What is your definition of "church"?

The word for church is Ekklesia which is a greek term for "the assembly of citizens of an ancient Greek state". This is the term for a local assembly or town meeting where concern citizens gather to discuss policies of the state and its implementation in a local jurisdiction. [Note the translators should have kept the word assembly or congregation instead on inserting the word "church" which is a completely different greek word with a secular meaning]

. It is a congregation, an assembly. The individuals are not the church. The Church is an corporate man, recognized in an assembly, a nation.

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica:
"In the New Testament, "ecclesia" (signifying convocation) is the only single word used for church. It (ecclesia) was the name given to the governmental assembly of the city of Athens, duly convoked (called out) by proper officers and possessing all political power including even juridical functions."

When Christ said "I will build my ekklesia", they immediately recognize that He declared that He will build an assembly, His own local civil body under His independent rule, where issues and policies of His state, i.e. the Kingdom will be discussed and its manner of implementation in a local jurisdiction, in the lives of its citizens. It was concerned with the expansion of the Kingdom. These were considered seditious words, as Caesar was dropped as King for Christ.

Ekklesia is a congregation or assembly of people, not church buildings, who recognize that they are citizens of a Kingdom. It was also the same word used in the Septuagint for "the congregation [ekklesia] of Israel"

From an administration and functional point of view, this is why we are called to be BOTH Kings and Priests. Kings handle the administration affairs of the state. They are part of the Executive Branch. They reign in life.

Priests maintain the moral authority and order. They keep the spiritual pulse, with constant reminders of the intent of law, or principles of the Kingdom. They were the mediators and function also as judges. They form the Judicial Branch.

There is no need for a Legislative Branch. There is only one law giver - Christ and only one law is now needed "Love others as I have loved you".

The church or ekklesia are simply the congregation of citizens in the Kingdom, called out to exercise civil authority in the Kingdom. Another way to think of Ekklesia is the following: the Ekklesia have been elected or called out by Christ to form His Congress and Senate in the Kingdom.

This is why the law is written on our hearts, and we understand the heart of God in matters affecting the life of its citizens.

The Ecclesia did not end in AD 70. The Ecclesia are the Kingdom's Embassies... The Kingdom is here on earth.

We bring to bear upon the nations Kingdom definitions of lifestyle.Again Church = Kingdom Community.....

You individually ARE NOT the Church. It is a Family that sources its life from the Kingdom and impose it upon structures on earth.


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