job.  Winter is a Good example.

    • All the weather, clouds, everything is based on His command and guidance, on the face of the whole earth (37:6-12)

  • So Does God send earthquakes, tornadoes for correction, to teach man a lesson, or give mercy like Elihu says? (37:13) No, especially not in these days of Christ

    • " God is not counting men's sins against them 2 Cor 5, and God is NOT using weather to punish or judge anyone, period. Jesus rebuked typhoon like storms and did not bring them or cause them. It is hurricane season and it rains on the just and the unjust, when James and John wanted Jesus to call on the elements to destroy a few cities who didn't receive Jesus, He rebukes them. Anyone saying that it is the judgement of God are functioning from a wrong covenant and are bringing confusion to the body of Christ." - Jamie Englehart

  • The younger Elihu’s main point is God is Great, Just consider His Wondrous works, and you are nothing, so don’t think of yourself too highly.  There is nothing you can tell Him or defend yourself against Him.  Just fall in line and obey like all creation.

    • If a man would speak, surely he would be swallowed up (37:20)


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