Day 31, January 31 Bible Reading

Day 31, January 31 1805 - 1446 BC Ex. 1 – 2:10 The Israelites are enslaved / Moses’ birth Ex. 2:11-25 Moses kills an Egyptian / Moses flees from Pharaoh Ex. 3 – 4:17 The burning bush / God’s charge to Moses / Aaron’s role Ex. 1-2:10 1:1-7 Several hundred years have passed, after the death of not only Joseph, but the original 70 descendants of Jacob who came to Egypt. Ex 1:8-14 A new Pharaoh out of xenophobia and fear, enslaved thee children of Israel, The children of Israel built some important cities such as Pithom famously known as Heroonopolis and Raamses. Ex 1:15-22 To resolve the potential threat of the illegal immigrants, Pharaoh went straight to Hebrew midwives to kill every son but keep the daughters alive. He wanted to kill the seed of Abraham. What was interesting to me was it was said that these midwives feared God so much that they did not do as Pharaoh commanded, saved the male children and basically lied to Pharaoh as to why the Hebrew sons are not ...