Day 8, January 8 Bible Reading


Week 2:  January 8th - 14th

Day 8,  January 8

Gen. 24 – 25:18 Isaac marries Rebekah / Abraham’s death / Ishmael’s sons

Gen. 25:19-34 Jacob and Esau / Esau sells his birthright

Gen. 24 – 25:18

  • What was up with Abraham’s odd request to his servant to “Put your hand under my thigh.” One thought was, “thigh” also mean or is an euphemism for “loins,” Now why would Abraham tell his servant to touch his private parts? Because Abraham wanted him to swear on his descendants.  This was a descendant making an oath. What the servant was about to do is important for his posterity.
  • God’s promise that to his descendants he will give the land was more important than letting Isaac leave to find a wife.  Would you allow for what God has said, to adjust the priority of what you want in life?

  • The servant was very creative.  His approach was to see if the woman would give all his camels something to drink, not just him, was wise.  It was intended to find someone who was empathetic, saw a need and goes the extra mile, even at her inconvenience, who genuinely cared for the wellbeing of others, not just her own interests.  Did Rebekah change when she influenced Jacob against Esau?

  • See Rebekah, woman of God wore a nose ring, half a shekel in weight.  Why aren't Christian women wearing nose rings also? 

  • Do you know how much half a shekel of gold is? That nose ring was almost 30 carats in gold.  Bling bling.  The two bracelets were 10 shekels, almost 300 carats. Bling Bling Boom.  And some Christians still see jewelry as a sin. 

  • The servant had quite a story. When he told it, Laban, her brother, and his father Bethuel were convinced it was God. When he repeated it to Isaac, he was convinced to wife her, in his mother’s tent right away.  Quite a story eh?

  • Coincidentally how did they get married? By having sex.  In the Bible sex is marriage, not a ceremony. 

  • Isaac was comforted after his mother’s death.  Sometimes the best comfort is a new and purposeful companionship, and a relationship where you can be transparent. It does not diminish the previous relationship you had. 

  • Seems like a wife giveaway was happening. Well if Isaac could get a new wife, why not Abraham? Looks like that Canaanite Cialis or perhaps that Horny Goat Weed was working well.  Welcome Keturah to the family.  Note the Midianites were offspring of Abraham.

  • Special note: Abraham was not an Israelite. He was originally a Syrians, like the rest of his family [Gen. 25:20; Deut 26:5]).   Are you surprised?

Gen. 25:19-34

And not only this, but when Rebecca also had conceived by one man, even by our father Isaac 11 (for the children not yet being born, nor having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works but of Him who calls), 12 it was said to her, “The older shall serve the younger.” 13 As it is written, “Jacob I have loved, but Esau I have hated.” [Rom 9:10-12]

  • So we all know about Jacob and Esau being twins and the older, Esau serving the younger, Jacob.  We also see a lot of divided love happening: Issac loved Esau, and Rebekah loved Jacob.  Guess who else?  Paul said God according to election  loved Jacob and hated Esau? What does that mean? [Rom 9:10-12]

  • The reason for a remnant or elect was, whom would He choose to be the agent of salvation. Here is the real question. Is the election of an elect exclusive, that is, are they the only ones who will be saved? Does the election of Jacob imply the complete rejection [hatred] of Esau? Furthermore, Does the election of Abraham imply the complete rejection of everyone else? The answer is unequivocally no. 

  • The purpose for Jacob's election, for Israel being God's chosen people and for "hating" all others, was so that Israel would become the womb, from which the seed, Christ would come.  Hence the Old Covenant was designed to keep Israel as a special people, with its laws to hopefully ensure Israel would not be defiled, the land would not be defiled and Israel would have existed, not wiped out (hence there was always a remnant), so that Christ can come forth.  

  • Once Christ fulfilled the law, we ALL, Jews and Gentiles, we who were before NOT A PEOPLE, who believed as Abraham did, are ALL Chosen people, because CHRIST in reality was the ONLY ONE CHOSEN from the foundation of the Earth.  This is the TRUE PREDESTINATION.  CHRIST.

  • Therefore from an historical perspective, God determined that in life things will go favorably for Jacob (hence loved) and not so well for Esau (hence hate).  Jacob won the struggle for the birthright before they were born. But the goals was that Jacob/ Israel would be elected as an agent of salvation in order that Esau and all the nations would be saved.  Get it?

  • Things didn't go well for Esau. He sold his birthright, his right to have the seed of Christ go through him the right to be the elect, to have dominion and be fruitful to Jacob


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