
Showing posts from January, 2021

Day 31, January 31 Bible Reading

Day 31,  January 31 1805 - 1446 BC Ex. 1 – 2:10 The Israelites are enslaved / Moses’ birth Ex. 2:11-25 Moses kills an Egyptian / Moses flees from Pharaoh Ex. 3 – 4:17 The burning bush / God’s charge to Moses / Aaron’s role Ex. 1-2:10 1:1-7 Several hundred years have passed, after the death of not only Joseph, but the original 70 descendants of Jacob who came to Egypt. Ex 1:8-14 A new Pharaoh out of xenophobia and fear, enslaved thee children of Israel,  The children of Israel built some important cities such as Pithom famously known as Heroonopolis and Raamses. Ex 1:15-22 To resolve the potential threat of the illegal immigrants, Pharaoh went straight to Hebrew midwives to kill every son but keep the daughters alive.  He wanted to kill the seed of Abraham. What was interesting to me was it was said that these midwives feared God so much that they did not do as Pharaoh commanded, saved the male children and basically lied to Pharaoh as to why the Hebrew sons are not being killed.

Suicide Part 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ

Suicide Part 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ ------------------------------ Assumption 2 : If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ, it's unpardonable and reverses his acceptance of Christ, hence lost forever. ------ The notion that if someone killed themselves they automatically goes to hell, I think has no merit and has strongly been influenced by Catholic doctrine Let's see how silly this is. Adam committed the ultimate suicide, the death of the soul, and the ultimate genocide, since in Adam, all men die. If Christ can save Adam he can save anyone who committed suicide. Adam's death is the first death. He committed suicide, the ultimate suicide which is not the death of the body but the death of the soul. The death of body is NOTHING. I don't know why we are so fascinated with the death of the Body. First Death: When Adam died all men died. Do you agree? Well since

Suicide Part 1: Is suicide considered to be the unpardonable sin?

Love the topic. I really don't think some of people on this thread are really addressing the issue. We think so religiously sometimes. Behind that question are the following premises : 1. if someone who has accepted Christ, if they commit suicide, if they are ultimately condemn forever..... 2. Can someone who committed suicide ask for and be given forgiveness? Let's consider first the logical ramifications of such a question: I will present three assumptions for treatment of this topic: Assumption 1: After Death there is no redemption anyway, so once you dead that's it. Assumption 2: If a person who accepted Christ commits suicide, that amounts to a rejection of Christ, it's unpardonable and reverses his acceptance of Christ, hence lost forever. Assumption 3: No one can be forgiven if they commit an unpardonable sin. --------------- 1. Assumption 1: After Death there is no redemption anyway, so once you dead that's it. Therefore the question could be moot point logi

Day 30, January 30 Bible Reading

Day 30,  January 30 Gen. 47:28 – (chap)48     Jacob’s last wish / Jacob blesses Manasseh and Ephraim Gen. 49 – 50:14     Jacob blesses his sons / Jacob’s death and funeral Gen. 50:15-26       Joseph reassures his brothers / Joseph’s death Gen. 47:28-Gen. 48 47:28-31 Jacob put Joseph’s hand under his thigh (remember Abraham and his servant doing this also?) and made Joseph’s swear that he will not be buried in Egypt 48:1-8 Jacob elevated Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim to be his sons, and placed them as part of the blessings of Abraham, to be included in the inheritance of the land. They became one of the twelve tribes of Israel with the same status as those who came out of Jacob’s loins.  In this way Joseph received a double portion. Note also one of the things Jacob reminded Joseph was that the land would be an everlasting blessing.  This English word “everlasting” can be a bit misleading at times. OK, at ALL times. In the Hebrew, it is a term that is related to the dura

Day 29, January 29 Bible Reading

Day 29,  January 29 Gen. 45:1-20  Joseph reveals himself to his brothers / Pharaoh’s invitation Gen. 45:21 – 46:27   The second return / Jacob and his family move to Egypt Gen. 46:28 – 47:12   Joseph and Jacob are reunited / Jacob meets with Pharaoh Gen. 47:13-27       Joseph and the famine Gen. 45:1-20 45:1-8 Could you imagine the emotional release occurring here? If Joseph was a different man (ok like me), emotion would be held in check until I gave them a good “come to Jesus” lecture.  But sometimes as a man, a good cry to release all the inner hurt, can help with the reconciliation and inner healing. What if estranged brothers, siblings, did this? It is one thing to see a woman cry, but a man? That should happen more often.  As I write this (Jan 20), Biden was inaugurated.  A man who was about to be President weeps publicly , just as Christ weeped publicly for Jerusalem.  More men of God should be like this. It is interesting to compare Job’s and Joseph’s suffering and it’s concl