Why Did God Choose a Remnant

The entire book of Haggai deals with this....

But I will briefly highlight Paul's commentary on the Book of Haggai....

"Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace." [Rom 11:5]

"For if their [NON REMNANT] being cast away is the reconciling of the world, what will their acceptance be but life from the dead?
For if the firstfruit [REMNANT] is holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root is holy, so are the branches." [Rom 11:15-16]

The principle of the remnant which A LOT OF PEOPLE MISS.... is that He need to preserve a remnant so that it can be a holy leaven as it were, that guarantees the lump and the whole thing is holy.

A remnant or elect was not exclusive. the Remnant and elect were meant to make the whole thing holy...

The reason for a remnant or elect was, whom would He choose to be the agent of salvation. The real question is therefore, was the election of salvation exclusive to one group, to Jacob, as Calvinist purport or was it meant to be inclusive? Was the election of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob exclusive forever? Is the election of an elect exclusive, that is, are they the only ones who will be saved? Does the election of Jacob imply the complete rejection [hatred] of Easu? Furthermore, Does the election of Abraham imply the complete rejection of everyone else? The answer is unequivocally no.

This is how God works as Paul saw it. God’s election is one so that his purpose will stand and it will not be credited to anyone’s works. [Rom 9:16] “6 It does not, therefore, depend on man's desire or effort, but on God's mercy”.

-- The main point is the elect REPRESENTED the others. A remnant represented the whole. The firstfruit is separated and they not only represent, but makes holy the entire harvest, the entire batch. Jacob’s election was vital for Esau’s final inclusion, not final rejection.

--- The purpose for Jacob's election, for Israel being God's chosen people and for "hating" all others, was so that Israel would become the womb, from which the seed, Christ would come. Hence the Old Covenant was designed to keep Israel as a special people, with its laws to hopefully ensure Israel would not be defiled, the land would not be defiled and Israel would have existed, not wiped out (hence there was always a remnant), so that Christ can come forth.

- Once Christ fulfilled the law, we ALL, Jews and Gentiles, we who were before NOT A PEOPLE, who believed as Abraham did, are ALL Chosen people, because CHRIST in reality was the ONLY ONE CHOSEN from the foundation of the Earth. This is the TRUE PREDESTINATION. CHRIST.

The remnant were those in Rev 12 who believed in Christ and were saved, delivered as Jerusalem was destined to be destroyed in AD 70.


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