Suicide Part 1: Is suicide considered to be the unpardonable sin?

Love the topic. I really don't think some of people on this thread are really addressing the issue. We think so religiously sometimes.

Behind that question are the following premises :

1. if someone who has accepted Christ, if they commit suicide, if they are ultimately condemn forever.....

2. Can someone who committed suicide ask for and be given forgiveness?

Let's consider first the logical ramifications of such a question:

I will present three assumptions for treatment of this topic:

Assumption 1: After Death there is no redemption anyway, so once you dead that's it.

Assumption 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ, it's unpardonable and reverses his acceptance of Christ, hence lost forever.

Assumption 3: No one can be forgiven if they commit an unpardonable sin.


1. Assumption 1: After Death there is no redemption anyway, so once you dead that's it.

Therefore the question could be moot point logically because based on what Christians teach, the logical conclusion is why does this even matter.

We teach, don't we, that upon death, there is no more subsequent confession, no hope for redemption.

When you commit suicide, you are dead.  And since upon death, there is no more confession, then who cares if it is unpardonable or not.  You are past the point of no return [according to our logic].

So really by asking whether suicide is considered unforgivable, logically you are question if it possible for there to be confession after death.


My answer: The bible never teaches death stops a confession.

Yes because no where in scripture says believing stops at physical death. It says there is judgement and accountability after death.

A few Patterns in Scripture to show that Death does not stop a confession and as Paul stated, all things EVEN under the earth will confess.....

"that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father." [Phil 2:10-11]

This was Paul's commentary of Isa 45

“Look to Me, *and be saved*,

*All you ends of the earth!*

For I am God, and there is no other.

23 I have sworn by Myself;

The word has gone out of My mouth in righteousness,

And shall not return,

That to Me every knee shall bow,

Every tongue shall take an oath.

24 He shall say,

‘*Surely in the Lord I have righteousness and strength.*" [Isa 45:22-24]

Notice even after death you can confess that "In [The Lord] Christ I now have righteousness and strength" which is  what Isa 45 says, and Paul *shortened* it to "Jesus is Lord" in Philippians. That's after death. That is how Paul interpreted Isa 45.

Once again to be clear, according to Yahweh in Isa. 45 and Paul in Phil 2,  humans can confess "Jesus is Lord" after death, and  according to Isa 45 God defines that as salvation, and that they are actually declaring that  "In Him I have righteousness and strength"

In Isa 45 he says that is how the whole earth will be saved by swearing this and knees worshiping Him even if as part of the process he has to put many to shame first.

NO ONE can confess ""In the Lord I have righteousness and strength" to His Glory IF IT IS NOT TRUE.

Yet every tongue will confess that "In The Lord I have found righteousness and strength"

Does that sound like a forced confession?

When you reject Christ now, or commit suicide, you are made accountable to Him, you are in ruin, you suffer loss, apollumi, you perish, you are put to shame.

SO it is possible, someone who commit suicide will have their lives interrupted, perish, suffer loss,apollumi, put to shame, made accountable, but after accountability it will not stopped them from "under the earth" to confess. "In Him [Christ] I have righteousness and strength"

That is what the Bible says.   Christ even did it... [1 Pet 3:18-19]

It is better in Christ Now, have your life uninterrupted aka eternal life and not suffer ruin, loss. It's better to gain life now uninterrupted aka eternal life and not suffer ruin, loss. It's better to gain life now


A wise woman said.....

2 Samuel 14:14

For we will surely die and become like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up again. Yet God does not take away a life; but He devises means, so that His banished ones are not expelled from Him.

So Judas, Adam, Saul will also confess  "In Him [Christ] I have righteousness and strength" , even after they all committed suicide.

Even Sodom and Gomorrah will return back to their former state, because Israel was 100 times worse. [Ezekiel 16:48-55; Matt 10:15]


So God is not limited by physical death to stop pursuing anyone.

Suicide Part 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ


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