Lake of Fire

Also the lake of fire or the molten sea is called the sea of molten glass, because it depicts the mirrors the women took and melted into the brazen laver, which was located in the temple used by the priest to wash off impurities before entering...

Remember Revelation shows the real tabernacle in heaven with all of its instruments including the candlestick, shrewbread, alter of incense, throne/ ark and brazen laver (lake of fire) to name a few...

Daniel saw it as a river of fire coming from the throne... John sees the river coming from the throne as the water of life... There could be two rivers coming from the throne comparing Daniel and John or they could be the same.

In any case Daniel saw it as a River fro the Throne (remember the Sea of Molten Glass was before the throne).. and John saw it as a Lake.

It corresponds to the lake of Fire... the Brazen Laver

The Laver also represents Sanctification (depicted by the washing), Consecration, Baptism

They are baptized by Fire...
Those who are thrown into the Lake of Fire are those who when Christ died all men died, but they NEVER PROGRESSED to Sanctification Process like all of us who believed in Christ.

Remember to gain and sustain life, you need to be:
1. Die in Christ (happened on Cross) 2.) Justified (by Faith Since Christ Rose) 3.) Sanctified 4.) Glorified

Most people are stuck on Phase 1 ...
The Lake of Fire is maximum baptism....

God is the consuming fire... The Word is a fire..


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